Our Hometown

Chapter 157: Silly Big Han

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Chapter 157 The Silly Big Han

Although Cao Xiang is clever, he is still young. After all, a 15-year-old boy's heart is full of big things that drive the tigers and wolves to dominate the world. Naturally, he can't think of the small things in the army.

"A Lang, you come to Sima in our army, it is much better than you to serve as Sima in the Yulin army."

Cao Xiang thought Yun Lang was a good talent, so he opened his mouth to solicit.

Yun Lang said with a lip: "The reason why I will be the Sima of the Yulin Army is entirely because of being the Sima. I can get a good salary without going to the army to take care of it, and become your Sima. Will it work? "

Cao Xiang said angrily: "Naturally, it won't work! This army is a start-up. Naturally, there are many things to do. I only care about the leader, and I don't care about the rest, I have to deal with it."

Yun Lang said with a smile: "Since your army is all cavalry, I can't help you otherwise. I can do it to transform your cavalry."

Cao Xiang shook his head: "How to transform? The horseshoes have been installed."

Yun Lang said angrily: "One by one is so stupid, knowing that one side of the stirrup is easy to mount, why haven't you thought of fitting two stirrups to the war horse?

Will you be able to free both hands in this way?

How can you control a war horse with two legs and use two hands to hold a weapon?

I do n’t know what you think, oh my god, I know that if I have a horse with a single stirrup, do n’t you know that with two stirrups, with two stirrups, the cavalry can stand on the horse ’s back and fight right away? Bow shooting, you always say that the Huns can open bows and archery on horseback, you do n’t want to change it?

Is it always uncomfortable to hang one leg on the horse's belly? "

Cao Xiang and Li Gan were scared by Yun Lang's face. They found that things really seemed like this. It is really stupid to know that it is convenient to have one leg, but not to know the leg which is convenient on both sides.

"One by one silly, how can I lower my body to be your Sima? I can't afford to lose that person ..."

Cao Xiang gritted his teeth and said, "I'm going to find someone to try your bilateral stirrups. If we don't succeed, we will settle the bill."

Yun Lang took a sip of tea while holding a tea cup and said, "If it is done?"

Cao Xiang scolded: "I know you're in love with my set of filigree gold chessboards. If it succeeds, he will be yours."

Yun Lang laughed and said: "You are a guy who knows the emotions and knows it. Rest assured that if you have an idea in the future, you will continue to cheapen you."

Cao Xiang dragged Li Gan straight to the Yun's stables. Their horses were kept at the Yun's, but they didn't ride very much recently.

Sitting on the platform on the second floor, Yun Lang feels that life is now very good.

There is a wretched guy standing at the end of the path waiting for an encounter with a nobleman. A fool is fighting with a tiger. He is pressed down by the tiger again and again. Wear your own horse.

The women who are scattered in the field are happy writers, and some even sing songs. If Han Ze, the bad old man of Yuefu, comes here, he will surely record many beautiful songs.

The half-big boys are more industrious, some are burning lime, some are receiving coal and stone sent by savages, some are grazing on hillside grasslands, and some are serving poultry and livestock with Meng Dameng Er.

As for the bugs and red sleeves, who have not been seen for a whole day, it is estimated that they wore one-piece swimsuits and went to the pool of Gillian ’s house.

If possible, Yun Lang would like to live like this, with a group of people who had no hope, and gradually become hopeful, slowly become rich, and become a person, which is very good.

Just seeing the tall sealed mound, Yun Lang's nose was sore and sore. Dazai was always afraid of the cold, and he didn't know if he was lying on that cold step, would he feel uncomfortable.

Yun Lang felt that he had to go to Shihuang Mausoleum and find a way to shut it down completely. If he couldn't, he was ready to prepare the ignition powder and explode the entire tomb.

The worms planed in the pool one by one, and the white **** and eggs were mostly exposed, which was very interesting.

Gillian is staring at the bug's buttocks now. How do you think the swimsuit on the bug looks good? Just a few pieces of cloth reveal the most beautiful figure of the woman.

This is what she wears on the bug. She is still a child. There is no big difference between a boy with no chest and no **** ... such as->> , the latest chapter in Hanxiang will be updated as soon as possible!


Gillian looked down at her towering **** and jumped from a big goose-shaped sheepskin sac, shouting, "Great Changqiu!"

Da Changqiu didn't know where it came from, and he appeared beside Gillian with a loud bang.

Gillian pointed to the swimsuit on the bug: "Take my size and make one too."

Dachangqiu narrowed his eyes and looked at the **** and egg that the bug was still holding, and immediately smiled and saw nothing.

"Show it to your majesty?"

Gillian said angrily: "If it weren't for the chance that you dog slaves were a little bit ahead, do you think I would be so shameless and ashamed?"

Da Changqiu quickly bowed and said: "Xie Guiren pity the slave-servant."

Da Changqiu beckoned, and immediately came to the two big-bodied maidens, and under his instructions, he took the bug out of the water, and then carried it to the small building.

Gillian, dressed in a veil, climbed back into the swan-shaped sheepskin sac, and paddled the water to a shady place and asked, "What are they doing, Yunlang?"

Da Changqiu squatted on the shore and said: "Yun Lang is drinking tea, Dongfang Shuo is standing on the trail to have an encounter with the slave-servant, Huo Qie-bing is fighting against the tiger, Cao Xiang and Li Gan are hiding in the stable and do not know that they are playing what.

Noble, Dongfangshuo ... "

Gillian opened his eyes and said, "What's wrong with him?"

"Listening to Xiaohuangmen's report, Dongfang Shuokou kept saying that there are some admonishments beneficial to my Longmen Palace."

Gillian chuckled and said, "It's another generation of big-mouthed people. These people, when they talk about their heads, they often shrink their heads when they do things. If there are fewer quail-like women in the palace, no one has caught Aye ’s heart.

They just do n’t listen to nonsense. "

Da Changqiu hesitated and said, "Wei Qing went to You Beiping."

Gillian's expression immediately became a little sad, and a white hand gently tapped the clear water under him, and sighed: "After all, it is necessary to speak with strength. Wei Zifu is lucky, there is one who can fight. Younger brother, he took advantage everywhere.

Haha, you talk about it, why are all my brothers and brothers all wine bags? "

Da Changqiu smiled and said, "Aren't we living next door with four good young men? Although Huo went sick, Cao Xiang and Wei Zifu had a deep relationship, but ah, Yun Lang and Li Gan did not have any relationship with Wei Zifu. 'S relationship ...

From the point of view of the slave-servant, among the four, Yunlang's talents should be the first, Huo Going sick was brave and resolute, Cao Xiang was cunning and wise again, and Li Ganluo's loyal bravery was second ...

Looking at the entire Han Dynasty, not many talented young people surpassed the four of them. "

Gillian sighed: "I used to think that Yun Lang seemed to be asking us. Since he was seriously ill, this feeling has disappeared. Why?"

Da Changqiu said with a smile: "Naturally, something happened, or something changed. When the slave-servant first saw the clouds, there were purple blood spots on his eyes. This was not caused by any pain, it should have been highly toxic.

After he returned, he was eating carrot water every day, and the old slave thought it was a detoxification process. "

Gillian frowned: "Is there anything else we don't know about Yun Lang?"

Da Changqiu nodded and said: "A lot of ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ For example, his origins, this matter was not even understood by His Majesty. The embroidered clothes went to Zhongshan, Cai Di, where the Yun's has been scattered because of the war. Disappeared.

The place where he first appeared was Lishan. Before that, no one had seen him or heard of him. He was very eye-catching as soon as he appeared. Zhuzhong Zhuo, Princess Changping, and even the side Guanghou Liu Ying and Prime Minister Xue Ze are all very interested in this son, but this son later came into the line of sight of his majesty.

The reason why His Majesty agreed to give Lishan three thousand acres of land to him was to observe nearby. After all, with the contributions of Yuanshuo Plow, Waterwheel, Water Mill, Horseshoe, it is worth taking the risk for His Majesty, forgetting his suspicious Background. "

"So, Ashe arranged him near the Changmen Palace, just to facilitate the Yulin Army who guards us to monitor him nearby?"

Da Changqiu said with a smile: "It's not like this. The land owned by Yun's is selected by Yun Lang himself. It seems that he chose this place solely for the purpose of using the hot springs. To be a neighbor with us, it should be a accidental."

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