Our Hometown

Chapter 126: Dragon Totem (dedicated to the roundest moon)

Chapter 126 Dragon Totem

After a long period of incense, Dazai opened the lantern and carefully lit a torch on the wall with a candle. Soon, the torch became a line of fire and meandered into the darkness.

As the lights continued to ignite, Yun Lang opened his mouth in shock at the luxury in front of him.

The first thing that caught my eye was a huge skeleton, whose size was far beyond Yun Lang's imagination ...

"What kind of bone is this?" Yun Lang asked in a dreamlike tone ... With this bone, the colorful gemstones shining on the stone wall were eclipsed.

"Dragon!" Dazai narrowed his eyes and slowly adjusted to the strong light.

Yun Lang's eyes fell on four paws, big and short, and said to himself in disbelief: "Really there is a creature like dragon?"

Yun Lang is quite sure that he saw a dragon!

Whether it is the antlers on its head, the horse-like facial bones, the snake-like slender rounded ribs, or the huge scales scattered on the ground, and the four thick claws that support the bones not to fall, all prove This is the remains of a dragon.

"The king met a black dragon while offering sacrifices to the sky on the shore of the Weishui River ..." Dazai touched the dragon's skeleton, full of reminiscent looks, as if he had seen the scene at that time.

"Is it true that the first emperor Weishui Jitian saw the black dragon?"

Dazai laughed and said: "Nature is true, there are records in the history books."

"Is this the way?"

Dazai's expression flashed a little, and said insincerely: "Should be it!"

Yun Lang was puzzled by the five-foot long dragon skeleton, and it took a long time to realize that the dragon had no skin.

Only the bones, and the skeleton is horrible, are very different from the dinosaur bones Yunlang saw in later generations.

He picked up a slap-like scale from the ground. This thing is very similar to a fish scale, or it is a fish scale. Even if the time has passed for a long time, there is no fishy smell, but there is a trace of meridian remaining on the fish scale. Above, this should be real scales, just don't know what the big fish is or the dragon.

When Dazai saw Yun Lang looking at the dragon's skeleton, he walked to the side of the hall, raised a small hammer, and played a set of chimes with rhythm.

The voice is clearer, melodious ...

Yun Lang rode on the faucet and carefully observed the bone of the faucet. When he found that the part of the long horn was not one with the rest of the skull, he was a little disappointed in his heart ...

Sure enough, after continuing to examine the rest of the dragon bone, he was not interested in this keel.

The whole dragon bone is used, deer head, bull head, and horse skull are ingeniously inlaid together, and then using the deer head, bull head, and the naturally formed arc on the horse head finally splice into a decent dragon head.

It can be seen that in order to show his adventures, the first emperor made great efforts. The deer head, the bull head, and the horse head are easy to find. However, the fifteen-meter-long snake body and the four huge claws under it , And even those slap-like fish scales are very rare things, especially the four big claws, Yun Lang felt that it should be taken from a very, very huge crocodile.

Yun Lang picked up a dozen large fish scales and put them into his rucksack, and Dazai just knocked on a well-prepared "Shan Gui". After the knocking, he bent down and gave a gift. It seemed that he was standing on the hall of the emperor. .

"After watching the dragon?" Dazai asked proudly.

Yun Lang couldn't say that this thing was fake, so he nodded pretending to be admired: "So the dragon looks like this!"

Dazai's growing pride, patted the bones and said: "This is still a young dragon, the body is still far from growing up, according to my yeah, the grown dragon has a body of hundreds of feet, and it can spread clouds and mist in the sky. In the rivers and lakes, huge waves can be set off.

My Daqin was blessed by heaven, and I was fortunate enough to get a Tianlong ... It is a pity that the Tianlong was young and did not grow up. Therefore, my Daqin had the tragic experience of his second death.

The ancestor of the Han ancestor Liu Bang cut the white snake and gave the strong wind to lay the foundation of the Han state. I thought that the white snake that Liu Bang killed was also a dragon, and it was even younger than the dragon I got in the Qin Dynasty.

Since my Daqin's patron saint of dragons has grown to five feet, and can only bless my Daqin II, the younger dragon that Liu Bang beheaded is even more embarrassing.

After Liu Bang ’s death, the chaos in the Han Dynasty came up, and I thought that the Han Kingdom was about to be unlucky and about to perish, and they continued to encourage and subsidize those who were not reconciled ... As a result, after the emperor Hanwen succeeded to the throne, he soon Calm down the world ...

The Lingwei people remembered that my great Qin has been thirty-five generations since Qin Zhong closed the country and even Zhuang Gong to Ziying ... "

Yun Lang wanted to laugh a lot, but when he saw Dazai's sad face, he didn't dare to laugh, so he turned his head away so that Dazai wouldn't see a smile.

Dazai saw Yun Lang's shoulders shaking, and sighed: "Laugh if you want to laugh, and endure what you do. When Yeah realized this problem, they laughed for a long time, and some people just laughed and died."

Yun Lang, who said in a word, couldn't laugh, pointing at Dazai: "Cold jokes can't be said like this, the people who listen to it are not full of taste."

Daza pointed to the dark place in the distance and said: "There are more jokes sitting there."

After he finished speaking, he pulled the iron chain skillfully, watching the fire line slowly immersed in cold oil and gradually extinguished, then re-lit the candle and carried the lantern back.

Yun Lang said strangely: "It's still early today, why should I go back?"

"Repair the gate!" Dazai replied coldly, watching Dazai going away. Yunlang looked at the black dragon's head next to him, shuddered, and quickly followed.

Knowing that this dragon is fake, Yun Lang couldn't help but sigh secretly, looking at Dazai's seriousness. This hypocrisy didn't know how many times the emperor had said it, and it would have to become true if it was not true.

Even in the later generations, people know that there is no such thing as a dragon. However, there are countless legends about dragons in the world, and the incense in the temple of the dragon is still heyday.

No matter which world it is, it is hard to tell the truth.

But fortunately, with the existence of this thing, Chinese people, businessmen, Zhou people, Qin people, Chu people, Jin people ... and even Han people, Jin people, Tang Song, Yuan Ming and Qing people can be consistent, and eventually will Continue in an endless breath.

It is ridiculous to tell the ancients about ancient nature, so Yun Lang firmly refuses to say that ignorance is a blessing to live to the point of Dazai.

The two giant tripods at the gate were taken away by Yun Lang who had exhausted the power of nine cows and two tigers, but the tall city gate was still not closed, no matter how Dazai shook the huge city gate, the city The door still doesn't move, the door is broken!

Ever since he found that the door could not be closed, Yun Lang had been hiding far away. He felt that Dazai might be very angry.

Sure enough, Dazai yelled at Yunlang after panting and twitching the door for a while: "云 朗 ——"

Yun Lang scratched his head helplessly and squatted at the gate of the city with a bitter face: "The two golden men at the gate may be related to this gate. Since the golden men have been destroyed, the gate cannot be closed. It is better to put a catty Put the brake down and forget. "

Dazai reluctantly sat on the ground and said, "Once the gate is put down, we can no longer lift it with the strength of the two of us."

Yun Lang pointed to the snake cave and said: "Then continue to drill holes!"

It was not appropriate to expect Dazai to climb the city wall. Yun Lang had to go up on his own and tie the two ladders he brought in, barely leaning on the wall, Yun Lang stepped on the soft ladder. Climb up.

"Be careful!" Dazai was shocked to see the gall.

Yun Lang will not be too reckless. When he fell to his height, he nailed the iron ring to the city wall, and then tied the rope on his waist to the iron. It was basically an iron ring in two steps.

In this way, he finally climbed to the top of the cave on the dangling ladder.

The city wall is integrated with the top of the cave. Fortunately, due to the existence of the castellations, Yunlang still has some space to drill into.

At the top of the city head are huge beams of wood, supported by thick stone pillars. The castellations of the city head not only play the role of dressing up the city head, but also serve as a pillar supporting the ceiling.

A strong crossbow is placed on the mouth of the battlefield. The soldier holding the strong crossbow is a pottery figurine, with a red face, red lips and scary, and the skin on the face is not on the face Is hanging on the chin ...

When no one can rely on it, Yunlang generally does not scream to scare himself. Chengtou is the wettest place. It is very reasonable for the terracotta warriors to get wet and peel.

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