Our Hometown

Chapter 131: On Gillian

Chapter 131 on Gillian

"Chang Ping and Wei Qing's great prestige outside Yanmen Pass, with four heroic young heroes, attacked like mercury, so that Gillian, who had lost the emperor's protection, had to lower her noble head and obediently. All the money won was returned, and in the lobby of his home, he also signed a series of humiliating unequal treaties-Shi Yue: Nagato Treaty.

The content of this treaty was varied, and 18 of them were unacceptable. However, Gillian had to bow his head obediently and let the human fish flesh!

Let us now welcome the parties with warm applause. Pingyang Hou Cao Xiang explained the contents of the treaties carefully for us, and how will the signing of these treaties help his future career! "

Yun Lang stood on the second floor with a wine glass, and talked to the other three young men who were sloppy.

Sure enough, it was Mo Ruozi, an elder mother. In Cao Xiang's extremely disappointed eyes, Changping had no reason to bring back all the money and goods that originally belonged to the Pingyang Hou House, just like taking away the pitiful million yuan The same is true for its name-keeping!

Cao Xiang took a sip of goat ’s milk with a happy smile in Huo ’s disease and Li Gan ’s warm footsteps, saying: “The reason why we can win this time has a lot to do with the help of our brothers. Among them, Yulin Army Secretary Ma Yunlang, Yu Lin Lang Li dare steal the facts the most finishing touch.

Two silly X took me by the way and took a lot of money!

Go to the sick, you have to judge, my mother just took my money away, why should they both take it? "

Huo went sick against the tiger's belly with a glass of wine, and Shuttan yawned: "As far as I know, when they started stealing, the money still belonged to the Longmen Palace.

In other words, they stole the money of the Longmen Palace. As long as the people of the Longmen Palace are not held accountable, what bird qualifications do you have to ask others? "

Li Gan laughed and said: "It's a good time to make a fortune, and today's scene is not a few times in a lifetime. If you don't know the black hand, is it still a qualified honorable man?"

Speaking, among the few of us, A Lang ’s mind turned the fastest. When Yeye had n’t figured out what was going on, he had already gotten a bead by tempting Dachangqiu to make money for our brother. Paved a road.

I admire you. "

Huo went sick and said with a smile: "Speaking of this, Gillian is still very good, just spoiled.

Since she was born, she has been regarded as the pearl of the palm by the most distinguished people in the world. Whether it is Queen Mother Dou or Emperor Xian, which is not good for her?

If I was born in her environment, I might be more arrogant than her.

Everyone said that Gillian was domineering, but many people forgot, just because of Gillian, they only had a ray of hope when they fell into the dead.

In those years, the heroes rescued by Gillian are still fewer? Some of them paid for it, but some were assisted by Gillian's righteous speech.

As far as I know, as long as Gillian is willing to form his own team, those who have benefited from Gillian's favor will surely follow.

However, after finishing helping others, Gillian had forgotten the existence of those people. She felt that she was the golden phoenix in the sky, and there was no need to remember who she saved.

Even so, on the day after Gillian was abolished, there were still two veterans who were killed in front of the palace gate, but those two pretentious veterans were not people who could be bought with a little gold and silver power.

Axiang, when you benefit from Gillian, you must pay attention to one degree. Do n’t dare to overdo it. I am very worried that you will really anger Gillian, and the consequences will be very serious. "

Cao Xiang smiled bitterly: "You don't know my mother's character, she is now married in Changping Hou Mansion, your uncle, your aunt and Gillian are dead rivals. After all, the reason why Gillian can be reduced to today There is a great correlation.

My mother always talks about who eats and helps others, so ah, do n’t think that my mother can go there with Gillian, it is not easy to maintain the current situation. "

Huo went ill with a smile: "Who tells you that Gillian my aunt's queen came to this point?

Gillian himself did not want to admit it.

When Gillian walked out of the queen's palace, she threw Feng Guan as waste to my aunt. What else did she say, as a woman, who can be better than her.

Standing in the empty court and pointing in the direction of the emperor, he scolded for half an hour, saying that His Majesty has no eyes, is willing to be cheap, and actually spoils a female slave!

From the beginning to the end, I have never seen my aunt, and I still talk about hatred.

In my opinion, even if it is Her Majesty's Edict of the Aftermath has been written, as long as Gillian Ken bowed his head in front of the Emperor and admitted the mistake, the eight achievements have passed, she is still her Queen, and so many things have come since. "

That's how Huo Goes disease, he has always stripped himself from the incident, and looked at the problem from the perspective of a bystander.

Yun Lang's analysis of him has always been convincing, but, this guy's young heart, once he has a good relationship with someone, he has the habit of talking out of his heart. Yun Lang feels that it should be changed.

Life is a long process. It is difficult for friends to support each other along the way, especially for people with status. Sometimes, the development of things is not shifted by human will.

Cao Xiang's embarrassed flick of his head said: "So, this time I have done too much?"

Yun Lang shook his head and said: "A Jiao is still a straightforward temperament, then, if she feels that your behavior is unacceptable to her, she will naturally refuse, since she has already agreed, it shows that she does not care.

Treat those Nagato Palace guards well, I think, Gillian will not take those people back. She now has a dim sum. "

Li Gan nodded and said, "I heard that A Jiao spent a lot of money to buy Fu. From Sima Xiangru, I got a piece of" Nagato Fu "and the emperor burst into tears.

He hurried to the Longmen Palace to meet Gillian. After the two met for one night, the emperor left. There was no more details. I heard that the two of them were not happy. "

Yun Lang sighed: "Two hard people are together, no one wants to bow their heads and make small, it is difficult to get along well."

Cao Xiang frowned: "Longmen Fu" is very bitter, and there is endless regret! "

Yun Lang smiled and said: "The words are heartfelt. If that" Nagato Fu "is from Gillian's hand, it can naturally be used as a basis for measuring Gillian's heart.

It's a pity that the article was written by Sima Xiangru, who is a person who can write articles very well, who can grasp the emperor's mind keenly. Impress the emperor? "

Huo Qicki frowned: "A woman is really troublesome. In a few years, if the daughter of the Houtou family is like this, I will be annoyed."

Li Gan lay on the floor of Guang Ke Jian, playing with the tiger's thick tail in his hand, saying: "If you marry a wife, you should marry a girl from a poor family. Once such a girl marries home, isn't it a yea at home?

It seems to me that this life is not going to be angry at this kind of thing. "

Turning his head, he looked at Yun Lang and said, "Hey, A Lang, do you plan to sleep on a woman and start a building? If this is the case, I don't think you have enough land.

If I were to learn from you, I might cover the Afang Palace in the future, and the same goes for Axiang and Axiang. How much do you have in Shanglin Garden for us to build the four Afang Palaces? "

Cao Xiang said angrily: "Afghan Palace is a group of palaces, but not one, without studying the incompetent.

But ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Having said that, how are we going to spend the autumn harvest this year? "

Listening to Cao Xiang talking about the autumn harvest festival, Li Gan sat up with his bones in his eyes, screaming at the floor, shouting: "This year there is a singer from Wu Yue's land dancing, I heard Wu Yue has made beautiful women since ancient times go with!"

This is what the young people's party looks like. In the first second, she was still grievous for A Jiao, and the next second was filled with all kinds of fantasies about the beauty of Wu Yuezhi.

The tiger doesn't care about the beauty of the beauties. The weather is too hot. The wind blows through the building in this building. The most cool thing is.

Looking up at the four young men shouting and screaming, they put their heads on their paws to sleep again. This season it is a fool's job to find a tigress.

Gillian felt hot, sitting at the window looking at the distant mountains, waving a handkerchief fan constantly. She felt bored when the maid was there, and she felt hot when the maid was away.

Inadvertently seeing a group of little servants of the Yun family, jumping off the strip and rushing into the stream, they couldn't help but chanted: "Changqiu, I'm going to dig a pool at home!"

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