Our Hometown

Vol 7 Chapter 72: Man with broken old dream

Chapter 72: The Old Dream Breaker

Everyone is pretending to pass the chaos that never happened.

However, this great chaos happened after all. Sima Qian recorded clearly in his notes. He not only wrote what he saw, but also asked many parties to prove the truth of the matter.

To this end, he was busy in the spring ...

The day of the first year of the early days was not easy. Until March day, there was no rain in Guanzhong. Dong Zhongshu said that this was a chaos in Guanzhong. More than 100,000 people died and Heaven was angry.

So, in the spring and cold season, Dong Zhongshu sat down in the wilderness in his single clothes and prayed for rain in the form of self-sufficiency.

I did n’t eat, drink, move, or sleep for three days. On the fourth day, Chaoyang was covered by dark clouds before the outcrop, and then spring rain fell!

The spring rain fell, the moisture of the land was eased, the cattle began to go down, and the farmers began to sow. This is the real spring day.

On the sixth day after the rain, Dong Zhongshu died in Qujiang. After his death, he was buried lightly, and the tomb was only six feet high ...

Shi Lang Zun Da, Dian Xing She's surname, Deng Ping of the calendar, Changle Sima Ke, Jiuquan Hou Yijun, Fang Shi Tangdu, Ba Jun Luo Hong told the emperor on the same day that a big star fell to the North Sea in the northwest.

The emperor sacrificed in Mingtang, and did not eat for three days, mourning the death of Dong Zhongshu.

Three thousand white-clothed Confucian disciples recite Dong Zhongshu's famous novel "Shifu Yufu" in unison, and recreate the scene when the emperor met Dong Zhongshu by question and answer. Among them, three policy theories are hailed as "three strategies for heaven and man".

Later, "Chongqiu Fanlu" written by Dong Zhongshu personally became a must-read book for Confucian students.

Yun Lang is envious.

Although such a thing as Qi Yu is similar to hitting Universiade, now Dong Zhongshu hit Universiade, and he sent himself completely into the altar.

Huo Guang disagrees. He believes that the knowledge of Northwestern Polytechnic is the orthodox that students will learn in the future. All the knowledge that is contrary to the theory of Northwestern Polytechnic should be evil.

Yun Lang was very frightened about Huo Guang ’s statement. Dong Zhongshu used his life and reputation to promote the situation of “strike a hundred schools and honor Confucianism”. Science and technology ".

Regarding Huo Guang's ideal, Yun Lang believes that it will be carried out, and the possibility of success is very high. After all, Northwestern Polytechnic has done all the evil things.

After three or five years, after the sect that was parasitized by Northwestern Polytechnic as a disciple of Northwestern Polytechnic, Dahan wouldn't be able to implement the idea of ​​Northwestern Polytechnic.

The history is strikingly similar. In early summer, the emperor toured Mount Tai, and then the locust plagued ...

When the emperor's itinerary arrived at the river, some accustomed people said: There are strange women here. "

The emperor asked him. Hejian officials said that there was a gorgeous woman in the local area who was born with a fist in one hand.

The emperor's wonder, the call came, and it was truly amazing.

Just with a fist in one hand, the emperor became even more surprised.

The emperor reached out his hands and gently broke the woman's hand, the girl's hand was separated, and he held a small jade hook tightly in the palm of his hand.

Subsequently, the Emperor ordered the woman into the accompanying chariot and brought it back to the Royal Palace, known as Mrs. Fist.

Yun Lang heard this and smiled slightly, and then continued to drive the chickens and ducks to peck locusts in the wilderness with Meng Da and Meng Er.

After meeting with the chickens led by Gillian, disaster struck ...

The queen asked why Yun Lang had prevented her army from advancing. Yun Lang said: This is the responsibility of the chief of the history.

The queen blamed Shi Mengda, the commander of the Yun's chicken and duck army, whip five times, and then joined forces with the Yunlang army to sweep the ten-mile radius of the Changmen Palace.

The land where Gao Yang buried his head has long been abandoned, only nine feet of earth slope, the queen stands on it, watching the locusts flying, how hard it is for the people.

Yun Lang laughed and said: things are impermanent, so be prepared!

The queen returned home and summoned her eldest daughter, Lan Tian. After personally giving advice, Lan Tian knelt into the soup as her daughter-in-law.

Yun Lang tasted the soup, but he didn't say a word, and accompanied He Chou to invite him to Lishan.

"The mansion will fall into this situation, and His Majesty is no longer the wise hero of the year. He thought that he had not changed, but he did not know that even the demons and daemons dare to humiliate him.

Pity, sigh! "

He Chou has a heartache in Shanyang.

"When His Majesty hurt others, he always thought that it was beneficial to himself. As a result, all of them killed 10,000 enemies and damaged 7,000.

He killed 10,000 enemies, and 10,000 from many people, but his own damage was always his own 7,000.

Seven thousand are injured today, and another seven thousand tomorrow. Even if his strength is unfathomable, he can't afford to be so worn.

That's it. Your Majesty has had a comfortable life, and we have had a comfortable life, even Huo Guang, they are more troublesome, put in more energy, and manage the country well. "

He Chou said with a sneer: "It seems that you are a real former Qin Yu!"

Yun Lang smiled dumbly, patting his chest and saying, "You can also say that I am the aftermath of Da Xia, Da Shang, Da Zhou, and I can even say that I am a ghost born in this land.

My roots are deeply rooted in this soil, no matter how crazy my vine grows, it is just to decorate this land. "

He Chou said in a lost voice: "How can you tell me this?"

Yun Lang glanced at the old Dragon Clock, He Chou said: "Because you can't beat me now, you can tell the truth."

He Chou said slowly: "I remember you are a reasonable person, not a person who advocates force."

Yun Lang smiled and said: "When I reason, I usually beat others. Once my power surpasses others, you will find that I am the most dislike person in the world."

"You have a profound knowledge, an open mind, and a heart of love."

"These things are all for me by taking advantage of them, killing people and setting fire for disguise. After all, if I have a pig-killer's face, I have to say to marry four wives like flowers, even if I walk on the street A glance at the beauty will attract fat beaters from passersby.

He Gong, you are over one hundred years old, why don't you understand. "

He Chouyou sighed deeply: "The old man's killing like a dog in his life is still incomparable with your invisible giant.

After the old man murdered, he was relieved to get a dirty reputation. You killed so many people. At the end, the old man estimated that you can mix better than Dong Zhongshu! "

Yun Lang dusted on the sleeves of Shan's clothes and said: "This is inevitable. With my talents and my abilities, if you are not as good as Dong Zhongshu, you will lose the face of a world."

"The emperor is blinded, it looks like you will stand by."

Yun Lang said coldly: "If the emperor is blinded, it will make people's lives better. I think he is not necessarily a bad thing if he is blinded.

In addition, I will tell you again that Mrs. Gou Yi has nothing to do with me. You should ask those who said that Dong Zhongshu died on the day when a big star fell on the Hanhai, and who should have asked the emperor to visit Mount Tai, Then ask who is looking forward and said there are strange women here.

After finally grabbing Mrs. Fist for a torture, I think you can get the answers you need. "

He Chou smiled bitterly: "I am old."

Yun Lang looked at He Chou and said: "When you are old, you must listen to the young people. Mo Yao always lives in the past and should live in the present and look to the future."

"What is the old man's moment?"

Yunlang dug a wild panax under the pine tree ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and threw it into the small basket on He Chouyou's back, straightening his waist and saying, "That's the thing."

He Chou looked at Ye Sanqi in the back basket disappointedly, and sighed slightly: "I'll trouble you to carry me back."

Yun Lang smiled back to He Chou: "That's right. When you get old, you have to serve the old, and you can't move. I will naturally carry you back.

Yeah, without telling you, there is a large area of ​​wild 37. "

Yun Lang's body moved forward, opened a bush, and screamed in surprise. After more than a dozen or twenty years of excavation, the wild Sanqi has become difficult to see.

When Yun Lang digs out the field of wild ginseng happily, and pulls the bushes to come to He Chou's pine tree, he sees He Chou leaning on the pine tree obliquely, sitting under the **** with a basket on his face. His expression was very calm, and the mountain breeze slightly touched his messy white hair, his arms drooping softly beside him.

Yun Lang first carefully put Ye Sanqi into his back basket. After thinking for a while, he poured Ye Sanqi out of the back basket, put the thin He Youyou into the back basket, and repacked the ground. He carried He Chouyou, carrying another basket full of Yeqi, and stepped down Lishan step by step.

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