Our Hometown

Chapter 121: Nagato

Chapter One Two One

(Explain the problems in Chapters 11 and 14 because I made a mistake. I'm sorry, I can't delete them. It's difficult to delete the article on the shelf, and the number of words can only be more, not less. Let me compensate everyone in the future.

"Why didn't Cao Xiang come today?"

In a red dress, Gillian lazily leaned on the soft slump and asked Lao Changqi lazily.

Da Changqiu laughed and said, "I'm afraid I dare not come?"

Gillian gently shook his feathers and said, "No, he will still come. It is not Cao Xiang's character to give up halfway."

I heard that this dying child was saved by our new neighbor? "

Da Changqiu said with a smile: "It should be that when the slave-servant used to see this child, he always stood up with a big belly, not like a long-lived person.

Yesterday he came to the Changmen Palace. The slave-servant found that although he was very thin, he was very energetic, and his big belly subsided. Mahjong played for three hours. There was no tiredness. It seems that the rumors are true. "

Gillian said with a smile: "I can't understand these young people. I was going to die before, just like destiny, I was just sick, so I wanted to build a career and hit my mind on Gongwei, but ah, if he Not to mention, I really forgot the palace guards.

Changqiu, now that you have won money these days, let's repay the salaries owed to the palace guards. "

Da Changqiu froze for a moment, and his face was immediately covered with a smile, and bowed: "Queen is brilliant!"

Gillian smiled: "What is wise, just playing mahjong these days makes a point. Do you know what it is?"

Da Changqiu smiled and said: "Please also show the queen!"

Gillian stopped the feather fan in his hand and looked at the clear sky outside: "Elders, husbands and brothers have the ability to be better than they have the ability ... I used to think that the glory and wealth of this world should be mine by nature. .

It now appears to be a joke!

Send someone to tell her mother that Dong Jun was castrated and he was castrated. He asked for it. I was here right and wrong. She also sent Dong Jun to come and didn't know what she thought. "

Big Changqiu looked at the queen in surprise. He didn't understand at all that Gillian, who had just played a few games of mahjong, seemed to be a different person.

While the two masters and servants were talking and laughing, the guards came to report that Pingyang Hou and Yulin Sima Yunlang came to visit the elders.

Gillian's beautiful Dan Fengyan squinted immediately, and suddenly opened wide, and smiled at Dachangqiu: "Bring a helper, you are also here today, and weigh the skill of our neighbor!"

When Yun Lang saw Gillian at first glance, he thought that the allusion of Jinwu Zangjiao was actually very reasonable.

This proud woman, like a phoenix, really has nothing to do with raising it in a house.

Gillian did not look very delicate and beautiful, but exudes a noble atmosphere that is difficult to express.

Even if it is Yunlang, he dare not stare at Gillian's bright eyes!

Her long hair was so casually tied into a bunch with a ribbon, slanting down her ears, a red jacket, without trip arms, sitting on a boxy mat, hands There was a mahjong card made of white jade, and he and Cao Xiang looked at him with a smile.

"The humble Yuma Sima Yunlang has seen ... the host!"

Gillian waved casually: "Don't think about it, no one can give me a fair look. Since Cao Xiang led you over, it means he still has a little confidence in you.

That being the case, let's get started! "

Gillian was sitting on the main seat with his back facing south, and he did n’t want to get up. It seemed that he did n’t have to lose his temper to choose a position. Opposite, an old **** with no teeth, sitting smiling across from Gillian.

The long-time mahjong field gave Gillian great self-confidence. The probe held the dice and swept across the other three faces. The pale fingers were loosened slightly, and the two dice were on the table. Dribbling around.

"Nine Self!"

The dice were really five, one four, stopped at the position of Jiu Zishou, Yun Lang took a breath of cold air, Gillian's luck was really excellent.

The card came up, and Gillian directly pushed down the card in his hand and looked at Yun Lang and Cao Xiang with a smile: "Heaven!"

Yunlang ...

"Yeah, I touched myself ..."

"Yeah, I touched myself again ..."

"It's too bad. The last card was caught by me ... well, the rest of the cards have nothing to do with me. You can work harder. It's boring to play like this ..."

When it was almost dark, Cao Xiang and Yun Lang left the Changmen Palace. They did not walk through the gate. They walked through a meadow of Yunjia's hemp seed field and walked closer from here.

"I lost more than twice today, Yunlang. I found that you seem to be helping Gillian on purpose, instead of helping me. When I want to draw a card, you have to touch it and talk about the truth!"

"I think if you keep losing money, you might get those palace guards. If you want to rely on winning money to get palace guards, I think this is almost impossible!"

Cao Xiang sighed: "My mother said the same, she will continue to play no matter how much money she loses as long as I have been playing Gillian with Mahjong."

"Then fight, as far as I know, the only person who has let go of your majesty is Gillian, even if she uses the magic of witchcraft to ruin the court, your majesty has not hurt her.

She may be the only one who walked into His Majesty's heart. To be honest, although Huo Qubing's aunt is now the Queen, it may not be important for Her Majesty's heart. "

"Why do you say that?"

"Comparing your heart to heart, the most memorable thing for a man is his first woman, and also the first woman when his first spring sentiment flourished.

Even if this woman hurt him, he hated to death in his heart, he would not easily hurt this woman, because he was afraid if he wanted to see him again in the future, what should he do if he didn't see him? "

Cao Xiang frowned: "Why don't I remember who my first woman was?"

"You are mating, not love!" Yun Lang said angrily.

Cao Xiang smirked and said with big white teeth: "What do you and Zhuo Ji count? I was told that you are going to marry this old teenage woman!"


Everyone seems to know what is happening in the upper circles, no matter how tightly you hide, someone will always know, and the world that spreads last will know.

Meng Du's wife, Zhang and Zhang Tang, everyone knows, but ah, there are very few people who despise them, and there are many people who envy Zhang Tang.

A Jiao smiled and stood on the third floor of the platform, gazing at Cao Xiang and Yun Lang through the hemp seed and back to the Yun family, and asked Da Changqiu: "How about that young man named Yun Lang?"

Da Changqiu smiled and said: "A cunning little fox, seeing the limelight, turns around and helps you, trying to help his friends to win your favor. Cao Xiang has a good friend."

A Jiao Zhan Yan smiled, all smiles rippling in her eyes, and at that moment, the beauty's style was revealed.

Da Changqiu froze for a moment, and immediately bowed his head and pleaded: "If the queen can keep such a smile, even if the empress is down, she will not be willing to leave."

Gillian shook his head and said, "I don't know what's going on. I'm always more forgiving towards others than Aye. Many times if Ashe is willing to say soft words, how can I follow him, but he never said . "

Da Changqiu said repeatedly, "Your Majesty wears a crown, but don't bow your head."

Gillian sighed: "Not in the boudoir's inner room?"

Da Changqiu shook his head and said: "There are gods on the top, and there are ghosts on the bottom, and the imperial power can communicate with the gods.

A Jiao looked at the setting sun, and said quietly: "When I was young, Brother Ashe was not like this ... He would carry me, he would take me to catch fish, he would accompany me to watch chicks ...

Can I ask Sima Xiangru for his talents? "

He said lightly and said, "Fu Heyijia ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ buy away to entertain yourself. The soul is overwhelmed and does not come back, and lives alone.

I said that I would come and go, eating and forgetting. My heart is moving without worrying about it, and I am proud and make a blind date.

Yi Yuzhi's foolishness, and the joy of true sorrow. Willing to ask questions and self-enter, get the sound of Shangjun.

Looking at the hypothesis and calling for Zhao? Silently? X Palace. Repairing thin tools and setting them up, Jun once refused to be lucky. The profile alone dives and specializes, the sky flutters and winds. Looking at the distance from the stage, the **** flirted. "

Listening to Gillian chanting this poignant verse, Da Changqiu rose slowly, sighed, and walked downstairs slowly. The queen still does not understand today, the more pitiful she is, the more the emperor despised her.

The queen's failure is not in appearance, family, or friendship, but failure. She is not a qualified queen, and she has no skills in the mother's world ...

Long dragon flying into the sky, there is a phoenix coming to the instrument, is the way of Qin Se and Ming ... Gillian does not know these, and can not teach, can not learn ...

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