Our Hometown

Chapter 115: Great player (fighting)

Chapter 115 The Great Performer

"A great emperor sleeps in the city!"

Since Dazai entered Shihuang Mausoleum, it was like a ghost, perfectly integrated into this dark, quiet and dead city.

There was a trace of sadness in his voice, but it was dull but powerful.

The Kuilong pattern tiles on the ground are covered with dust, and with one step, one more footprint.

In front of the city gate, there is a smooth slate platform, a giant tripod is erected on top of it, and the famous Qin Banliang is piled at the foot of the giant tripod.

Dazai took out a handful of Qin and a half and threw the money under Juding, before taking Yunlang to the gate.

"Secretary Zhangtai Taizai Gu Yun entered the city!"

Dazai suddenly registered, which surprised Yun Lang very much, but Dazai knelt in the dust, holding a yellowish ivory board in his hands and bowed to the ground. The ceremonial rigor was as accurate as a textbook.

Yun Lang glanced at the dust on the ground, and bent his knees slightly to be a salute. After all, there was too much dust on the ground.

I thought that the door would open after Dazai bowed down. As a result, the two huge gold men were silent and there was no sign of the huge door being loose.

After completing his kneeling, Dazai took Yunlang into a thick hole in the bucket.

"Isn't this a dog hole?" Yun Lang couldn't help but ask Daza.

"It's not a dog hole, it's the mouth of the dragon!"

"Is snake hole very different from dog hole?"

"Only this way!"

"If the first emperor was resurrected, would he climb the dog hole?"

Dazai crawling in front froze for a moment, his expression could not be seen in the darkness, only his depressed voice heard from the front.

"Can't you have even a little respect for the first emperor?"

"You don't know how realistic this person is. It's difficult for me to keep respect for a dead person. Unless he still has the means to threaten my life, it's impossible."

"Will you throw me in the mountain stream to feed the wolf after I die?"

"It's not. Even if you are dead, I will still miss you. Maybe I will dig you out when I have nothing to do. How could I throw it away casually?"

Dazao grunted and continued to climb forward.

Yun Lang didn't know how long he had climbed. In a dark and claustrophobic environment, it was difficult to control the time.

When the pain in his knee was unbearable, the rocks around him disappeared. Yun Lang touched the black and the left and right, and could not touch anything. Then he knew he had entered the city!

An ignition star appeared not far away, and Dazai slammed his mouth vigorously, turning the dark red spark into a bright flame.

"Don't move!" Dazai saw Yun Lang looking left and right, and quickly reminded him.

Yun Lang fixed his body. He didn't think Dazai was scaring him. Since he said so, there must be danger here.

Dazai drew the fire zhezi close to an iron chain, and a burst of fire climbed along the iron chain, and soon came to the roof. Then, a larger flame was lit, and then the flame suddenly split into six , Continue to climb to the rest.

Six larger flames lit up abruptly. A total of seven flames lit up the dark caves like the sun.

I don't know what the medium of these flames is. The flame is not only bright and stable, but the light shining on the disc inlaid with white jade is reflected to the ground, which is bright.

Yun Lang felt dazzled and turned his head, only to find that beside him, there were some huge thorns. These thorns were one meter in diameter, and the long thorns protruded were one foot long, even if they were already covered. Green patina, the killing effect of this thing is undiminished.

The copper thorn ball was dragged by a thin chain on a slope, that is, where Yunlang stood. He was worried that the chain would break. In that case, he would be crushed into meat by a few tons of copper thorn ball.

A strong man with a giant axe is making his eyes angry, and the giant axe in his hand seems to be about to be cut off.

After figuring out the standing environment, Yun Lang shouted, and quickly dragged Dazai up the slope. Perhaps his voice was too loud, which alarmed the strong man with a giant axe. Drop, bang, look at the thin chain, the chain is broken at the touch, the huge copper thorn ball tumbling down from Yunlang, and then another ...

Dazai shouted and threw Yun Lang to a black slate area. He rolled here and rolled himself here. He held Yun Lang ready to get up, and Yun Lang quickly obeyed on the ground.

With the sound of "Boom", a row of thick crossbow guns flew over their heads, and they were nailed to the stone wall opposite. The crossbow gun cut a thin chain of chains, so there were countless The copper thorn ball rolled towards Yunlang, Dazai rolled over.

Yun Lang screamed that he wanted to run, but was pressed to the ground by Dazai. More than a dozen copper thorn **** rolled back and forth in this slightly concave area, collided, and then rolled again. In this black area, the copper thorn ball seemed to roll disorderly, but the track did not miss an inch of land, and it was crushed together.

The power of the copper thorn ball was finally released, and the twelve copper thorn **** finally landed at the lowest place on the ground, hitting together heavily, and then there was no sound.

Yun Lang wanted to get up, but couldn't move anymore. His body seemed to be sucked by the ground. Dazai helplessly helped Yun Lang to remove the messy things on his body before he jumped from the ground.

"This is the place to remove armor. You came in with so many irons and almost killed us."

Yun Lang effortlessly picked up his dagger from the ground and said: "It's just a magnet, what to say about unloading armor."

Dazai snorted: "Since the king was almost assassinated by Jing Ke, there is such a place in the palace. As long as you have any iron on your body, you will be hacked to death by the samurai here."

Yun Lang twisted his neck and said disdainfully: "The bronze sword can't be detected. When the first emperor was used, the ironware was not used on a large scale. The usefulness of this thing was not as great as you think."

Dazai said angrily: "Other people don't know. When they see the iron tool being attracted by the magnet, they think this thing can attract all the gold and iron. Do you think anyone is as smart as you?"

"What happened to those copper spikes and crossbow guns just now? If you hadn't pulled me, I would have been crushed into meat."

"This is the power of the emperor!"

"It seems that the prestige of the emperor is to only consider the emperor's own safety, regardless of the life and death of others, right?"

"The emperor's safety and security are important!"

"But he is dead!"

"Emperor is also an emperor!"

Dazai was reluctant to discuss this obvious issue with Yun Lang. He looked up and looked at the seven glowing flames in the sky. He held the worn wat board in his hands and walked along the Yongdao towards the city.

The inner city is very different from the outer city, which fully reflects the difference in status.

There are many pavilions and pavilions here. Even the flower trees made of silk cloth are much more realistic than the fake flowers outside.

A dense eaves reveals an eaves, and the blue bricks and blue tiles on the eaves look gray, but they are not very beautiful, but they look clumsy.

A woman in red is playing the piano. There are many officials wearing black gauze hats sitting in front of them, sitting one by one dreaming.

No matter how beautiful the woman turned into a skeleton, she couldn't see it there. The pale skull face under the grey bun had more holes and less horror.

Guqin is pretty good. The length of the piano is three feet, and the string post still exists.

Dazai glanced at the woman's hair bun and said, "This is a beautiful Chu woman, and she seems to be good at tuning.

It can allow Her Majesty to allow her to see a foreign minister, and also to play for the foreign minister. This woman should be very favored by His Majesty. Unfortunately, she has no children. "

"Are these people clay figures?" Yun Lang asked those lifelike statues of foreign ministers.

Dazai shrugged his shoulders and said, "Who knows, maybe the mud is covered with bones!"

Yun Lang suddenly found that the woman had a golden hook on her shoulder, which should be used to hang her sleeves. Somehow, her sleeves had already decayed and fell randomly underneath. As for her arms, Fell to the ground.

Yun Lang lifted the woman's sleeves and helped her hang on the golden hook, but accidentally flicked the hands on the Guqin. Some of the original hand bones immediately spread out and knocked on the strings, making a dry and dull sound .

It's like thanking Yunlang.

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