Our Hometown

Chapter 117: Emperor's self-confidence (continue to fight)

Chapter 117 The Emperor's Confidence

Yun Lang doesn't like the Tomb of the First Emperor.

He felt that it was the place of the dead, and any living and fragrant creatures entering it would become ghosts.

The coldness in the world also has a little protective color. The coldness there not only does not cover up, but it is intentionally exposed very thoroughly.

The last thing he could bear was that all the views inside were fake.

Fake achievements, fake generals, fake trees, fake grass, fake fairs, fake cities ...

He pulled a dog's tail grass from the ground and casually dangled it in his mouth. The grass roots were slightly bitter, but with the fragrance of grass and trees.

that's enough……

"Where is the Broken Dragon Stone?" Yun Lang asked, stretching his arms and taking a deep breath of fresh air.

"Find it yourself!"

Dazai went down the hill angrily.

Tiger looked at Dazai, then looked at Yunlang, and then stayed decisively next to Yunlang, watching Dazai go away.

There is already a tall man in the hemp field, and there are still movements of men and women. This time, no matter how loudly Yunlang cursed, no one ran out with his pants.

This thick green gauze tent is enough to provide them with a natural shelter.

Walking through the field of hemp seeds, there is an endless field of wheat. The wheat is spitting, and when the wind blows, the pollen will fly all over the sky.

Yun Lang took the tiger across the wheat field ridges, perhaps because he did n’t take a bath for several days. The king of the beasts on the tiger had a strong breath. Struggled hard, but caught nothing.

Yun Lang smiled slightly and walked into the place where the wild ducks flew, as expected, there were more than a dozen duck eggs scattered there.

The wild duck can deceive the tiger, but not him. A dozen wild duck eggs are filled with a bag. These eggs are about to be hatched. Yunlang does not want to waste it.

In view of the fact that Guanzhong did not have the habit of raising ducks at this time, he decided to switch the precedent of raising ducks.

If someone asks when Dahan's woman is the most beautiful?

Yun Lang will definitely say it is time for labor.

The Yun family likes to wear clothes when they are working, so the woman who wrapped her hair in a blue sackcloth handkerchief and hooked her sleeves with hooks of various materials was so beautiful.

Especially when they see Yun Lang like to beckon, this is even more remarkable. Once the wide sleeves are raised, you can see the beautiful scenery outside the other sleeve from this sleeve.

Yun Lang lowered his head and didn't dare to look around. It caused a group of women to laugh like barbells. Some of them were even extravagant and even deliberately opened their shirts to show Yun Lang their powerful parenting costs.

Breast milk and fat buttocks are the aesthetic points of civilians marrying their wives, and it is the people's greatest concern to breed healthy offspring.

As for the emperors and nobles, they are generally not humans. They like women with thin waists and slender waists, who can do palm dances. For them, women are more playthings, and fertility is not the first choice, so they cannot be classified as humans.

Dahan girls usually cover their bodies tightly, as for women ... In this age when they can call themselves old ladies at the age of thirty, they don't care about anything.

Fat storage is a virtue ...

At least in the case of ugly, it is even more obvious that this guy now has the condition to eat Hess, so she stores extra fat.

Yun Lang after the shower saw ugly and arduously climbed the stairs to bring him meals, he sighed: "Don't always think about eating one day, you look at you, and then your eyes are blocked by meat If you live, how can you marry Chu Wolf? "

Ugly pouted and said: "Chu Lang said, he liked my roundness. At first, his mother was starved to death because she was too thin."

This reason is very powerful!

Yun Lang found that he couldn't find a reason to refute, so he pushed a plate of white-flowered gizzards to Chou Yong, saying: "If so, take it!"

"Gone meat is delicious, doesn't Lang Jun like it?"

Yun Lang shook his head and said, "Give me another dish of coldly prepared gallnut, even if you have gizzard, I'm getting greasy recently, and eat light."

Ugly Yong happily went downstairs with the flesh, and Yunlang heard the movement of her and the bug to grab the flesh.

Red sleeves carried Yunlang's cold gallnut to the second floor. Yunlang, who was eating, looked up at the little woman.

It is really natural to discover that such a thing as beauty has little to do with the cultivation of the day after tomorrow.

Even if he was wearing sackcloth, wearing red sleeves, it would only set off her fair skin, and wearing it on ugly, it would become the outer skin that wraps the sausage.

After the ten-year-old child suffered the disaster of destroying the door, the whole person became quiet. Her enemy was a powerful and borderless emperor, so she could only admit her fate.

Galla chinensis is a delicious wild vegetable and Yunlang's favorite wild vegetable variety, but this kind of thing needs to be dried to make dried vegetables, then soaked to remove the strange taste, and finally cooked, then soaked and mixed with sesame oil , The taste will be delicious.

The gallnut from the red sleeve is very different from the dish sent by Ugly. The flavor of the five flavors is just right. The oil and water are not much, but you can eat a fragrance.

"The wild vegetables I eat in the future will be made by you. The gallnuts made today are delicious."

The red sleeves were a little joyous, and a little frightened, and pointed their fingers at the ugly in the courtyard.

Yun Lang smiled and said: "Chou Yong will get married next year. I can't expect her to serve me for life."

Red-sleeved's face changed drastically, and he knelt down and said, "The maid will not marry, and he is willing to serve his master all his life."

Yun Lang said with a smile: "Don't always take things for a lifetime, in fact, we can't even do tomorrow's Lord without us.

In the future, you may meet a man who makes you obsessed. You will have your own time to live. You will always regret to accompany me. "

Red sleeve stubbornly shook his head and said: "My mother met the enamoured man, and then ..."

Yun Lang stopped Red Sleeve's confession and waved his hand: "Forget these things, just remember your mother's good for you, just treat her failure as your experience, live happily, and do what you like to do, if You can live a happy life, the best memory of your mother. "

Red sleeves nodded, then bowed back very politely.

"It's such a good servant in your house, the rest should be buried alive!" Cao Xiang's ugly face came in from the window, holding half a melon in his hand.

"My family should recruit more servants like ugly, so that no bad guys can enter the room." Yun Lang put down his chopsticks and murmured.

"Where have you been these days?" Cao Xiang asked, sitting on the mullion and continuing to nibble on the melon.

"Aren't you going home? Why did you come back so quickly?"

"My mother killed the doctor who encouraged me to go home."

Yun Lang froze for a while: "What a good doctor, how could he be killed?"

Cao Xiang threw the remaining melon skin into the Yunlang trash basket and wiped his hands on his body: "My mother said that this doctor is doing his own thing in greed!"

Yun Lang smiled helplessly, tapping on the table with her knuckles and said: "Qu Yuan Plow is!"

Cao Xiang laughed: "This is divided, my mother can kill a doctor, but the emperor can kill my mother, this is the difference!"

"I remember your mother's acquiescence in going home for treatment."

Cao Xiang shook his head and said: "That was my mother's last chance to give the doctor a life! The acquiescence of this kind of thing will generally only appear between two people who are not much different from the lower position. As for the doctor ... I still don't say him.

When my mother sent me to your house, I played mahjong with Gillian, and I was one of four. "

Yun Lang looked at Cao Xiang and said, "Who is there?"

"Dong Jun!"

Yun Lang smiled and said: "What a good mahjong ride, play more in the future."

Cao Xiang looked at Yun Lang and said: "Can't do it ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ My mother went back, Zhang Tang went to the Changmen Palace yesterday, and took Dong Jun to castrate in place. I saw it with my own eyes. Very clean, his hips are very clean now, and there is no bulge at all.

If you want to play mahjong, it is estimated that you have to wait for half a year! "

Yun Lang grabbed the back of his head and took a cool breath: "So ruthless?"

Cao Xiang sneered: "Someone told your majesty that Gillian was messing with the palace, and then Zhang Tang came to relieve him."

Yun Lang looked at Cao Xiang and frowned: "Looking at you means pulling me to find Gillian to play mahjong, are you not afraid that I will be castrated by Zhang Tang?"

Cao Xiang's contemptuous look at Yunlang said: "You think too much. Others have whispered about Ajiao's impure court. Do you know how your majesty answered it?"

Yun Lang shook his head interestingly.

"Your Majesty said, this is absolutely not the case! His Majesty also said that he did not believe that Dong Jun, but believed Gillian, even if Gillian was not like everything, the man's vision was very high, can be seen in Gillian's eyes Man, there is absolutely no such thing as Dong Jun! "

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