Our Hometown

Chapter 107: Cao Xiang's disease was eaten

Chapter 107: Cao Xiang ’s disease was eaten

Putting on a bamboo pole and wearing a lotus leaf is what Cao Xiang looks like.

Is thin, but very edible. He eats a belly-boiled chicken by himself, and eats three onion pancakes that are not much smaller than the lid. In this way, he drank two bowls of chicken soup.

Eat something, the big belly is bigger, and the person becomes more funny like a tumbler.

Yun Lang sighed, clearly showing that he was a schistosomiasis patient, and that he was late.

"You are dying!" Yun Lang was eating a belly-boiled chicken in another bowl. He didn't want to get too close to this **** patient.

Cao Xiang took a sip of chicken soup and nodded, "The doctor said I was helpless! The warlock said I would live at most one more year."

"Are you worried? Not afraid?"

"I was worried and scared before, but then I did."

"If you don't like fish roe so much, you won't get this disease!"

Cao Xiang carrying a soup bowl stunned: "Do you know the cause?"

Yun Lang nodded and continued to eat chicken.

Cao Xiang put down his rice bowl and said, "Do you also know how to cure it?"

Yun Lang chewed the chicken and said: "Ninety percent!"

"Help me, heal me, I will read you all my life."

"Don't miss me all my life, as long as your old lady doesn't come to trouble me again, I will help you. Last year, you were so miserable!"

"Mother debt repays."

"Pull it down, just your old lady, she can sleep without holding her hand? I always feel that she hasn't come to me during this time, it must be suffocating. I have a trembling day by day, just I'm afraid she will hit the door. "

Cao Xiang frowned: "I have the final say on Cao's!"


Cao Xiang sighed: "Fake, but my life is at stake, she always has to be a little scrupulous as a mother."

"The process is very dangerous, but 90% is sure, that is to say, nine out of ten people with schistosomiasis can be cured, and the remaining one depends on luck."

"Isn't it worse than waiting to die?"

"Of course not, the worst situation can also prevent your disease from spreading."

"You said there are bugs in my stomach? What's the name?"


"Listening to names is great, how do you know?"

"Your disease is very common in the southern waters ..."

"how should I do?"

"In Yun's Manor, build a three-story building with the fastest speed. After opening the window, you can see Lishan. Before opening the window, you can see Weishui. After opening the left window, you can enjoy the rainbow after the rain. The windows must be able to admire my pasture. "

"Is this related to my illness?"

"It doesn't matter, but ah, you don't have to make it!"

"Make, you have to make, don't make inhumane, you see, is one enough?"

"My family still has few walls ..."

After listening to Cao Xiang ’s words, Changping suddenly jumped from the Jinzu and embraced his son with open arms.

Cao Xiang took a step back to avoid the mother's arms and whispered: "The baby's stomach is full of schistosomiasis."

Chang Ping hugged his son again and said, "I would rather all the bugs in your stomach get into my stomach than let you suffer for so many years."

Cao Xiang's grudge looked at her mother and said: "Yun Lang said that my disease is all caused by eating fish roe, mother, my first time to eat fish roe or you brought me to eat."

"Ah? That little **** really said that?"

"Really, he doesn't know that I like to eat fish roe. I have always been very careless about getting sick. I don't even care about these things. I won't tell Yunlang."

Changping wiped the corners of his eyes, dragged Cao Xiang to go out, and while he was walking, he told the servants to prepare the carriage.

"Mother, where are we going?" Cao Xiang was puzzled.

"Where to go? Naturally go to Yun's house, you can't afford to be sick for a moment."

"But I promised to build a building for his house and get a wall ..."

"As long as your disease is cured, don't say the pavilion, the surrounding wall, even if the Hou Mansion is demolished, and the mother is also done, if you dare to fool us, the mother must set Yunjia Manor on the ground!

Get away, bring me the horse, and let the carriage sit for Hou Ye! "

Cao Xiang's mother, who had always been gentle, kicked a maid with a heel, so she shrunk her neck and got on the carriage.

Half an hour later, Yun Lang and Cao Xiang were sitting in a carriage on the road outside Yanglingyi City.

He didn't even wear his coat, a vest and a pair of **** were all coverings on his body.

Cao Xiang looked at Yun Lang's underwear and said, "This dress is good. Let Zhiniang also bring me a set tomorrow. Put on this thing, and the air will not leak below."

Yun Lang leaned against the wall of the carriage, his head was bumped by the bumpy carriage, and said painfully: "You didn't tell your mother about my condition?"

"Say, I don't miss a word, yes, I forgot to ask you, how did you get sick, Li Gan and three people sleep in a bed?"

"Drinking high, is there anything wrong?"

"Well, I will sleep with you when I get better!"


The carriage door suddenly opened, Huo went sick and got into the carriage from the outside. He only had underwear and robes on his body. It had just been raining. The late night of late spring was still very cold, not to mention the horse.

"Yeah, I wear the same clothes when I get sick. What about Li Gan? Does Li Gan also wear it? You all have it. Is there any moral?"

Cao Xiang ’s mouth was stinky, Yun Lang asked Huo to get sick: "This is the reason why you want to punch him to death?"

Huo went sick and shook his head: "Since the last time he chased him and let him fall, I was hanged by my uncle and used a leather whip. After that, I ignored him.

Forget it, go to sleep, you want to reason with the royal family, wait until you are eighty years old, now, huh, bear it. "

Cao Xiang has never experienced such a stimulating thing, and will not be able to sleep for a while, seeing Yun Lang and Huo Going sick, the two of them are sleeping under a blanket, their eyes gurgling, and they do not know what to think about.

It was just dawning, and the team had arrived at Yunjiazhuangzi.

After sitting overnight, Changping couldn't see any fatigue. After entering Yunjiazhuangzi, he naturally sent people to start to organize the main building of Yunjia, which is the place where Yunlang sleeps and meets guests.

Liang Weng, ugly, worms shrunk their heads like quails and watched a large group of gorgeously dressed servants wipe the main building of the Yun family with clean water.

Ugly and sadly found that the rags in her hands were better than the clothes in her body.

Yun Lang finally had clothes on. Huo went sick and changed into Yun Lang's clothes. Cao Xiang now slept like a dead pig.

"What's next?" Changping's hunting outfit, his voice low and majestic,

"Pills!" Yun Lang's helpless stall.

"What medicine?"

"Three types of verbena, Su Ye, and Artemisia annua."

Changping looked at an old man who was in doubt and said, "Doctor, do you know these three medicines?"

The elderly doctor thought for a moment and said, "Su Ye should be perilla ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ There is in the old man's medicine bag. Only after July can the medicine be used. Where is Artemisia annua, and what is Verbena?"

Yun Lang was too lazy to answer the doctor's words. At first, mother-in-law owed a lot of money to the hospital. After one of the directors who sympathized with the orphan allowed her to owe the drug bill was held accountable, the consequence is that even if schistosomiasis is a free treatment No one treated the orphans.

Unable to do so, he cured schistosomiasis of an orphan in this field by this method. Since then, Yun Lang has looked at every doctor as schistosomiasis.

These are three common drugs that can no longer be common, as is verbena.

Huo went sick to accompany Yunlang to Lishan. When he came back at noon, he was full of herbs in the basket, and the lilac flowers of Verbena bloomed brightly. There was a faint smell of medicine.

"This thing can really cure Cao Xiang's disease?" Huo Qubing felt very unreliable. Yun Lang found these herbs on the edge of the ditch.

"The medicine for treating the disease only looks at the symptomatic and not the symptomatic, but not the expensive or expensive. Cao Xiang has been suffering for a long time, and his stomach is bulging. This is an obvious symptom of liver damage, and he needs to be matched with Sanchi It's good to make up the liver. "

Huo went to the hospital and was relieved. In fact, even he did not understand where his confidence in Yunlang came from.

After returning to the Yun's house, Cao Xiang was awake. He was sitting on the platform on the second floor and looking into the distance. When he saw Yun Lang and Huo returning from illness, he smiled and said, "When I am ill, I will take you to Changmengong Play, the women there are beautiful. "

Yun Langhuo went to the hospital and looked at him in unison: "Don't go!"

"Yeah, you should like women, it's weird for men to like men!"

Yun Lang gritted his teeth and said, ‘wait for me to cure your illness, the first thing we do is beat you up! "

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