Our Hometown

Vol 2 Chapter 88: Failed inducement

Chapter 88 Induction of Failure

The medicine mother-in-law looked at Yun Lang with fun and said: "In this way, your madman of Northwestern Polytechnic Corporation cuts the body with a knife, extracts the internal organs of the human body, cleans the intestines and stomach, and smashes the opening skull, just to observe the inner of the person ?

Also belongs to a method of picking the soil of Mount Tai with toothpicks? "

Yun Langqiang endured the desire to vomit, and said hardly: "Who said that?"

"Su Zhi's little girl, what's wrong?"

Yun Lang carefully recalled the anatomy of later generations, and found that Su Zhi seemed to be correct. He once heard those medical students say that the process of dissecting the corpse was 10,000 times more disgusting than this.

So far, nodded and said, "It seems like this."

The mother-in-law looked at Yunlang in a daze, and whispered after a long time: "The old lady wants to do this too! It's just that there is no body ..."

Yun Lang's face was pale. Although he had killed more than a dozen people, he still couldn't do it if he was asked to give medicine to his mother-in-law.

"Are you kidding?"

The mother-in-law said with a smile: "The old lady has seen countless incurable diseases and is familiar with the human body. However, the old lady is only familiar with the person's external appearance, and uses pulse, temperature, feces, and urine to infer the inside of the person. The old lady has already Very impatient, you know how many times, the wife looked at those dying people, how much they wanted to break through his body, to see what was inside, and eventually caused him to die and die. Working hard, the wife has already broken through that heart ... "

Yun Lang stretched his legs and ran! Behind him came the laughter of the mother-in-law like a night owl ...

Yunlang naturally slowed down when she went to a place where her mother-in-law could not see. He hoped that her mother-in-law would study the human body in the way she said, and never wanted to give her mother-in-law to find her body for her research.

You know, if you do that in Han Dynasty, it will be burned to death by the court as a witchcraft demon.

The mother-in-law ’s reaction was very correct. She heard that she said that she wanted to dissect the body. It was definitely not casual. Anyone who is crazy about medicine to her point, who does not want to shred the body, study it a little bit. ?

From this point of view, the kitchen lady of the Yun family is definitely a very pure person. A fat pig that she just slaughtered is hung on a tree branch.

A sharp knife ran across the fat white belly of the fat pig, and the colorful intestines filled the pot with a full belly.

Then use an axe to chop down the position of the spine. After a few axe, the whole pig becomes two even halves.

The fat kitchen lady carried half of the pig on her shoulder with a little effort, and took it off the hook, throwing it on the huge case. The sharp knife rubbed twice on the grindstone and quickly split the half of the pig into seven or eight. Piece.

Her movements were so skillful that when the trotters and pork ribs were removed, there was no sound at all, and even the bones were almost complete.

She even used a small knife to cut a thin slice of tenderloin from the fat pig's spine, sprinkled a little bit of pepper and salt, and swallowed it with a bit of satisfaction.

Yun Lang slaps the worm and learns the chef's plan to eat raw meat. The child is a fool who dares to try anything.

"Don't you know long corns that eat raw meat?"

The bug said angrily: "Why isn't the kitchen lady long?"

The cook immediately helped Yun Lang to say, "Who said I did not have two on his left foot."

"Did you see it? You are not allowed to eat raw meat in the future!"

Yun Lang grabbed the worm's neck and returned to his small building. He came out of the house with a pot of tea in his red sleeves and looked at them in surprise.

"This girl is stupid and wants to eat raw meat."

"I just think about it!"

"You can't think about it."

Yun Lang loosened the bug's neck and returned to the platform. The sun had already run to the back of the house. The platform was cool and suitable for chatting.

The chatting process with my mother-in-law just now was not very pleasant, mainly because the two people were too purposeful and very boring.

"Why didn't you go to Chang'an, worm, don't you like shopping the most?"

The little worm said, "It's not that I haven't been to it, and it's far worse than ours, and there are few things to look at. I just want to buy a little candle, but the expensive ones are going to die. I asked the two and didn't buy Thoughts. "

"Yes, our family does not lack anything, but, what are those women rushing to Changan for?"

"Xian Ping! Whose servants can go out in droves? Not to mention Chang'an, the maid heard Lin Yuan's palace slaves saying that they were too lazy to take two steps at home even when they were at home. If you get too much, your stomach will be hungry. "

"You didn't steal our family's food as they did before?"

"I gave it, but I did n’t steal it from my family. The maid had money. The elder Gillian also gave a lot of money. Meng Da and Meng Er both got their money from me. Just buy it from me. Food is nothing to feed them.

Just to see them pitiful, Xiaolang, can our family accept a little more servants? Mother-in-law always said that there were not enough manpower at home. "

Speaking of which, Yun Lang couldn't help but think of ugliness. The girl had given Chu Lang a girl, and now she had the second one in her belly.

Guarding Yun's small yard in Yanglingyi, he specializes in receiving managers and escorts who go to the city to buy and buy. The days of his life are still good, but he is not willing to go back to Shanglinyuan.

Chu Lang is still very capable. Yun's shop selling some loose goods has already been somewhat prosperous under his management. The main thing is that most of the things Yun's produce are good things that have no place to buy.

Whether it is vegetables in winter, or all kinds of soy products, let alone all kinds of food produced by Yunshi, such as steamed buns, buns, fried bread sticks, soy milk, have swept the whole Yanglingyi in just a short time.

It can be said that as long as it is about the goods of the food category, Yunjia produces the best.

In the past two years, the worm's vision has become very high, and ordinary small things can't enter her eyes at all. It is inevitable that the things on the Chang'an Market are not as refined as their own.

Since Yun's has 27 craftsmen and three merchants, but all the things on the street, Yun's craftsmen will immediately imitate it. This is an era in which you imitate me and I imitate you. There is nothing missing.

Self-sufficiency is the greatest compliment to the landlords of this era. A manor capable of self-sufficiency is actually a small kingdom.

As long as the Yun family closes the door, Yun Lang is the person with the highest status. If he can, he has absolute power over the rest of this small manor of 3,000 acres.

The Great Han Kingdom is still an era in which the whole world is home.

As for the red sleeves, the child was terrified when he came home. He likes to stay at home and go to the farthest place, that is, the pine forest. He took the pine root water and made tea for Yunlang.

As long as she can't go out, she hopes to die from Yun Family in this life.

There are very few people in the family, so it seems very few. Yun Lang has read all the books he can find, plus the memory is good, there is really no interest in reading the books I have read again.

Yun Lang actually knows that the reason why those women are willing to go to Yanglingyi and Chang'an are often proclaiming to their former relatives and neighbors that they are not servants of the Yun family, but a free civilian.

Yun Lang does not interfere with their marriage, their freedom, and pays them wages ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ So those women take it for granted that they can be their own masters. Some visionary women have already taken advantage of Taking the opportunity to go to Yanglingyi, Chang'an, I want to find a good wife or a good wife for my son or daughter.

Regarding Yun Lang's treatment of his own servants so loosely, both Changping and Cao Xiang had vaguely warned Yun Lang that such treatment of these women would only yield a bitter result.

The skills of red-sleeve tea making are getting higher and higher, and the light yellow tea contains some basic taste of later tea.

"Does any woman want to take the child or want to leave the Yun family?" Yun Lang asked with a smile.

The little insect widened his eyes and said in surprise: "Who would do this unless you drove them out?"

Yun Lang put down his tea cup and smiled: "Maybe someone after earning money from Yun Family wants to go out and make more money and give themselves a better life."

"They are living their best days here!"

Red sleeves looked at Yun Lang's eyes full of terror. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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