Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 855 It’s bad, I’ve become a conservative



In the morning, after going to the memorial hall to pay homage to the great General Seid, Dr. Bruno returned to the laboratory by car, combed the messy hair on his face, put on a white coat,

He walked into the space science laboratory as usual.

But, as soon as I came in,

Everyone in the whole room turned their heads and looked at him eagerly.

This reaction

Bruno was a little surprised,

What happened?

"Professor, you are finally back. Just ten minutes ago, the Mars Orbiter sent back a photo. You must come and see it!"

The deputy holding some documents quickly ran to Bruno and took out a color printed photo from the document.

"Did you discover anything later?"

Bruno frowned,

In addition to asteroids and meteorites, what else can orbiting probes photograph?

Is it possible that we can still take photos of aliens?

After taking the photo, Bruno wanted to say that his deputy's emotions were too exaggerated, but when he lowered his head and took a closer look, his pupils suddenly shrank.

I saw,

In the pictures taken by the orbiter, outside the arc of Mars and above the orbit, a blurry huge human-shaped black shadow is particularly eye-catching!

Humanoid shadow? !

"This is?!"

Bruno turned his head suddenly and stared at his deputy with those terrifying eyes.

"This is one of a set of photos, Professor, look at the others!"

The deputy swallowed, his heart filled with disbelief.

What exactly is that?


Professor Bruno quickly flipped through the document and saw several other photos.

During continuous shooting,

The black shadow stayed on the track, but disappeared after just one second!

"Is there something wrong with our orbiting detector? Did it conduct a self-check?"

Bruno still couldn't believe it.

The scene in these few seconds was so shocking.

"The probe has performed a self-examination, but no abnormalities have been found at all. It is not a problem with the probe, but...it was just in Mars orbit, and there really was this thing!"

The deputy swallowed.

Could it be that alien creatures are here?

"Don't panic yet. The opponent may still be in orbit. Start the detector's backup fuel and speed up the search in orbit!"

Taking a deep breath, Bruno's heart finally skipped a beat.

Is it really...an alien creature?

Why did the other party stay on Mars?

Will he come directly to their planet later?

Or is the other party already on the way?

"You, do as I say immediately, I'm going to contact the Ministry of National Defense!"

Thinking of this, Bruno took a deep breath, gave a few instructions, and immediately left quickly, came to the office, and dialed the military's contact number.

"Hey, this is the Space Orbital Research Laboratory. We have information to forward to the Keyhole Detection Center."

"Yes, that's right. Next, please pay attention to the situation within the distance from Mars to the Earth."


Bruno swallowed and said nervously:

"We must pay special attention to the abnormal orbit of the planet!"

With their current technology, they can find a human-shaped object in the vast orbit.

Although it is difficult,

But for the sake of safety, you can’t really do nothing!

When Bruno was nervous about the discovery of Mars,

He could never have guessed that Fang Jing had already arrived in extraterrestrial space and was floating in low-Earth orbit.

on track,

Looking at the blue planet in front of me,

Fang Jing's eyes flashed with intoxication,

No matter how many times he looked at the planet from space, he would be shocked from the bottom of his heart.

This is the earth,

Their cradle!

"It's only 2001, and China doesn't have manned space technology yet."

It seems that he thought of something,

A flash of excitement appeared on Fang Jing's face.

From having no manned spaceflight technology to ascending to heaven in one step and directly becoming a cosmic civilization,


He can't wait to see the expression of Master Dong in this world!

That's the kind of thing,

No, isn’t manned spaceflight still being tested?

Why did I suddenly take out my spaceship and conquer the stars and the sea?

"Well, let me first connect to...Earth's Eastern Satellite!"

Although there is no manned space flight,

But in recent years, Dongda's aerospace technology has been steadily improving, and at least it still has various satellites.


The in-orbit view locked onto Dongda’s satellite and made a data connection.

This is a transit satellite,

Fang Jing did not force the assistant to hack, he just operated it and let the main body help find some basic information.

The reason for being so cautious,

I'm just afraid that the assistant's powerful hacking ability will destroy this thing.

After all, it is our own spacecraft.

Don't be so violent!

"There are no abnormalities in the satellite self-test results. The technological level is basically the same as that of this universe in 2001. The international situation is also similar. There are no strange events in various continents. Everything is normal."

The assistant checked the information transmitted by the satellite and said that there was no special discovery.

"It's a 'normal' world again."


After experiencing several worlds, Fang Jingcai didn’t believe that this world would really be fine!

There might be some monster hiding somewhere!

"Okay, connect the Internet signal of the Earth to my terminal, and I will take a look myself."

Fang Jing decided to browse the Internet in 2001 first!

This is really a strange thing,

the ancient Internet world?


Fang Jing connected to the Internet of the Earth with a smile, connected to the website, and projected it on the screen in front of him.

Originally, he wanted to recall and miss the pictures of that era,

but what he saw was an extremely outrageous Chinese advertisement:

"Want smooth hair? Use Kuang Wang, arm hair, leg hair, back hair, shiny and never fall off, just use it!"

The devilish low voice, coupled with the ghost video,

In the picture, a monkey wearing shorts... shook the shiny hair on his body, and then held up a bottle of classic Kuang Wang hair, with a face full of comfort and pleasure, looking extremely weird.

The key is that the expression on the face of this monkey is extremely anthropomorphic!

And the mouth opens and closes, and it can actually match the lip movements!

"This... Which genius came up with this ad, using a chimpanzee to endorse a shampoo ad?"

"So crazy, so weird, this is 2001, will this ad really not be reported and taken down?"

Fang Jing almost spat out a mouthful of blood from the shock,

Is it okay to use a chimpanzee to endorse your shampoo ad?

You are insulting animals!

Moreover, although chimpanzees are also hominidae, they are completely different from humans, is it really okay to use chimpanzees for advertising?

"Are people in this world crazy so early?"

"This ad is really too advanced, so advanced that it even shocked me."

Fang Jing grinned,

Oh no, he has become a conservative!

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