Our Hometown

Chapter 167: The first encounter with the Huns

Chapter 167 The first encounter with the Huns (please pay attention to Weibo and Weibo 2)

There is no way to speak well with people like Gillian. With a single mouth, she can choke on ordinary people like Yun Lang.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with her sentence. Dahanguo belongs to her family. Even if she is a mistress, it makes sense to say so.

Gillian saw Yun Lang no longer talking, Liu Yemei became a little erect, and said angrily: "Ask you, can the harvest here be higher than your home next year?"

Yun Lang nodded again and again: "This is inevitable, this is inevitable."

"My chicken, two died yesterday ..."

Yun Lang blinked and listened to Gillian's nagging. There are more than 3,000 chicks in her family. It's a normal thing to have two dead. In Dahan, it's impossible for more than 3,000 children to survive, let alone Chicks.

"Next year's food will be more careful, some people want to see it!" After Gillian showed up enough, he said a big news to Yunlang.

The person who can make Gillian talk is no one other than Liu Che. Upon hearing this news, Yun Lang smiled, and Liu Che couldn't help but come.

"Aren't you proud?" Gillian looked at Yun Lang.

"Sincerity and fear!"

Gillian sighed, "Sincerity and fear? That's right, Da Changqiu always persuaded me to be fearful and fearful, but I couldn't do it. If I had to let him come over like that, I'd rather be alone in the Longmen Palace Live your life. "

Gillian obviously didn't mean to talk to Yun Lang again. The woman did everything depending on her mood. She was in a good mood. Even if she was arrogant in front of her, it wouldn't matter. If she was in a bad mood, she would immediately roll her face.

Yun Lang left after giving her a gift. Gillian was still standing in a high place to pretend to be her peasant woman. Now, she has completely brought herself into the peasant woman's illusion.

The large fields were full of dark ashes, and Yun Lang had to make a detour to go home if she wanted to go back cleanly.

Returning to Lishan again, the place is much more pleasant, the gurgling water, tall trees, and an ugly warhorse, a man squatting by the spring water to drink water.

The man is short and dark, and the clothes on his body are messy. He looks very strange when drinking water. Yunlang generally squats on the waterside with his legs. The guy is different, and his left leg squats However, his right leg was bent backwards, and the soles of his feet were still firmly on the ground. It seemed to be ready to burst to kill or to escape at any time.

Almost when Yun Lang found this person, that person also found Yun Lang alone. He stood up and looked at Yun Lang with a strange look ... how to say, like a wolf is looking at a person sheep.

"This is a private garden. Why didn't Xiongtai come in?" Yun Lang stopped and asked vigilantly.

The man opened his mouth and smiled, only showing a big white tooth, and slowly approached Yunlang. As he stood in the upper wind position, a thick stale air drifted with the wind.

Yun Lang took out a wine gourd from his arms and smiled: "No matter what, the one who is coming is a guest, drink a sip of wine first."

Yun Lang smiled and threw the wine gourd to the man who was close to him less than ten meters.

The man grabbed the wine gourd with his hand, shook it, and dropped it on the ground. His two eyes stared at Yunlang like an eagle, and then rushed over.

Yun Lang bar lay on the ground with a bang, and the man who rushed over was shocked to find that a huge tiger head was directly opposite him.

The two paws of the tiger had been opened, and the two-inch claws grabbed him fiercely against his face.

The man shouted, his body rolled sideways, evading the tiger's left paw, but was caught by the right paw.

A tiger's paw, sharper than a steel hook, crossed his face, and a series of blood spattered.

Yunlang lying on the ground is very clear. The paw of his own tiger brother almost cut the face of the man, or cut it into five parts. The longest paw even cut one of his eyes. Pull it out.

Just when Yun Lang thought that this man was finished, he actually turned over from the ground and climbed up again, swiftly running towards the war horse, which had all his weapons.

The tiger roared with its head raised, and the horse wailed and knelt to the ground. The tiger leapt over the man. A big paw was pressed against the head of the mourning horse, shaking his tail, and waiting for the man to approach.

The man's face was bleeding like blood, and he seemed to know that there was no escape route, so he wolfed like a wolf, and the probe ripped off his troubled shirt, opened his arms to face the tiger, and even stepped forward.

Yun Lang stood and looked at the man carefully: "Are you Xiongnu? How did you get here?"

The Xiongnu deaf to Yunlang's question, and slowly moved closer to the stream.

The tiger's claws stepped **** the horse's face, and the horse's head was ripped open by the claws.

"Surrender, I can bypass you without dying."

Yun Lang felt that the blood of the Xiongnu was about to drain. Although it was only a few breaths from his injury to the present, the ground he passed was already covered with blood.

When a tiger looked at him, he did not dare to turn around and run away, as long as anyone who had hunted knew what it was like to expose his back to the beast.

Yun Lang suddenly remembered that Huo Qubing said in the spring, that the Huns Zuo Guli might get revenge, and he suddenly became nervous.

This shows that the Huns coming over are definitely not just this one.

Anxious in his heart, he yelled at the tiger, the tiger's dissatisfied glanced at Yunlang, and then rushed at the Huns again.

Yun Lang took advantage of the tiger's scuffle with the Huns and hurried to the dead horse, tearing apart the Huns 'horse bag, and the Huns' scimitar was exposed.

Yun Lang shouted, seeing that the Huns had been held firmly by the tiger, he took out his dagger, and stabs at the roots of the Huns' thighs. The Huns yelled, sitting **** the tiger's jaw with their head From then on, Yun Lang's dagger took the opportunity to stab each of his two shoulder sockets.

The Huns made a loud noise, struggling twice, and fell to the ground weakly.

Yun Lang was too late to ignore this Xiongnu. When he thought of Gillian was near, in case this woman was taken away by the Huns, the real Han Dynasty would become a big joke.

Almost running back to the wilderness, Gillian was still standing on the high slope, pretending to be a peasant woman, and then out of Lin Ziyun Lang shouted at Gillian: "Run, the Huns are here!" Too far away, Ah Jiao didn't hear very clearly, looked at Yunlang doubtfully, and motioned him to come closer.

Yun Lang just ran two steps, and found that Da Changqiu almost came flying from the other side, and behind him was still holding a galloping horse. From the way the horse was running, this was not a spring horse. .

"The Huns are attacking!" Da Changqiu shouted and came to Gillian, stooping and kneeling, letting Gillian trample on his back.

"What?" Gillian shouted and immediately stepped on the war horse on Da Changqiu's shoulder. She couldn't fall into the hands of the Huns. It was clear that Gillian was still in the position.

Gillian had just mounted, and another 16 knights rushed over anxiously. Seeing Gillian had already mounted, he immediately gave a mount to Dachangqiu, and then quickly surrounded Gillian away.

At this time, Yunlang had gone out ten miles away. Gillian was unharmed ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ At this time, the family must be considered. The Huns are here. How did they come? How much is coming?

Yun Lang was too late to think about these things. When he thought of the more than 400 women and children at home, he dared not waste any time.

The bell of the Yun family's meal rang, which was also the signal that the Yun family called for servants. The servants of the family all hurried out of their place of residence, chattering and laughing, and rushed to the front of the wooden house where the main family lived.

They were very happy. Every time the housekeeper called everyone to the party, there was good news. For example, the last thing to add eggs to everyone was the most talked about by the servants.

"The Huns are here, let's go!"

Liang Weng's face was pale, and he shouted to ask his servants to follow him into the pine forest. This was the only place where the Yun family could escape.

"Take your own children, don't worry, the Huns haven't come yet. Let's go to the pine forest to hide for a while. When the Huns leave, we will come back."

Yun Lang was really afraid to urge these women. He was afraid that if he urged them, the consequences would be more serious.

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