Our Hometown

Chapter 173: Liu Che is coming

Chapter 173 Liu Che is coming

Yunlang's news is actually closed, or that people in this world are not very sensitive to the news.

The higher the identity, the higher the sensitivity of the news of the person, and many times they are the source of the news.

Whose news is the most sensitive? Naturally the emperor!

Yun Lang couldn't find the emperor for information, so she had to find Gillian who had just returned from Ganquan Palace to hear the news.

"Yanmen Pass was broken by others, and Shangjun was also looted by others. King Zuoguli sent 6,000 dead people for the same purpose as the last attack on Ganquan Palace, which was to take the empress of my great Han and threaten The Great Han Kingdom needs ransom to make up for the losses suffered by Wei Qing's attacks.

The dozens of Huns you met actually heard that I lived in the Longmen Palace, and they came to catch me. Fortunately, you killed them.

However, why are there 4,000 Huns who attacked Ganquan Palace, but there were not even forty Huns who attacked me?

This clearly looks down on me. It is estimated that the ladies of Chang'an Sansuke may have mocked ... "

Yun Lang knelt down on the blanket and listened to Gillian's whispering about the big one. He hadn't heard clearly what Gillian wanted to narrate.

Listening to what she meant, she seemed very dissatisfied with the fact that only 40 Huns came to attack her. She felt that there were fewer people, which made her very embarrassed.

Unknown to others, Yun Lang began to see with her own eyes. When she heard that the Huns were coming, she stepped on Da Changqiu's shoulders and ran away without hesitation.

Only forty people came here. If there are four thousand, she still doesn't know what she will be scared of.

"Why didn't you hear the whereabouts of the Longmen Gongwei?" Yun Lang hurriedly interrupted while taking advantage of Gillian's drinking water.

Gillian gave Yun Lang a glance and said, "As far as you are concerned, there is a mother of a princess and a stepfather of a general, what will happen?

When others defeated the Huns, he took the Longmen Palace guards to chase down. How could their family miss the chance to shoot down the water dog?

It is estimated that it is almost Taiyuan County. "

Yun Lang shouted with a long breath and said: "It's fine if it's fine, it's fine if it's fine."

Gillian left the high soft slump and walked down to look at Yunlang: "You really don't have to say that you are a friend. I heard that you rushed down from the hidden mountain bag with a spear for a few guy friends. Also killed sixteen Huns in one breath? "

Yun Lang smiled bitterly: "Shang Lin Yuan is messed up. If my Yulin Army Sima doesn't return to the camp, this is not tolerated by the military law, so I'm going to the military camp to serve.

I saw the Huns in the middle of the road. Of course, I must resist it. I don't tell you that I went with the mentality of fighting.

Hidden in the grass and killed seven or eight people, see Zhang Lian, Zhou Hong, they struggled hardly, they could not support it anymore, they did not look at the reason that the robe was dead and they ignored it, so they rushed down.

Now think about it, the back is also cold sweat. "

Gillian nodded and was very satisfied with Yun Lang's resolute answer. He sighed: "Man's family always thinks of meritorious service, but how many people know how difficult it is to establish meritorious service.

If you have literary talents, you will show off your words. If you win a compliment from the king, you will rack your brains. If you have martial arts, you will be put on the battlefield and try your best to kill the enemy. It's really pitiful to make a marquise with the eyes of red eyes and killing them only when the corpse comes out of the blood. "

Yun Lang looked at the place where Gillian was speechless. Does this woman think that the real Hou Ye in Han Dynasty is just like a carrot?

You have the ability to tell this to Li Guang, Su Jian, and Gongsun Ao. They will listen to see if they will go crazy.

"Just because you killed the Huns and sent me to warn me, I will tell you something. This time, the person who was jailed by Lieutenant Mansion is not one or two. I wo n’t let you go. Look for Zhang Tang and go to intercede for someone.

Not allowed to help others under my banner. This time is different from the past. The Huns come to Shanglinyuan. They are always going to die with some wine bags and rice bags. Otherwise, the world of this big man is in danger.

Thinking about how to save people in your house is the right thing to do. It does n’t matter if you spend time with those dudes, just do n’t get involved in this time.

Lest people did not rescue, but brought you in, did you hear clearly? "

Yun Lang thinks the same way. His interpersonal relationship in Han Dynasty is simple, and only Huo Qubing, Li Gan and Cao Xiang can care about him. These three people are the key to whether he can have a good life in Changan , Dare not have something.

As for others, as long as they are not their own family, it does not matter who dies.

"Teach your family the ability to grow vegetables in winter to Da Changqiu, and there should be some green vegetables in the winter in the Longmen Palace. The Changan Wentang Supervisors are not willing to supply me with it, or they should grow some by themselves, so as not to look at people and lose their status. "

Yun Lang felt very incredible. Liu Che didn't touch any of them except for taking away her status as queen. Various treatments were even above the queen. Da Changqiu had already said that the share of the Longmen Palace is Ganquan Palace.

Ganquan Palace is the place where Liu Che ’s mother, Wang, lives, and even Yunlang, who killed him, does not believe that a little Wen Tangjian dare to deduct her green vegetables.

Seeing that Yunlang didn't seem to believe it, Gillian said angrily: "Carrots, cabbages, cucumbers, shallots, and the kind of steamed sweet radishes. I asked for them. I didn't have any of them, so I sent some eggplant. Cress, rape, leek! "

After listening to Gillian's words, Yunlang finally understood that Gillian had been picking vegetables in Yunjia's vegetable garden. She had already picked the habit. She thought that what the Yun family had, the Royal should have no less or more.

Yun Lang does not intend to explain this. The reason why Gillian complains is that she intends to continue picking vegetables in the Yunjia vegetable garden in the future. This may be a little fun for her.

"Vegetables are not growing well in winter, and some vegetables can't be planted. However, there are still some on Yunjia's hot water channel. If you like it, despite picking, this is Yunjia's supreme glory."

The corners of Gillian ’s mouth were upturned, and her goal was met. It seemed that Yun Lang was a bit unsightly. She did n’t like Han Yan ’s demon in the palace. Yun Lang seemed to be more handsome than Han Yan, which made her a little irritable.

How Yunlang can't see the change in Gillian's expression, this dead woman doesn't know what is perfunctory, or that she is basically too lazy to perfume anyone.

He got up and said goodbye, and was sent out of Changmen Palace by Changqiu.

Can't help complaining: "Can you not be so direct?"

Big Changqiu laughed and said: "Nobles have never had a good face for a good-looking man, especially a person like you who looks soft, is even more annoying, and the old man feels strange when he can say so much to you. .

By the way, won't you be lucky? "

"What do you mean?"

"Dong Jun!"

Yun Langqiang resisted the urge to vomit and vomited: "I only like women, only beautiful women, I also plan to have children, and I am going to prepare for Fuze long.

It doesn't matter if you are in an official position, it doesn't matter whether you are rich or not at home, you can't humiliate me like this. "

"The old man saw the people close to you, all of them are handsome and handsome people, you are also intimate, and thought you ..."

"Tomorrow ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Just tomorrow, Cao Xiang and Huo go sick, Li Gan and they dare to go to the door, they will go out with a big stick, and they will only make friends with Gongsun Ao, Zhang Lian, Zhou Hong, etc. The ugly the better. "

"In this way, the old man can rest assured, go well, don't send."

Yun Lang was walking on the way home, and the corners of her mouth were upturned. Both Gillian and Dachangqiu were so worried that he would seduce Liu Che-this shows that Liu Che was coming.

The Yun family needs Liu Che ’s arrival, and then finalizes the heels to determine the legality of the Yun family ’s residence in Shanglinyuan. Although the laws of the Han Dynasty have changed, only Liu Che has not changed. At least for the next fifty years, he will Is the supreme existence.

At dinner, Yun Lang saw Gongsun Ao. He was with the wounded soldiers and had a nice meal with noodles.

As for picking the meat in the bowl for the soldiers to eat, this performance is too obvious, and I don't know who I learned from.

"Looking at the injuries of these little guys, I felt uncomfortable. I sent them to the Yulin Army at home, and I expected them to stand out and earn a family job. If I had n’t played yet, I would die in Chang’an and I could n’t explain. what."

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