Our Hometown

Chapter 186: A hard-earned happy life (Volume 1 End of Dragon Totem)

Chapter 186: Hard-earned Happy Life

Yun Lang sighed: "If you are not so bitter and harsh, your future will be boundless!"

"If a family loses its nature, what is the immense future of that shit?

Since studying in a certain school, I have been studying hard at night and day, not daring to feel the slightest burnout, lest I will live up to my brother-in-law's expectations.

After learning a bit of knowledge, let's look at the world where all the people of the Fly Camp Gou are manipulating authority, and can't help but mourn for the people of the world! "

"Do you think you can?"

Yun Lang couldn't care about the big pair of long legs exposed by the ghost of the ghost because of the rotation of the body, because Dongfang Shuo's words really surprised him.

"You don't do it, I don't do it, all of them have made turtles, and who else will do it?"

Dongfangshuo irritated and took a few twists from Yunlang in front of Ping Ji who was sitting behind him watching the mountain ghost dancing.

"Do you still remember the hardship of the ancestors opening the earth?" Shan Gui's high voice fell into Yunlang's ears.

"I remember!" Shouted everyone including Gillian.

Shan Gui ’s waist and limbs bowed, and then stretched back until his head fell to the ground and shouted again: "Do you still remember the hardships your parents raised you?"

"I remember that!"

Everyone stood up to give a gift to Shan Gui and answer.

A naked man struck the drum, and the sound of thunder and thunder fell like rain, and the mountain ghost once again supported the ground with one hand and supported the weight of his body with one hand. How did it grow out of the earth? "

"Never forget!"

The mountain ghost turned like a white cloud, and the two long crystal legs were like two dragons hovering up. When the dress fell, the mountain ghost already stepped on the ground, Yingying bowed and asked again: "The Xiongnu come Raid, did you wait to fight bravely? "

Huo went sick and waited for the army soldiers to slap in the chest and shouted: "Dare not die!"

The mountain ghost bowed to the ground, seeming to thank everyone, and then raised his head to show a flowery face and laughed loudly: "So, the next year will be full of grains, people and animals safe!"

Yun Lang got up and said, "Thanks!"

The mountain ghost returned the salute, then came to the brothel arranged for her by Yun Shi, poured a glass of wine, and then sprinkled it on the ground, then poured another glass of wine, dipped some wine slurry with his fingers to the sky, and finally poured a glass of wine, Drink it all, the posture is extremely beautiful.

The two strong men sprinkled all the toner in their skins into a huge bonfire, and a bright flame burst into the sky and rushed into the sky.

At this point, the praying activity of the mountain ghost is regarded as the end.

The beautiful mountain ghost danced a beautiful dance for half an hour for everyone. Not only that, but her dance is also very educational, such as asking you if you remember the glory of your ancestors, asking you to be filial, not filial to your parents, asking you to forget Not forgetting the instinct to plant the land, I finally saw that there were many soldiers in Yun's family, and I specifically asked the soldiers to be brave or not.

Keeping up with the times, this mountain ghost should not be easy!

Gillian was very generous and rewarded a plate of golden pancakes. Cao Xiang was also very generous. A herring jade was crystal clear on the plate. It was a good thing at first sight.

What Huo went to sickness rewarded was a bead, the last time he took Cao Xiang's beads from Gillian's house, it was considered a past.

In contrast, Yun Lang gave a plate of good silver, so he couldn't get on the countertop. As for Dongfang Shuo, he took off a jade pendant from Yun Lang's belt and put it on the plate. Li Gan didn't know what he thought. Very impulsively put one of his feather arrows on the plate.

Gillian smiled very sharply, pointing at the feather arrow on the plate and said to the mountain ghost: "Someone wants to protect you for a lifetime, would you like it?"

The mountain ghost was not half shy, and looked up at Li Gan Shili said: "Since seeing a gentleman, Yun Hu is not happy, Luo Fufu, dare not follow."

Li Gan grabbed his hair and said: "Shen Wu will also have a husband?"

Shan Gui laughed: "Five-year-old married to the mountain god!"

Looking at Li Gan's stupid appearance, Gillian was almost laughing, and the rest of his servants were also laughing.

Huo went sick with the blue muscles on his forehead, Cao Xiang had rolled his feet all over the sky, Yun Lang covered his face and felt that he had no face to meet people. What's in it!

Dongfang Shuo frowned: "Li Lang only said that he would protect the witch, but he didn't say that he would marry the witch. Why did you laugh at him so much?

Even if there is a courtship intention, what is wrong with the young Lang Mu Shaoai? "

Overwhelmed by everyone's laugh, Li Gan sees that someone who understands speaks for him, embraces Dongfang Shuo, and instantly becomes a lifelong confidant.

Yun Lang used to think that mountain ghosts and people like Shenwu were extremely gloomy. Now that he saw a real mountain ghost, Shenwu found that people were not the kind of person he thought. Even when talking with Gillian, there is no gap between them.

Gillian didn't like beautiful women, but she had no prejudice to mountain ghosts. The two ended up squeezing on a brothel. The whispering ones didn't know what to say.

Abundant food is always the highlight of the party, not to mention the fact that Yunjia's cakes are varied.

Some beets were harvested in the winter, and the sugar was boiled after being broken, so that Yunlang got two buckets of brown sugar.

The amount is too small and it is not cost-effective to discolor into frosting. There are many women in the family. It is inevitable that there will be some women who are entangled. Although the sugar made of beets is not as good as the sugar made of sugarcane juice, it has so much effect as a sweet comfort The agent is still very effective.

A bowl of hot brown sugar water has become a good medicine for the Yun family women to treat any disease, just because Yun Lang said that this thing is of great benefit to women's diseases.

In fact, Gillian also drinks and tells Yunlang that it is very effective ...

A little brown sugar is added to the pastry to give the pastry some sweetness. This is already extremely delicious for the Han people!

Yun Lang was drunk and looked at the happy crowd on the valley, feeling very happy, and finally felt that he still had some use for this world.

Dongfang Shuo is making a fuss and can't hear what he is talking about. Gillian's applause is very loud. Li Gan takes off his jacket and stands by the fire to challenge everyone, claiming that one person can fall over everyone.

There are always dissatisfied, there may be a large number, Li Gan was overwhelmed by the crowd after beating a few people ...

The women did not know where the guts came from. They held hands and formed a huge circle to learn to dance with the ghosts in the mountains. No matter what they looked good or not, they all danced and laughed.

Shan Gui stands and dances on the table in the middle of the circle. The dancing poses are exaggerated and there is no fear of spring exposure. Gillian also wanted to go up, and was held by Da Changqiu to prevent her from going up to shame.

The little worm wore a white gauze and ran around on a tiger, chased by a group of young people, claiming to be another mountain ghost.

Deng Meng had drunk and drunk long ago, screaming for chasing bugs, but he couldn't keep up, fell down on the valley and was trampled by many children from him ...

Red sleeves stood next to Yun Lang, she also drank a lot of wine, small face flushed, looked at everyone smiling, like a fool.

Liang Weng and Liu Po ​​seemed to have some entanglement. The two were drinking bowl by bowl, and finally tangled upside down ... Liang Liang's sick wife couldn't pull it apart.

When you are happy, you are happy, and if you are too conscious, there is no fun.

Huo Qubing poured bowls of wine into his mouth, and Cao Xiang accompanied him to drink, but the trick of drinking a bowl and a half was discovered by Huo Qubing. Now Huo Qubing is riding on Cao Xiang ’s body with a punch He also said that he has been patient with him for many years.

Yun Lang was lying on the carpet with his eyes on his back, and his small face with red sleeves was above his eyes. Yun Lang smiled and said, "Are you happy?"

Red sleeves said with a smile: "Happy, it's best to be so happy all your life."

"In that case, we will work hard to make ourselves happy, and the happy days are worth our life to change ..."

At noon the next day, Yun Lang came out of the room holding his head, the house was still quiet, and few people were outside.

Liang Weng was very energetic, standing in the courtyard and instructing some of the servants to gather the dishes that were scattered yesterday.

When Yunlang got up, he came to see the gift. Yun Lang waved his hand to signal him to do his own thing and ignore him. He now hurt his head when he talked.

I couldn't find the red sleeves, but I saw the bug half on the bed and half dragged under the bed, still sleeping unconsciously.

Yun Langqiang endured dizziness, lit the red clay stove, and made tea for himself.

Last night, I did n’t know how much wine I drank. My stomach was empty, and a cup of hot tea went down. The whole stomach suddenly shrunk into a small ball, and the tea I just drank was spit out again.

Huo went sickly and walked in from the outside. The guy had a pair of shorts all over his body. The tendons of his body were light and flesh-like. It was estimated that he had been abused severely. The whole person seemed to have just been taken out of the steamer.

I was very dissatisfied when I saw Yun Lang's painful experience ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ frowned: "Go out and run for ten miles, or punch a few times, dance two thousand spears, and let out the alcohol in your body. Uncomfortable. "

Yun Lang shook his head. He felt that he might recover faster in bed, not as painful.

"Practice the body and bones, we can always enjoy such a happy day, only to get enough merits, we can make people here happy forever.

I tasted a pure taste of happiness last night, I don't want to enjoy it only once! "

Yun Lang's hard applause, Huo Qubing's words were very good, but he still decided to continue to sleep.

With a smile, Yun Lang stumbled back to the bedroom, threw his body on the bed, did not take off his shirt, wrapped himself in a blanket like a silkworm about to break the cocoon.

He wanted to sleep on this rare sunny day and bury all the unhappiness and grief in Yuanshuo for a year.

When I slept hard and opened my eyes again, it was spring.

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