Our Hometown

Chapter 138: Chaos, extreme chaos!

Chapter 138 Chaos, Extreme Chaos

(Announcement, the release time is changed, some brothers are scolding, and it is considered inhumane to release in the middle of the night. Therefore, from the 9th, the release time is changed to 7 a.m., 6 p.m., and two chapters each. End of month)

"Red sleeves meet the nobles!"

The red-sleeved shrine bowed down, and the worm with its mouth wide open next to it reminded of the ritual. Compared with the red-sleeve, the worm looked stupid.

Gillian ignored the ceremonial and thoughtful red sleeves. Instead, she took the worm's hand and asked her how old she was.

He also took out a bead from the sleeve cage and gave it to the bug.

The panic-stricken bug was overwhelmed by huge happiness, and he kept breathing out his mouth, but couldn't say a complete word.

In the end, the imagination moved, and the four largest steamed buns were taken out of the cage and put on the plate for Gillian to eat.

Big Changqiu wanted to stop, Gillian's phoenix stared, Big Changqiu had to retreat, watching Gillian prepare to find a place to sit down to eat, stomping his hate, followed.

The youngsters of the Yun family seemed very calm, Qi Qi bowed to Gillian as a gift, and then let out a newest table for Gillian.

Gillian froze for a moment, and looked at Changqiu.

Da Changqiu sighed: "All are scholars!"

Gillian held the plate and shook it and asked, "All?"

Da Changqiu nodded and said, "All!"

Gillian sat on the bench and put down the plate and said, "Awesome!"

Insect Baba carried a bowl of porridge and a dish of balsamic vinegar in front of Gillian, and said with joy: "Please give me a taste of my buns."

A Jiao smiled and thanked. He actually picked up the chopsticks and began to eat the buns in the eyes of the public, while Da Changqiu was a lifeless look.

"The meat of the buns is wild pork, which was caught by my tiger ... Last night, I chose the best meat buns on the wild boars to make buns. I also added peppercorns to it. it is good?"

Gillian, who was eating steamed buns, paused. After eating the steamed buns, she asked in surprise: "Tiger?"

The little worm didn't see Da Changqiu's murderous eyes at all, and even ignored the red sleeves that kept pulling her sleeves, put a finger in his mouth, and made a loud whistle ...

Yun Lang, Cao Xiang, Huo went sick, Li Gan was also having breakfast, and the tiger was lying lazily on his blanket, constantly playing with a bone in his mouth.

A loud whistle came, and the tiger stood up with a loud sound, and rushed out of the curtain of the tent.

Yun Lang's face changed a lot, and he flew forward to catch the tiger's tail. Who knew that the tiger rolled the tail and avoided it. Yun Lang, who was too anxious, fell to the ground.

The second reaction came from Huo Going sick. He was originally sitting. With both hands on the stool, the real person ran out of the tent.

If Gillian was scared to death by the tiger, they would not have to live.

Yun Lang, who climbed up and drilled out of the tent, found desperately that the tiger avoided Huo Going's outstretched hand and drilled into the Yun's house along the door.

Dachangqiu's two eyeballs gobbled up and down, he knew that the Yun family had a very obedient tiger, but could this beast be seen by a charming lady like Gillian?

When he found the tiger running in from the door, it was too late, Gillian had seen the tiger.

Gillian's hands were so trembling that the buns in his hands fell off, and the big long autumn eagle flew out, preparing to get it out before the tiger approached the bug.

The tiger growled dissatisfiedly, avoiding the big long autumn, and a tiger fluttered to the worm, rubbing the worm's waist with his head to ask for meat.

The worm patted the tiger's head and said to Gillian, who was stupid: "Look, noble, this is my tiger."

Gillian, who was about to be frightened, suddenly hit a shock, and his pale face instantly turned flush, and asked the worm with a tremble: "Don't bite?"

The worm smiled with a big white tooth with a healthy mouth: "It doesn't bite, it doesn't smell, the maid will bathe it every day, and it's okay."

Gillian seemed to be trembling with joy, and quickly asked, "Will you raise a tiger?"

Xiaochong smiled and said: "Yes, yes, my young master said that raising a tiger must start from a young age, and must be a friend with the tiger. After a long time, the tiger will think you are its friend, and never will I bit you. "

Gillian was overjoyed, and her shaking hands touched the tiger's ear violently, then shouted loudly: "Big Changqiu, I want a tiger! The little one!"

Yun Lang, Huo Going sickly, dragged his head and walked in. He didn't dare to look at Gillian. He grabbed a tiger's ear and hurried out.

"Huh! If you dare to punish this maid, I can't spare him!" Gillian's cold voice came from behind Yun Lang.

Yun Lang reluctantly turned back to salute, and went out with Huo Qubing to take the tiger.

Before going out, Huo went ill and said angrily: "I've told you to change your body, so why didn't you listen? She is a fool!"

Yun Lang said with a sad face, "Change after today!"

Cao Xiang held a bite bun in his hand and said, "Is Gillian scared to death?"

"Close your crow's mouth!" Yun Lang and Huo Qubing broke off.

"That's not scared to death?" Cao Xiang shrugged his shoulders in regret, and then re-entered the tent.

Gillian was startled by the tiger, and his appetite was wide open. While listening to the worms whispering to her about the daily life of the tiger, she ate buns.

The bug can tell stories, for example, her tiger will climb trees, her tiger will take a bath by herself, her tiger will also pick up naughty children from the water, even her tiger will go out to find his wife After finishing, even the blanket is back ...

A Jiao laughed forward and back, and unknowingly ate four fist-sized buns, and drank a bowl of porridge.

Da Changqiu wanted to squeeze the little worm. Red sleeves distributed the buns to the rest of the young people while looking at the little worm resentfully. She really could not understand why, with the wisdom of her young master, why there was such a dull maid.

"Red sleeves, give me ten buns, the biggest one."

A careless voice dragged the red sleeves out of self-blame, and when she looked up, her small face immediately became a little green ...

Meng Da, Meng Er didn't know when to line up, and a duck was on his head, and he handed a huge pot to the red sleeves.

Seeing that the red sleeves didn't pick up their basin, they put down the basin and spread their hands. "We washed our hands. We really did."

Meng Er said in the back: "I just washed it, I washed it very carefully."

Red Sleeve glanced at Gillian.

Fortunately, Gillian is telling the bug that the tiger is happy, and has not noticed that there are two fools with ducks above them.

Red Sleeve hit a spirit, went to Meng University with the fastest speed, Meng Er's pot was filled with buns, and then pointed at the door and smiled: "The young master just wanted to find you, in the tent outside, go! "

"How about porridge? There's no porridge in buns, do you want to choke us?"

Dissatisfied, Meng Er handed over a pot again, and motioned for the red sleeves to quickly fill the porridge.

Filling their pots with porridge, Meng Da came to Gillian's side, and helped the duck on his head to Gillian: "Second Master, have you come to Yunjia mixed rice?"

Gillian gave Meng Da a glare, and urged the bug to continue to talk about the benefits of raising tigers.

"Second Master, the Yun family's food is delicious. My father said, as long as I am hungry, I must be full, and you have to eat more, so as not to suffer!" Meng Er was carrying a rice gruel filled with rice porridge. The pot came to Gillian's side, and mysteriously said to Gillian.

Gillian squeaked his teeth and slapped it on the other half of Meng Erwei's duck's head, angrily: "Why are you two rammed goods also at Yun's?"

Meng Er called a trembling ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ quickly guarded the unstable duck standing on his head and said: "Raise the duck, make money, raise the mother, support the wife!"

"Huh? The two of you have become smarter?" Gillian looked at Meng Da suspiciously, and then looked at Meng Er whether he was sure that Meng Er said what he just said.

Da Changqiu said quickly: "What they said is true. Yun Lang picked up a few duck eggs from the field and gave them to their brothers to hatch. As a result, they were really hatched by them.

Lieutenant Meng Du of the Chinese Military Academy has already honoured His Majesty's achievements for his son. He believes that his son has domesticated ducks and added a poultry to the Han.

Now, this movement has caused impeachment among the group of officials, thinking that Meng Du is lying for merit and doing favoritism. "

Gillian sneered: "Meng Du has always been honest, and the son he gave is Park Humble. Do those people even deprive an old minister of the last hope?

You tell Ashe that I saw Meng Da, Meng Er, and the tamed duck. If anyone else is not convinced, come and ask me! "

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