Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 864 XXX The Captain Who Wants to Curse

In the eye of the storm that spans more than 200 million kilometers,

The shape is a bit strange, with one pillar holding up the sky and a ring in the middle. The spaceship is speeding.

in the spaceship,

The captain looked at the orangutan beside him anxiously.

"Captain, what's going on? Have you found Leo?"

Next to him, the ship's surveyor looked a little nervous as he looked at the hull that was constantly shaking in the particle storm.

"Not yet, but we have captured some signal residue and are tracking it."

"Follow the remaining signal and continue searching!"

After comforting the pilot beside him, the captain felt helpless, feeling numb after anger.

Leo the bastard!

Has he forgotten the reason why humans let orangutans drive detectors?

Isn’t it because orangutans are cheaper than self-driving computers, and they don’t have to feel bad if they die?

The result is good for you,

Something happened to the orangutan, why don't you, the human race, go and rescue him too!

The point is, you went along and rescued the orangutan, but luckily you got involved too!

What can the captain do?

When an orangutan dies, he dies. You, Leo, are just a human being!

So after struggling for a while, the captain could only make a decision to rescue Leo in the storm.

He is a crew member of the spaceship. According to the flight agreement and their moral values, it is both reasonable and reasonable to save him.

However, what puzzles them is that

There's something wrong with this storm!

"It seems like we've been here twice. This particle vortex has been here for a long time!"

The surveyor stared at the detector and frowned as he spotted the particle vortex.

"Besides, it seems we almost hit something just now?"

"What can be in this storm? Follow the remaining traces of the communication and continue searching. When I find Leo, I will beat him to death!"

The captain shook his head and signaled the surveyor not to think so much. When he mentioned a certain person, he gritted his teeth.

Go to the spaceship to protect animals, right?


When you go back, you must make suggestions. All spaceship crew selections must screen out people like Leo!

It’s not that you can’t love animals. You have to differentiate between occasions, right?

Isn't this Leo equivalent to,

There was a mouse experiment in the laboratory. A precious white mouse was dissected. Everyone was waiting for the slices to get the data. But in the end, you were lucky. You went on strike and started crying. It was so miserable...

Now, the captain is the person in charge of this laboratory,

He was so speechless!

Well, use genetic technology to modify orangutans, and then train them to perform dangerous tasks. Leo, why did you do this?

Just when the captain and crew members on the ship were speechless,

The dazzling and colorful particle light on the eye wall of the spacecraft suddenly flourished,

At the same time, the flow rate of the particle flow also suddenly accelerated, very quickly,

The hull of the ship began to tremble uncontrollably,

Keep shaking!

"What happened?"

The captain's eyes widened. Wasn't the vibration frequency wrong?

"I don't know. Maybe we have to go through the storm? The detector shows that Leo's bastard's communication traces are ahead. Do we want to continue?"

Surveyors responded quickly.

"...Go forward, after I find that bastard, I will lock him in a gorilla cage!"

The captain lowered his head and thought for a few seconds before suddenly making up his mind.

Although Leo is a bastard, he remembered the captain's oath:

Be sure not to abandon every crew member and strive to bring everyone back!

The deputy also roared angrily and conveyed the captain’s order:

"Dammit, keep going!"

In the storm, a burst of white light flashed, and the huge spaceship crashed into the white light curtain. Fang Jing, who was left behind, stared at the scene in front of him with wide eyes and shock.

Fang Jing happened to encounter this spaceship.

With the mentality of enjoying the shade under the big tree, he followed the spacecraft.


He saw this shocking scene!

At the bottom of the eye of the storm,

When the strange-looking spaceship hit the bottom, the surrounding storm suddenly accelerated!

The particle flow is speeding at a terrifying speed, and has a tendency to rush from the wall into the eye of the storm. No, it is not just a trend, the particle flow is really rushing in!

"Fuck, are you going to be okay?"

Fang Jing was originally frightened to death. The particle stream really rushed in. With his small body, he couldn't bear it. He was ready to teleport away. But when the particle stream hit him,

A surprising scene happened!

This particle jet made no movement at all when it hit him. It was very gentle. Compared with the jet he encountered just now, it was not on the same level at all!

"What's going on?"

Fang Jing took a deep breath and was greatly surprised.

"Anomalies in gravity data detected..."

Looking at the assistant's prompts, there is only such a simple sentence.

Abnormal gravitational conditions,

Wait, is it?

He suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of the bottomed ship,

The scene that appeared in front of him was beyond Fang Jing’s understanding!

At the end of the eye of the storm, the bow of the strange spaceship did not go directly through the storm, but entered a strange silver-white ball of light.

The light ball was at the core of the entire storm, floating slowly, and the surroundings were terrifyingly quiet.


What really shocked Fang Jing was,

He clearly didn't see this thing just now.


It appeared suddenly!

"Is this the reason why this storm is so strange that it can even make people travel through space and time? The white sphere?"

Fang Jing was stunned.

The sight before him exceeded his knowledge,

He just watched quietly as the spaceship rushed into the white sphere and completely disappeared in front of him.


Until this moment,

The white sphere has not disappeared either!

He just floated there quietly, and everything around him, space and time, seemed to fall into a strange tranquility. The violent particles became gentle, even the flames sprayed by the engine of Fang Jing's mimic armor. Also unusually gentle.

"Buzz buzz-"

But there is something different in this gentleness,

Fang Jing discovered it,

Even if he shuts down the engine,

His body was guided by the ball of light and fell towards it unconsciously.

"He's giving me gravity, drawing me there?"

This is not Fang Jing’s special reaction.

But it is true that there is such a gravitational force that attracts all objects that are close to the white ball!

"Go through!"

After thinking for a few seconds, Fang Jing made up his mind.

Since the spaceship can pass through, then he must be fine too!

"Speed ​​up and see where we shuttle to!"

The six engines behind it started,

The speed increased sharply, and Fang Jing galloped towards the unknown white ball!

He had a premonition,

He will see this white ball again!

Gradually, he disappeared into the silvery white light emitted by the white ball.

The light flashes,

Fang Jing has also disappeared!

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