Our Hometown

Chapter 98: Chen Ajiao's anger

Chapter 98 Chen Ajiao's anger

Yun Lang is a baby.

For Dahan, he is just a baby under two years old, and the process of exploring the world needs to be cautious.

When a baby opens his eyes to see the world for the first time, it may be novel, terrifying, or unconscious.

Yun Lang is a very experienced baby, which helps him to quickly integrate into this world.

The Han's sky is extremely clear, and the white clouds are fine, and at the same time, it also shows that this is not the industrialized world that Yunlang is familiar with.

Dazai is still angry with Yun Lang-he has given Yun Lang his most precious things, but has not received the expected surprises and carnival, which has caused a great blow to his self-esteem.

Even if Yun Lang was very filial to accompany him for dinner, he could not get a good look.

"Eat more tofu, your own calcium loss is serious, if you don't add calcium, the bones will be crispy."

"I like to eat meat!" Dazai picked up the fattest piece of pork and filled his mouth at once.

"There are not many teeth, don't eat meat, drink more soup!" Yun Lang put a bowl of big bone soup for Dazai and pushed it over.

These days, Yun Lang has been recalling the novels and records he has read about grave robbers and archaeological excavations.

Is to accompany Dazai to Shihuang Mausoleum.

The first emperor is really not enough to trust. He always has to be ready. When he enters, he can rest assured that facing the first emperor, Yun Lang feels that no matter how careful he is.

In order to see the Emperor's Tomb once, he lost his life and could not explain to himself.

If possible, Yun Lang would like to get tens of thousands of people to lift the mausoleum like the archaeological team, and wait for them to finish reading and record the tomb.

Doing this is at least safe.

As for the methods of tomb robbers, Yun Lang was terrified when he thought about it. Those **** authors designed too many horror elements in the book to increase the readability of the story.

But this is not bad, at least as the story tells, over-preparation is better than under-preparation.

"Today, Liu Po ​​and they are about to start reeling, you are not going to take a look? I heard that women basically don't wear clothes when they cook cocoon reel."


"OK, OK, don't want to see the woman, why not accompany me to burn lime, you don't want to see how I turned the pebbles into white powder?"


"Okay, okay, I heard the savages say that they lived with two old men specializing in clay figurines. I'm going to get them back and make statues specifically for the Lingwei people, don't you go and see?"

The chopsticks in Dazai's hand paused, or he slowly shook his head and said, "Do you plan to wait for the two craftsmen to kill them after they have finished the clay sculpture?"

Yun Lang was also stunned, and after a while, he said: "I can't stop!"

"When you killed Wei Zhong, they were a heart of iron!"

"Different, Wei Zhong, they are insiders, they are dead, and we are safe. The two craftsmen who made clay sculptures are different. They don't know about the emperor's mausoleum. If I invite them to work, they will finish their work. Kill, I really ca n’t do it. "

"Then learn the craft!"

"Who learns? I'm going to die all day, what is the difference between letting others learn and letting the statues of craftsmen? In the end, aren't you going to kill them?"

"I learn……"

After coming out of Dazai, Yun Lang was in a good mood. One always wanted to die, mostly because of boredom.

If his life is as busy as a dog, he still has time to think about some messy things.

In fact, Yunling has had another good way to make statues of Lingwei, that is, to sculpt a dozen molds, and then put the bones into the molds, pour the mud, wait for the mud to dry out, open the mold, A statue is made ...

Now, he is more willing to let Dazai make one by one, nearly two thousand bones, enough for him to get more than ten years.

The scene made by Liu Po ​​is very big. The place where the cocoon is cooked is on the edge of the hot spring. The hot spring water can not be used to cook the cocoon. So she used another good method. First, immerse the customized large wooden barrel in the hot And then pour the spring water into it, and in one night, the spring water in seven or eight huge wooden barrels becomes hot hot water.

Take out the hot water and pour it into a large cocoon-cooking pot. Soak the silkworm cocoons in the hot water filled with soap horns. After soaking for a while, put it in another pot with a higher water temperature and boil it, then remove it. Put it in a pot with low water temperature ... very hard.

Finally, silk reeling begins. Rows of wooden shelves with flywheels on them. After finding the cocoon head, the women will draw silk. Four or five silkworm cocoons form a silk. As long as the flywheel is turned gently, the silkworm cocoon will be cheerful. Rolling in the water, a few invisible threads will be wrapped around the flywheel ... very magical.

The most amazing thing is that Yun Lang is sitting at home, watching the women carrying a basket of silkworm cocoons out, but they get back a plate of milky silk thread ...

It is indeed very beautiful to build a house at the foot of Lishan Mountain, but it is a pity that the groundwater is very rich and the ground is very damp.

Before summer, a layer of water stains rose on the brick wall ...

Yunlang decided to paint the wall with white lime, which is good, not only moisture-proof, but also insecticidal, and then mixed with lime, sand and clay to make a three-layered soil, and then spread the ground again, it should be able to It plays a very good role in preventing moisture.

On the edge of the cobblestone Weihe River, there are many mountains and creeks. Pick a fist-sized brain and pour it into the dug wood kiln, then ignite and burn fiercely. When the stones are all burned out, the lime is removed.

When you use it, you just soak it in the water. After the lime reacts with the water, it becomes gypsum mud. It's better to use it to brush the wall.

Yun Lang misses the blue brick and white walls in the Hui-style architecture very much, and is ready to make Yunjiazhuangzi look like that. Although the building is full of Han style, as long as there are blue brick and white walls, Yun Lang said that this is a new Who dares to object to architectural art?

The half-sized sons of the Yun family are the top beams of the family, all of them are men, and they work very swiftly. Even if they are heavy physical work such as burning lime, they are also very colorful.

In the Yun family, once the children start to care about pigs, cows, sheep, chickens, geese, it means that the child has grown up.

Lime is to be burned all day and night. Fortunately, there is no shortage of firewood at Yunjia. The groves of weeds that were cut down when this Zhuangzi was built piled up a full acre of land and could not be burned in ten years, even the Yunjia It has been burning charcoal, and it has not consumed much.

Yun Lang looked at the green mountains with satisfaction, and felt that there was no way to cut down all these trees in his lifetime, and he yelled at the Dahan that environmental protection would be called a fool.

The smoke from Yunjiazhuangzi can be seen from five miles away ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ fully shows that the popularity here is very strong, which is a good thing!

A woman in a palace dress was standing in the attic, looking at the thick smoke from the Yunjiazhuangzi. Under the blue sky and the white sky, the pillar of smoke rose into the sky and was spectacular.

The woman's face is exquisite, her makeup is meticulous, her pale fingers are slender, and the bright red dazzling on her nails, after seeing a thick smoke, she gently opened her lips.

"Chang Qiu, is there a fire in the smoke place?"

An **** wearing a black gauze crown bowed: "Queen Qiqiu, the smoke is at Yun's Manor, presumably burning charcoal."

"Huh? When will Shanglinyuan have surnames available?"

"Queen Qiqiu, the master of the Yun family has done a great deal to my great lord, so your majesty received the reward from your majesty, and she was able to enter the Shanglin Garden."

"What great work? Talk about it."

"It's nothing, just made a new type of plough, and your majesty is named Yuan Shuo."

Beauty smiled and said: "It's not a lucky guy."

Big Changqiu glanced at the beauty's complexion carefully and whispered: "Queen, these words can't be said again."

Beauty heard this remark, and said furiously: "Why can't I say it? He Liu Che embraces thousands of beautiful women and sings at night, surrounded by some traitors, and even the son-in-law, the son-in-law, was exalted as a queen.

Chen Ajiao was in a famous position. At that time, the sentence "Golden House and Jiaojiao" made my mother break his heart for Liu Che ascending the throne.

When you were married, you and I, because of the accusations of some adulterers, he ruthlessly deprived me of all the glory, Liu Che! You are so cruel! "

Da Changqiu didn't seem surprised at Chen Ajiao's intermittent madness. He turned his body a little to the side. Sure enough, a lacquer tray was dropped on the ground. Then, it was the hairpin and robe ...

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