Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 89 Combination punches, of course there are combos

End of June.

The Minister of Commerce continued to express goodwill, rejecting the request of the American pharmaceutical consortium and proposing specific cooperation intentions with the United States.

There is no doubt that once again a hot face touches a cold butt.

This time, it was the people of the country who had the first opinions.

After all, it’s really embarrassing to always be hot-tempered and cold-hearted, and people ignore you!

And China is still the victorious party now!

"What's going on? There's something wrong with this Minister of Commerce!"

"This has happened twice, and the people of the United States have ignored it at all, and still stick to it with a smile on their face?"

"Strict investigation, strict investigation is recommended!"

"Ah ah ah, Lao Mi doesn't agree, so he won't cooperate and get out? Damn it, what else do we still lack?"

"That's right, that's right, now he's trying to block us. He buys agricultural products directly from South America. We have the final say over the entire Pacific, and he still thinks he's the boss!"


Two consecutive acts of kindness were ignored by Mi Fang.

And this is the attitude of rejection.

Instead, it was as if Hua Guo was groveling.

The United States was obviously defeated!

The Minister of Commerce was also vaguely aware of the dangerous atmosphere in the country. After doing what he did, he immediately stopped showing up and completely disappeared from the news.

This matter.

In the past, everyone would have scolded him.

But fortunately, now, in the Nanhai Bay, the Golden Crow's controllable nuclear fusion has attracted everyone's attention!

this time period.

Nothing can shake the Jinwu Experimental Reactor under construction!

Even abroad, they attach great importance to it.

In mid-June, several camels jointly visited China.

The next day, news was released that Camel had invested 200 billion yuan in China's manufacturing industry.

Everyone showed an uncle's smile.

The camel was anxious.

They are anxious!

Fortunately, the Secretary of Commerce stabilized them.

"My dear kings, controllable nuclear fusion technology has become the mainstream of human energy. From now on, it is an unstoppable world trend."

The Minister of Commerce explained softly in a closed-door meeting:

"You guys can't stop this technology from happening."

"I know what everyone is anxious about."

"However, countries in the Middle East need not be so anxious."

"Controllable nuclear fusion technology is complex, expensive and highly technical. It will definitely be a long process for it to be promoted from China to the world."

"And the time of this process depends on the breakthrough time of other countries."

Even if China develops controllable nuclear fusion, it will definitely not share it like a fool.

I will definitely research more advanced ones myself, and only after there is an insurmountable generation gap will I consider selling the complete machine.

Therefore, the timing of the collapse of several camels in the Middle East does not depend on China being the first to make a breakthrough, but on the second!

The camel representative understands this truth.

Therefore, they left with a little peace of mind and left a large amount of investment in China.

These kinds of news.

This is the focus of Chinese people’s concern!

The great battle of the world.

Controllable nuclear fusion is the steam engine of the new world!

If successful, continue this shareholder party.

Not to mention the empire on which the sun never sets.

Countries across the entire solar system can be sorted out for you!

And in the dark, Bauhinia Pavilion.

"Okay, Xiao Zhou, don't sigh. To do great things, you must be able to withstand the doubts of the people!"

Mr. Zhu chuckled twice and patted the Minister of Commerce on the shoulder solemnly.

He shook his head and comforted: "People are easily influenced by limited information."

"Just know that you're doing the right thing."

"I know, Mr. Zhu, that the big capitalists on the west coast of the United States have begun to contact me through Australia and Liben."

The Minister of Commerce quickly adjusted his mentality.

Mr. Zhu is right, as long as you have a clear conscience!

He sat up straight and explained:

"After several rejections, they can no longer sit still!"

"Now, let's see the news from Jinwu. Once he succeeds, I will take action immediately!"

Minister Zhou's eyes burned.

He's ready to move.

When the Golden Crow declared success, it followed with a fatal blow.

Take action when the U.S. stock market is at its most volatile!

A fatal blow!

"Okay, we will fully cooperate with you here."

Mr. Zhu nodded and comforted him a few more words.

Then the two of them took their leave.

Each starts his own battle!

South China Sea Bay.

Three months passed by in a flash.

What can you do in three months?

In Europe, the United States, and other places, perhaps it is necessary to build a road or a small bridge?

However, in today's largest industrial country in the world.

Three months.

A huge experimental park is rising from the ground!

The controllable nuclear fusion body at the core has been capped!

Now, the countdown to igniting the controllable nuclear fusion body has begun.

The outer edge of the coast was already filled with people who stood up after hearing the news.

They stood in the distance, holding telescopes, and happily looked at the huge column standing in the park.

"The roof has been capped and the internal pipelines have been installed!"

"The final touches are being put in place now, the testing is complete, and scientists can move in."

"Who is the scientist responsible for this equipment?"

"He must be a very cool guy, after all, this is controllable nuclear fusion!"

“Does nuclear fusion also boil water?”

"Of course, the history of human development is the history of boiling water!"

"Boil water again?"


Jinwu has reached its ceiling!

The news was released, and the whole world was shocked.

The world that had returned to peace immediately set off a storm.

The Jianshu platform also became popular.

Perhaps it felt that this was an opportunity.

The Ministry of Energy decided that after the completion of Jinwu, the first ignition will be broadcast live worldwide!

The first ignition will be broadcast live worldwide.

This fully shows.

China's confidence in Jinwu!

After the live broadcast plan was finalized, the information about Jinwu's controlled nuclear fusion was also sent out.

The entire body of Jinwu has a radius of 30 meters and a height of 40 meters.

It is a well-deserved giant.

But it is much smaller than ITER.

In addition, the Ministry of Energy has put it on the bid.

This device is a prototype for controlled nuclear fusion. If successful, it will be used as a finalized plan for controlled nuclear fusion commercial reactors!

This is the official announcement.

If the technology has not been broken through, the Ministry of Energy would not dare to put such a bold label!

Seeing this, the public was excited!

What surprised people even more was the column of power generation method.

"Power generation method, magnetohydrodynamic power generation and steam turbine combined power generation, power generation efficiency is expected to reach 82%!"

"This, is this true?!"

"Damn, I really don't boil water anymore?!!"

"Damn, I really don't boil water anymore, for the first time, it's not mainly based on boiling water!!"

"Hahaha, a major breakthrough, finally no need to boil water!"

"Wake up, the person above, you still have to boil water, isn't there a steam turbine 'slanting smile' marked behind it."

"I really don't boil water anymore, my youth is over!"

The history of human energy use can be summed up in one word.

That is the history of the development of fancy boiling water.

And now, controlled nuclear fusion, actually doesn't boil water anymore? !

No, it still boils, but it's just auxiliary power generation?

Many knowledgeable netizens were shocked.

Compared with controlled nuclear fusion, this magnetohydrodynamic power generation technology is not much easier!

And China has mastered both technologies at once?


Now even the Chinese people are wondering if they have discovered something on the back of the moon.

After all, this technology is developing too fast.

It's like it's free.

And it's getting more and more sci-fi!

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