Our Hometown

Vol 2 Chapter 57: Everyone likes a good day (No. 2

Chapter 57. Everyone Likes a Good Day

The main medicine of the medicinal machine is the Chinese medicine Ma Qianzi, which is an absolute secret in ancient times, but for people like Yun Lang who are not restless in later generations, how can they not know this little open secret?

Ma Qianzi is a neurotoxin. Once poisoned, people's hands and feet will twitch, their heads will automatically sag, and finally their hands and feet will ricket together and die very badly.

There is such a secret medicine in the palace of the Han Dynasty. Since the emperor is not willing to let others know, Yun Lang will naturally not know the whole world where this secret recipe is spread.

In this era of lack of legal concepts, once everyone has mastered this murderous medicinal material, the Han government may be facing a lot of opportunities to take drugs.

There are two extreme women here, one hopes to kill the man after she charms the man and gets what she wants.

The other is different. She hopes that every injured person can get treatment and eventually heal. She will make great efforts to this end.

Which of the two women is more lovely?

Yun Lang asked many people. As a result, people who liked Liu Ling clearly outnumbered those who liked Su Zhi. Among them, men were the most biased.

Liu Ling, who was wearing a peasant woman's clothes, stood there sturdily, as long as men like to talk to her and like to help her work.

Su Zhi, whose hands are in her big pockets on her chest, is not so attractive. She likes to reprimand the wounded soldiers who do not respect the doctor's orders. If there are guys who violate the doctor's orders, she will even punish, including putting Their wine gourd was thrown out of the window, and they stepped **** their feet.

She has established her authority among the wounded soldiers!

Yun Lang has never regarded these two women as women. If a man likes them blindly, the most eternal nightmare in his life will begin.

It was extremely hot ...

Gillian ’s pool has been completely replaced with cold water, and Liu Che floats on the water on a huge bed-like cowhide sac.

Next to him, Gillian lay on a lotus leaf-shaped skin sac, and received a courteous massage from the maid.

"The heat disappeared ..."

Liu Che exhaled a hand to block the sunlight passing through the gap between the willow branches and exhaled.

"You should come to the Changmen Palace earlier. The icebergs are set in the Zhangtai Palace. When the wind blows, it will immediately become a cold day. When it gets hot, it will get sick easily."

Gillian changed his posture, and his fat buttocks became more majestic after being outlined in swimming trunks.

Liu Che withdrew his gaze from Gillian's vital point, rubbing his hairy chest and said: "Government affairs are still handled well in the government affairs hall, and I am also busy here."

Gillian smiled and said: "Your carriage is still okay?"

Liu Che nodded and said: "It is very agreeable to me, stable and not bumpy. Only these two benefits, Dongfang Shuo should be awarded."

"The carriage is made of Yunlang, what do you praise Dongfangshuo for?"

"He was young and overwhelmed! Besides, they used shameless methods to obtain my horses, armor, and weapons, enough for them to withstand for a while.

I applaud Dongfang Shuo, which means you, Gillian, what are you missing? As long as you like it, go to the palace to move! "

Gillian took a bowl of carrot juice with frosting and crushed ice from the maid's hand, and sucked it beautifully with a reed tube: "What's in the palace, do you think I don't know?

silk? My family will be weaving this year. Whatever I want, weavers will weave it for me.

Gold? I also have that thing, and there are still many. I do n’t have much expense in the country. The most useless thing is it.

Food? Do you really think that the food in the Royal Palace is as beautiful as the Nagato Palace?

Singing and dancing? Who can dance better than me?

Youling? I have Meng University, and two fools of Meng Er can play with it, no more fun than the ugly three-inch Ding in your palace.

What's more, I have your sister playing mahjong, and it's okay to win the money of a few silly boys. It is a pastime. Who has the time to calculate the money you hide in the palace? Blackmail, don't worry about me. "

Liu Che also grabbed a bowl of green juice and drank a frown, "What is this?"

"Cucumber juice, add bee sugar and crushed ice, look at the red envelope on your forehead, and quickly drink the defeat."

Liu Che bowed his head and sniffed, and then drank it decisively. He impatiently drank with a reed pipe.

"When I came, I saw that Dachangqiu was hosting summer grain storage. Why, this year's harvest is good?"

This sentence happened to ask Gillian's itching, Yang Tianha laughed, and then raised three fingers and said: "Guess?"

Liu Che smiled, seeing Gillian's sly look, and couldn't help but feel pity, so he joked: "Three hundred thousand catties?"

Gillian shook his fingers contemptuously, pointing to the Yun next door: "The Yun family has collected 600,000 pounds this year, all of which are wheat. The land of the Longmen Palace is five or six times more than the Yun family, if only three One hundred thousand catties, where does my face go? "

Liu Che was taken aback, sitting up from the skin, but suddenly lost his balance, he fell into the water with a puff, and just fell into the water, he was picked up by four maids, Liu Che waved his maid, dumped The water on his head slowly moved to the edge of Gillian's lotus skin sac in the water. He grasped the skin sac with both hands and looked at Gillian: "So much?"

Gillian turned her head provocatively and raised her eyebrows, saying: "The land of Shanglin Garden is fertile and convenient to irrigate. Just half of the wasteland on both sides of the Weishui can open up to 500,000 acres of irrigated land.

If we dig a downstream canal from the Weishui River, and then use a waterwheel to pick up the water to a high place, at least 200,000 mu of field can be irrigated.

There are 700,000 acres of good land in Pingbai, enough to supply you with an army expedition. As for making you bear a bad reputation, what kind of salt and iron officials do you sell, and also forsake the ancestral covenant, and increase the commercial tax from 30 to 1. Twenty-one taxes, let people point to your backbone and say you are mean. "

Speaking, he also reached out and touched Liu Che's face full of pity.

Liu Che shook off Gillian's unruly hand and said angrily: "What you know is a national policy, and you can't allow it to change!"

"Who wants you to change it?

The imperial order of my husband, even if it is not appropriate, the world will listen to me honestly! If the official sale continues, the increase should increase, and defeating the Huns is the first priority in the world.

I'm just telling you that if you have no food, don't forget that the Longmen Palace still gives you three million, and give me a few more years, I can still accumulate more for you. "

Liu Chechang took a deep breath and whispered his head sideways: "Only you are thinking for me."

Gillian leaned down and hugged Liu Che's head with a sigh: "You know no, I wish I could swallow you in one bite. Only then can you really belong to me alone."

Liu Chebao smiled and raised his head: "This should be said the other way round!"

The clever maids surrounded the pool with a tent at the fastest speed and left the pool of Noda to the emperor and Gillian ...

Although the summer harvest is busy, it is short. After working for fifteen days in a row, the grain of the Yun family has been loaded into the granary.

In winter, those children keep burying trees and ash in the fields, which greatly promotes the harvest of crops. Yun's year has ushered in a good harvest year.

The harvest of more than 2,000 acres of wheat has reached 620,000 catties, which alone is enough to make Yun Lang proud.

The official's house came to collect the summer tax, and it was a little unhappy to see that the Yun family paid all the wheat. Before the officials protested, Liang Weng had already sent the prepared millet and millet to the servants.

Yun family is very happy to replace Mizi with Mizi ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Millet.

These things are new food from the Yun family from outside. This year Guanzhong is very cooked. The price of millet and millet is very low, even lower than wheat.

Since the water mill, the Yun family began to fall in love with wheat, millet milled into millet can be porridge, as for millet, no one likes to eat, this thing is very thick, boiled porridge drink throat.

Fourteen thousand six hundred and eighty-three kilograms of grains of various colors, fine alfalfa grass 113,000 kilograms, money, thirty-two thousand three hundred and forty, chicken, duck, goose, pig, cattle, sheep Thousand and two hundred dollars, Yun's paid six hundred bundles of silk.

In this way, Yun's completed the payment of the entire Xia tax. Among them, because there are 600 bundles of silk, 141 males entrusted to Yun's will be exempted from labor dispatch.

The government collected the tax from the Yun family, and very simply took 60% of the tax from the Yun family, and then filled it with two hundred pounds of salt, two hundred pounds of dried vegetables, and six silk silks, even if Yunlang was paid for one year. Salary.

In this way, in this summer, Yunlang was in the best state of Liang Qing in its economic ties with the Han Dynasty. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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