Our Hometown

Chapter 112: Yun Lang's anger

Chapter One Two: Yun Lang's Fury

The happiness under the conspiracy has made Dazai four generations happy for a long time.

For a hundred years, they went on and gave their lives for the great trust of the first emperor, no matter how unfair they encountered, they have no regrets.

Yun Lang's tears flowed indisputably, not because he was scared to escape from death, but because the world was too cruel to Dazai.

"What? Reluctant to hide the baby?"

Dazai leaned on the door frame of the stone house, holding a roasted oily chicken leg in a jolly joke.

Yun Lang embarrassedly wiped away his tears and said, "This requires great perseverance!"

Dazai handed the chicken legs to Yun Lang and said, "If you eat something, you can wake up so quickly, which is beyond my expectations.

The third generation of Dazai watched this thing for three days and three nights without sleep. As a result, he confuses the bones he sees, and he dies before entering the emperor's mausoleum to listen to the letter. He became the third generation Dazai.

Hee hee, kid, have you seen the colorful glow of the light that circulated above that thing? Has it been a long time since I saw it, there is a feeling that the soul is separated from the body? "

Yun Lang said with a smile: "In fact, those glows are not changing, they are more like surging, like the spring water and the burning flame, it is beautiful!"

Dazai sat next to Yun Lang and said: "It's extremely, very extremely, that's how it looks, it's so beautiful, so beautiful ..."

Dazai broke his shoulders and touched Yunlang again: "You know how I want to share with people what I saw over the years, what kind of gem I have ... I want everyone to envy me, everyone Jealous of me ... In countless sleepless nights, I was wondering what this gem looks like in the eyes of the world.

Ha, the world will be chaotic! "

Yun Lang put his arms around Dazai's skinny shoulders and said, "You can tell me now. I know that every word you say is true, and it is inappropriate for every description of the gem, no matter how you use it. The beautiful words and words cannot describe its beauty in case! "

Dazai Rongguang was so radiant, his yellow face seemed to be covered with a layer of wax, shining brightly in the sunset.

"Yeah, yeah, now you can answer your previous question, Yunlang, do you still think I have suffered a lot since I left the Emperor's Tomb?

Hahaha, who knows my happiness, my happiness?

Such treasures should naturally be appreciated alone ... or, you take it out again, let's enjoy it together? "

Dazai's eyes became very bright.


Yun Lang replied in a decisive manner: "Now the baby is mine. If you look at it again, I will lose money once, no!"

Dazai opened his mouth wide and was a bit disappointed. He looked at the stone house with regret and looked up at the hole on the roof of the room. He sighed, "You are right, I shouldn't be so greedy."

Yun Lang took Daza's cold hand and said, "If you die, I will treat that thing as your burial and let it be with you forever."

Dazai Wenyan jumped up and stuttered: "You, me? You? I die, would you really?"

Yun Lang smiled and nodded: "Sure, your happiness will not be marginal!"

Daza glanced at Yun Lang secretly and rubbed his hands in embarrassment: "This is not suitable!"

Yun Lang smiled and said: "It's suitable, it's the most suitable. I've seen the treasure. It's enough to see it once. If you look at it a few more times, you might be addicted to it. I won't do it again when I repeat the path you took. The future should be more splendid.

After you die, I will put your body in the tomb of Shihuang, and then drop the broken dragon stone, so that you and your most respected emperor, the most dear companion, the dearest relative, the favorite treasure will always be together. "

Dazai's eyes were filled with tears, and he turned his head hard and said: "Go to sleep, tomorrow, we will pay respect to Emperor Shishi, I hope you can see the emperor with the best spirit!"

Yun Lang was really tired, nodded and climbed onto his big bed, let Dazai help him cover the blanket.

He shrunk his body into a mass, as if he were trembling like a sieve, biting his finger in his mouth, so that he would n’t cry, the tears would flow like a wooden bed, some Even flowing down the gap between the planks to the ground ...

The behavior of the first emperor is the greatest humiliation of the two words of loyalty!

When it was dawn, Yun Lang naturally woke up, and there were more tears last night, more tears, and slight dehydration.

Dazai boiled a pot of thick millet porridge, Yun Lang drank a whole pot alone, and his stomach was round. Dazai saw Yunlang like to drink porridge and ate some pancakes. The joke Yunlang's mood was not calm. Last night The sound of grinding teeth scared the tiger from sleeping in the room.

In the face of the Emperor's Spiritual Position yesterday, Yun Lang could still kneel down naturally. Today, he just smiled at the Spiritual Position. When Dazai packed up the Spiritual Position, he planned to leave.

Dazai, who knelt in front and respected the kowtow, did not find Yun Lang's disrespectful move. He carried a bull's head on his back, and let Yun Lang carry a pig's head and a sheep's head.

Dazai's body became obviously weaker. When Yun Lang first saw him, even a sturdy leopard would flee when he saw him. Now, he walks a long way on his back carrying a bull's head.

"My nose has been bleeding recently, and sometimes it doesn't stop for half an hour, and my body is not very good. My knees are like rust. It is very difficult to move one step. I always use the hottest hot spring water to soak Only then can it be better.

Yunlang, you said, am I about to die? "

Yun Lang tied pig heads and sheep heads together and hung them on the tiger's back. He took the bull head back of Dazai and said, "I only hope you will be happy every day in the future."

Dazai smiled and said: "Hahaha, I had a very happy day yesterday and today."

Yun Lang smiled and said: "To continue to maintain!"

Dazai opened a branch that blocked the road and said, "It's certain to borrow a word from you!"

The two of them and the tiger quickly descended to the edge of the waterfall along the mountain road. Yunlang climbed the rock wall easily. When he found the stone with a strong pull, the mountain gate immediately opened.

Close the mountain gate, the huge mausoleum was illuminated by the wick wound on the iron chain like daylight, Dazai pulled three iron chains one after another today, and the wick on the three iron chains quickly formed three flame waterfalls, which was not in the past Wonders.

"If you have money in the future, you can buy more whale oil to add it. It is always costly. The whale oil in Dadingli will not last long."

Yun Lang came to a dozen clay figures and said, "Is this your handwriting?"

Dazai smiled and said: "Yes, it's just a bad technique. Lao Gan and Lao Mei always say that I'm not doing this business.

It's up to you in the future. "

"This is certain!" Yun Lang replied indifferently. It seems that using Lao Gan and Lao Mei's two savage figures to stimulate Dazai's vitality is a useless effort.

"I will sculpt a mold in the future, first put the corpse in the mold, and then pour mud into it. When the mud is dry, open the mold, and naturally there will be a good statue.

Rest assured, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is not too difficult. "

Dazai looked at Yun Lang seriously and said: "This method is so good, why haven't I thought of it? When you have free time, do it quickly."

Yun Lang nodded and walked up the stone steps with the tiger. Every time Yun Lang took a step, Dazai waved a wooden mallet and knocked on a raised small stone pillar on the steps. Then Yun Lang saw his feet The stone stairway was moving slowly, sending him into the air, with a deep gully at his feet.

At this time, the heads of bulls, pigs, and sheep were all on Yunlang's back, and the tiger would not step on the stairs hanging in the air when he was killed.

Although he didn't know why Dazai had to carry three animals on his back, Yun Lang still did not ask questions. He believed that Dazai would not harm him.

Some steps stretched out very long, while others stretched out very short, some of the high steps would slide down to the lower part, and some of the lower steps would float up. Finally, standing in front of the clouds on the first step , A spiral staircase appeared.

The staircase is very high and extends to the other side of the gully. At the end of the step, there is a slate-grey stone wall as smooth as a mirror!

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