Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 866 Leo's Bizarre Adventure

Fang Jing felt it was outrageous.

Looking at the detector data reported by the assistant in front of me, I cried out in my heart.

Can you still play like this?

In the world of the Ape Planet, there are no fluctuations in the subspace or the infinite realm.

I thought that after passing through the eye of the storm and arriving outside the orbit of this unknown planet, it would be normal.


Things get even more confusing!

this world,

There is infinity, but there is no subspace!

"Assistant, confirm the news again!"

Fang Jing swallowed, his eyes filled with disbelief.

No, are you serious?

"Detector calibration, start three verification procedures, the first time...; the second time...; the third time..."

"The verification is completed, the data is confirmed and correct, and the infinite fluctuations are obvious, but no subspace data is still detected."

"It's true!"

After hearing the news, Fang Jing was determined,

Nothing wrong!

The assistant's verification procedures are very strict.

Once Fangjing determines that the data may be wrong, the entire detector system will self-check three times and then detect three times. If the data deviation of these three times is 0.001%, the assistant will judge that the result is inaccurate!

Therefore, the assistant gave it a real hammer,

That’s all right!

"Wait a minute, let me give it a try, let me give it a try!"

Fang Jing felt that there were a lot of ideas in his head, so disorganized that he even ignored important information, so he decided to start with the plot of the movie "Battle for the Planet of the Apes" itself.

According to the plot,

Leo has traveled through three worlds.

The first one is of course the originally normal universe, where their ships went out to perform scientific research missions; the second one is an unknown planet where humans and apes live together, and the apes are in a dominant position and enslave humans; the third one is what Fang Jing just said Leaving the Planet of the Apes, a strange planet.

three worlds,

The world of the ape planet has not detected subspace and infinity; this world where humans and apes live together has infinity and no subspace...


If we follow the existing rules,

In other words, if you can travel to the normal world, subspace and infinite realms will exist at the same time!

The normal world, the world where humans and apes live together, the ape star world,

Subspace and infinity, infinity, nothing,


After discovering the existence of this pattern, Fang Jing touched his chin and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

This pattern is definitely not a coincidence, but an inevitable result!

"It can still be like this. It seems that this storm is not a simple natural formation!"

Fang Jing took a deep breath, stared slightly, and came to this shocking conclusion.


He thought that the particle storm was originally just a natural disaster in the universe.

But seeing the silver-white core,

After deducing these rules,

He was almost certain that this was definitely done by intelligent creatures!


Why is it so complicated?

Infinity, subspace?

Fang Jing narrowed his eyes,

I just feel that there is something incomprehensible,

Are you hiding, researching, or for something else...

"Anyway, this thing is definitely not simple. The detailed investigation will have to wait until I open the space door!"

Professional matters should be left to professionals.

Fang Jing was able to deduce this level based on clues, and he felt that he was already very powerful!

"In the remaining time, just explore and explore this planet!"

Fang Jing turned his head, suppressed the desire to explore in his heart, looked sideways at the blue planet in front of him, and took a deep breath.

This is a planet that is almost carved out of the same mold as the Earth. It is in the habitable zone, with sufficient and lasting sunlight. The surface of the planet is covered by a large ocean.

The only difference is that the continents inside the planet are huge!

It is simply several continents on the earth put together. It can be called an alien version of Gondwana. Several continents are spliced ​​together, with only sporadic small oceans in the middle. The sea breeze brings a steady stream of warmth and moisture to the continent. the wind,

These winds nourish the flourishing plants on the continent!

this planet,

There is no doubt that it is the unknown planet where the protagonist Leo and the spaceship crashed!

"I just don't know what timeline I came from?"

After scratching his head and throwing dozens of satellites in orbit, Fang Jing decided to take a look at the situation inside the planet first.

Although the timeline is uncertain,

But one thing he was sure of,

That's why he didn't see the spaceship mothership when he came out!

According to the speed of the mother ship re-entering the atmosphere,

If Fang Jing and the mothership traveled to the same timeline, then they would definitely see the spectacular scene of the mothership falling into the planet!

But he didn't,

Therefore, Fang Jing prefers...Leo's timeline,

That is the timeline of apes enslaving humans!


Fang Jing narrowed his eyes when he mentioned this word.

Let’s take a look!

Leo was confused,

His orangutan Perik lost contact during a mission to explore the storm. Uneasy, he made up his mind to secretly rescue him.

He felt very sympathetic to the orangutan;

But he knew that the other crew members on the other side of the mother ship would not agree at all.

Because according to the plan, these orangutans are expendable!

No one cares if he dies!

But he, Leo, cared, so he stole the detector, went straight into the storm, followed the traces and ended up falling into an unknown planet,

In the pond, Leo struggled to get up.

Surrounded by lush woods, just when he was wondering where this place was,

There was a disturbance in the trees,

Several humans wearing hemp leather clothes emerged from the trees, passed through Leo as if they were not seen, and ran away into the distance!

Leo was just about to ask where this place was and how come there were humans,

As a result, I saw this scene,

Although he has some axes, he is not really stupid!

Run away immediately with the crowd!

Although I don’t know why these people ran away, but when encountering such a situation, just run along!

What if there is a wild beast following behind?

Didn't he become the one who fell behind?


As a result, what came from behind was the rapid sound of horse hooves hitting the ground. The sound was very mixed. It was obviously not one or two horses, but many!

"Damn it, what is it that's chasing us?"

Leo asked around in a panic.

Unexpectedly, the humans around him could actually understand his language. One of the women in tattered clothes said with a horrified look:

"Slave-catching team, the ape-man slave-catching team is chasing us. If we are caught, we will be sent back and sold!"

"Slave-catching team??!"

Leo turned his head and looked at the woman beside him in surprise,

His skin is slightly malnourished and sallow, but overall he is white.

When did the slave catching team become so powerful that they also caught white people?


Wait, what this woman was talking about just now was... ape-man?

Ape man? !

With his eyes widened, Leo became even more confused.

What the hell is this ape-man?

Leo followed the chaotic crowd and ran away frantically.

But how could two legs outrun four?

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