Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 95 The Star-Spangled Banner fell in the cold wind

Breaking news.

German Union referendum, with an overwhelming majority of 74.6% in favor of independence!

The moment this news broke.

The family spread throughout the world.

Texas, Provisional Congress Hall.

Members of the German Union Army personally climbed to the top of the building and took down the American flag that was hanging high in the air and dancing in the wind.

Then, the flag representing the German Union was raised high.

The red, white and blue flag, with the translucent white five-pointed star in blue, symbolizes the free people.

The flag is raised high.

In the parliament hall, Manton looked solemn and solemnly announced to the world:

"From today on, the German Alliance is officially established!"

"Everyone, cheer as much as you like, victory belongs to us!"

"Only belongs to us!"


With Manton's official announcement, the people in the entire square became excited.

They were victorious!

"Damn it!"

In the White House, Fred cleared everything on the table.

He glared at Fan Nuo beside him and asked loudly:

"Why, why is the result of the vote like this?!"

"Where are the voting results that you interfered with!"

"Your Excellency, with all due respect, we have used all means, and now it seems that there is no real 'referendum' in Manton..."

Fannuo realized the problem instantly.

If they take action, the result should not be an overwhelming victory for the other side.


The enemy has considered this from the beginning, and the result of this referendum has been determined from the beginning!

"Damn it, no wonder they never talk about freedom but never about democracy!"

Fred shouted angrily, his eyes gradually becoming colder.

"Now that Manton has made his choice."

"Then he'll have to pay the price!"

"Fano, all the troops will set out immediately. Manton will be rewarded with a high reward for treason!"

"I want to see his head myself!!!"


Fannuo agreed immediately.

Things have come to this.

War is inevitable.

The American Civil War has officially begun!

The first shot was fired at the border of Texas.

The time was the night after the referendum results were announced.

The American army took the opportunity to break into Texas.

However, the German alliance's army was also prepared.

The equipment and military quality of the two groups of troops were almost the same. The two groups of people engaged in a head-on field battle in the wilderness of Texas.

Played all night.

They are all taught by the same master, and no one can defeat anyone in a short period of time.

The so-called war means fighting logistics and economics.

After Mander learned of the exchange of fire at the border, he immediately summoned the MPs and began to organize follow-up response work.

The next day, the troops stationed in Benmi mutinied and announced that they would be under the management of the German Alliance from now on.

At the same time, Liben, Luzon, and Australia all announced that they recognized the German Union as an independent country.

Manton even used Australian mining companies as intermediaries to lobby the Eastern powers and wanted to reopen various economies and trade.

It is crucial for the German Alliance to reopen various trades with the Eastern powers!

This is even related to whether this war with the federal government can be won in the end.

Therefore, Mande attaches great importance to it, even at the expense of some interests.

I just hope that the economy and trade can be reopened.

The industrial chain of the German Alliance can begin to operate normally.

As long as it starts to operate normally, it relies on the huge market of the big eastern country.

A steady stream of meridians are replenished.

The federal government will fail!

By then, even if he doesn't recognize the German Union, it won't work!


Mr. Zhu was sitting in the office, listening to the information quietly.

Moreover, the intelligence contained a "letter of credence" from the German Alliance.

"Mr. Zhu, what do you think of the German Alliance?"

On the side, the Minister of Commerce glanced at the so-called credentials and chuckled.

"We cannot directly recognize the German Union."

Mr. Zhu shook his head.

The big country in the East is a responsible big country!

Even if the enemy is divided, the other party will have to solve its own internal affairs problems.

The translation is, wait until the German Alliance and the American Federation are fooling around before taking action!

"Haha, but we can give the German Alliance some hope. After all, we still need the Compass Institute of Biology."

With a sneer, Mr. Zhu prepared to take the dog for a good walk.

The German Alliance will definitely help.

But I can't help at all.

Just hang him so he can't die.

In this way, he can only be forced to rely more and more on the Eastern powers!

However, don't go too far.

This degree needs to be grasped well.

"Mr. Zhu is familiar with this matter, so I'll let you do it."

He nodded and handed the matter over to Mr. Zhu.

"Hey, just leave it to me!"

Mr. Zhu happily agreed.

He couldn't be more suitable to dig the grave of the arrogant America.

After the two arranged the affairs of the former overlord of the earth.

Staring blankly at the TV in the distance.

On the TV, there was a scene that looked very familiar to them.

The camera shows America the Star-Spangled Banner.

At the same time, the host stood aside and made a solemn announcement.

The United States is officially divided!

In the picture, the Stars and Stripes fluttering in the wind slowly fell, and then the flag symbolizing the German Union slowly rose amidst sacred songs.

This scene is so familiar, so familiar that it makes Mr. Zhu and the Minister of Commerce feel as if they have returned to the end of the year in 1991.

The flag flying high also fell slowly in the cold wind.

History is really a big cycle!

"Big brother, this is worthy of your help to us."

"Under the birch tree, we have not forgotten our original ambitions!"

Mr. Zhu murmured.

The Star-Spangled Banner fell.

An era is completely over!

A generation of hegemony has come to an end.

"The United States is really broken!"

"Civil War in the United States!"

"The German Alliance and the Federal Government officially exchanged fire, and an armored group confrontation appeared in the desert on the Texas border!"

"A generation of hegemony has ended. Under the civil war, where will the history of America go?"

"The Eastern power urgently carried out the evacuation of its citizens, and the German Alliance agreed to the warships to enter the coastal waters?!"

"Commissioned Leah Company to visit the Ministry of Commerce and request to reopen trade activities with the West Coast."

Almost instantly.

Various news filled the front pages of the media around the world.

This news is really too explosive.

America, which has dominated the earth for a hundred years, collapsed.

This is more shocking and terrifying than the disintegration of the Soviet Union.

The whole West was trembling!

The Eastern power and Russia lost the last shackles! .

The three-pole structure that lasted for several months collapsed.

Because Russia is not as strong as a certain Eastern power in terms of comprehensive national strength.

Now, a new pole is about to rise!

The status of a certain Eastern power can no longer be shaken.

Looking around, it is proud of the world.

After several years of war with Russia, the economy has been deformed; the United States is divided and no longer a threat; Western Europe is not united and fights on its own.

The only intact economy on this earth is a certain Eastern power.

Now is the time for the right time, right place and right people.

Check and balance, harvest!


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