Our Hometown

Chapter 181: Chicken talk with duck

Chapter 181: Chickens and Ducks (Please pay attention to the WeChat of 宑 和 不 2)

Yun Lang feels that Huo Qie's illness is lying to him.

Above the lineup, once defeated, can the Sima in the army have good fruit? Even if he fled back, with Liu Che's temper, it is estimated that he was beheaded.

Yun Lang didn't want to end his journey in the Han Dynasty so quickly, anyway, he had to finish his life happily.

Last night, the collapse of the tomb of the Emperor Shihuang also affected Yunjiazhuangzi. Yunlang naturally knew what the reason was, but Liu Che ran back to Chang'an as soon as the earth dragon turned over.

Only when the emperor was convicted of the heavens would there be such a thing as an earth dragon turning over. This is an example of a kind of celestial-human induction described by Dong Zhongshu after he mixed Zou Yan's "Five Elements End to End" in his Confucianism.

This made Liu Che very worried. For Lishan, it was just a shock. For others, it might be a catastrophe.

All the doctrines in the world, as long as they can help the rulers, can generally prevail.

Many Chinese doctrines, because they can last thousands of years, are essentially serving the rulers.

Without the doctrine of this concept, it is very difficult to spread, and even life-threatening, even Confucius can kill Shao Zhengmao with a different name, so don't expect future kings to have higher ideological standards.

The best news I heard this winter was that Dongfang Shuo decided to end his annual pioneering behavior.

Nowadays, it is very honest to work in the bus station, and the behaviors that are different from everyone have converged a lot.

Once wise people can sink their hearts, they will generally do things better and faster than ordinary people.

Therefore, when Zhang Tang talked about Dongfangshuo, he also praised him, thinking that this guy is a talent to make, that is, the things he does are always out of place.

Yun Lang was very angry. The reason why the **** behaved differently from ordinary people was purely because he saw the model of the four-wheeled carriage from the Yun family and took it for an experiment in the bus station ...

There is no patent law in the Great Han Dynasty, so after seeing the four-wheeled wagon model from the Yun family, he thinks that it is his own creation without any psychological burden.

After Yun Lang thought it over carefully, it was relieved that the most important reason why the four-wheeled carriage was not popular in the Han Dynasty was that the road in the Han Dynasty was not suitable for the four-wheeled carriage.

The same track that the emperor created was not a joke. All the roads were designed and constructed with standard carriage ruts. The Great Han Dynasty inherited everything from the Great Qin Empire and naturally included roads.

Although the four-wheeled carriage is higher than the two-wheeled carriage in terms of cargo capacity and mule horse utilization efficiency, the comfort also exceeds that of the two-wheeled carriage.

In the face of the bad road conditions in the Han Dynasty, and the unreasonable laws, it still has a long way to go before it can be popularized.

Zhang Tang puts Yunjia's four-wheeled carriage model on the table and plays like a child who gets a new toy.

"Since you came up with such a carriage, why didn't you think of promoting it?" Zhang Tang was tired of playing, so he sat down to drink tea and asked Yun Lang.

"I'm afraid you will be beheaded!"

Zhang Tangxin nodded comfortably and said, "I have grown a lot, I am smarter than Dongfang Shuo, and I understand the truth. You must know that the Han law inherits most of the Qin law, and the chariot order is one of them.

It is natural to be punished for driving an unruly carriage, but the punishment is not as strict as the Great Qin Law. During the Emperor Wendi period, the penalty was changed to 300. "

Yun Lang was taken aback, and quickly asked: "Is the punishment just cutting off the nose?"

Zhang Tang smiled, exposing his shark-like white teeth and said: "It is true."

"So, Dongfang Shuo now lives in prison?"

Zhang Tang said with a smile: "This is the last case I left in Lieutenant Mansion. According to the law, Dongfang Shuo was to be punished by three hundred.

Someone just thinks that the carriage he made is a little bit interesting, so he will come to your house to see the original model and see if he can put the four-wheeled carriage on his majesty to see if there is any possibility of extrajudicial benevolence. .

Three hundred mosses, after smoking, Dongfang Shuo's half-life is gone. "

Yun Lang hurriedly said: "This matter is due to me, can you pay for the atonement?"

Zhang Tang nodded and said, "That's fine, if he pays fifty pounds of copper, he is released, but his official position is not guaranteed, and he has to bear the name of an offender. I'm afraid it will be impossible to live a comfortable life in the future. .

Let me talk about it after my majesty plays, accepting copper is the last life-saving means, do n’t use it if you do n’t need it. "

Yun Lang scratched his head and said: "I think it may be faster to find Gillian."

Zhang Tang coughed and said: "Side door!"

After talking, close your eyes and carefully taste the taste of tea, and ignore the cloud.

Yun Lang immediately picked up the beautiful four-wheeled carriage model and went straight to Gillian's house.

After seeing the wagon model, Gillian immediately built it for Yunlang, exactly like the model ...


"Who committed the law? Are you talking about" three chapters of the law "or" Nine Chapters of the Law "?

"The Law of Nine Chapters!"

"There are rules in the" Nine Chapters Law "that do not allow people to make carriages indiscriminately?"

"Yes, the width of the rut is required."

"Oh, I don't know, so, Dachangqiu, you can find the Dongfang Shuo, who can make a horse-drawn carriage, and let him make a four-wheeled horse-drawn carriage for me at the Changmen Palace.

If you make it good-looking and comfortable, you will be fine. If you do n’t make it well, you do n’t need to bring him to see me. "

Gillian, who is devoted to cooking, has no interest in other things. Yunlang is reluctant to eat a bite of winter cucumber, which is messed up by Gillian's left and right cuts, and it looks spoiled.

Yun Lang couldn't stand it anymore, and said with a smiley face: "Cucumber tastes good when it's cold, but the taste of soy vinegar cut with a knife can't get in, it's not tasty, if you use it, you can make up for it very well Shortcomings in this regard. "

Gillian mentioned the Yun's kitchen knife and shot it on a cucumber with one knife. Seeing that the cucumber was smashed, he chopped two knives and poured them into the basin, poured the pre-adjusted sauce, and stirred twice, eating He took a sip and said with satisfaction: "The courgettes are still delicious to be photographed. Da Changqiu, write it down. This is my new discovery today."

Gillian's addiction to cucumber shoots, Yun Lang quietly leaned over to Da Changqiu who was in a rush to write: "Is it really okay?"

Dachang Qiu glanced at Yun Lang and said, "I will say something later, like this time, what is said is clear, and what is said is clear.

Gillian can do those things, but can't do them. Gillian has his own ideas. If you can help, you can help. If you can't, you shouldn't force it. "

Yun Lang whispered again: "Help me ask Gillian again, can you get me out of Yulin Army, always going to battle ..."

Da Changqiu said lazily: "It's very simple."

Yun Lang said in a hurry: "Thank you, thank you!"

Da Changqiu glanced at Yun Lang and said: "As long as you can accept the punishment of the palace, you can come to the Changmen Palace to serve the noble Gillian. To be honest, the noble Gillian still likes you very much. Doing our business, you have a great future. "

Yun Lang looked at his hips involuntarily, his head shaking like a rattle.

Dachangqiu sarcastically said: "Is the taste of the marrow well understood? No wonder I will not be reluctant. Why, the taste of that Zhuo's woman is full?"

Yun Lang sadly patted his head and said: "Why does anyone know?"

Da Changqiu snorted coldly: "You behaved badly and complained about everyone else's knowledge? If you don't think about it, you have to do it yourself!

The most despised kind of you prodigal prodigal sons, who wantonly act on the basis of a descendant root in their waists, but do not know that it is also the root cause of trouble.

Look at it, there will be troubles for you in the future. "

"Da Changqiu, give these courgettes to those maidens. If anyone dares to leave, they will cut off their tongues. What a good vegetable they dare to waste."

Gillian shouted impatiently on the other side.

Da Changqiu got up and whispered to Yun Lang: "The old man is very busy, but he will be too busy. If you are afraid of going to the battlefield, come to the old man. The old knife of the old man will keep you safe."

Yun Lang immediately took the carriage model ...

He would rather fight against the Huns than to become eunuchs!

When Dongfang Shuo came to the Longmen Palace, Yun Lang was almost unable to recognize him.

"In any case, let a certain family eat a full meal first, and then, just kill or kill!"

When the unshaven Dongshuo saw Yunlang, he didn't thank Yunlang for his life-saving grace, but had to eat first.

A pot of soup noodles fell into the stomach, Dongfang Shuo bit a chicken leg in his mouth and said: "I heard I came here to make a carriage?"

Yun Lang gritted his teeth and said: "Accurately, you are stealing my carriage!"

"It's not a gentleman's behavior to hide good things. Knowing the world and benefiting the world is what my readers should do."

"You don't feel ashamed? That's my hard work--" Yun Lang jumped like thunder.

"A certain family will help you to carry the four-wheeled carriage to the world ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ You should thank a certain family for it. You know, no, some family has already marked the name of this vehicle-Yun's car.

In the future, Yun's car will travel all over the world, and your Yun's name will also be famous all over the world. For this matter, I have fallen into prison. You blame me for helping me! "

Yun Lang's eyes were as big as bull's eyes, and he said angrily: "You mean, it is a necessity for me to save you. It is a kind of compensation for you to help me without having to thank Dade?"

After eating chicken legs, Dongfangshuo discarded his dirty clothes and walked to the hot spring canal while bare-footed, saying: "I was going to threaten those gnomes to make your majesty notice me, in order to thank you for taking care of me I deliberately chose the controversial thing of the carriage.

If it is not to help you, do you feel like breaking the law for being full?

Well now, Gillian noble wants a four-wheeled carriage, that is, Yun's carriage. As long as this carriage creates it, the imitators will surely spread all over the world. Your Yun's reputation will naturally rise.

After I take a shower, think about how much money you should give me to make up for my loss. "

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