Our Hometown

Vol 2 Chapter 91: Heroes are saints

Chapter 91: Heroes are Saints

"It is always necessary to fight back. The Great Han Kingdom is proud of its martial arts and its fierce folk customs. If you blindly bow your head, you will end up being trampled into the mud.

If you ca n’t even subdue a ranger, how can you cope with the battle between honors and honors in the future? "

Cao Xiang hates iron and steel.

Yun Lang said with a smile: "You will also work hard to say good things about Guo Jie. As long as you have the opportunity, you must tell others how good Guo Guo is.

Only in this way can a good situation be achieved where everyone gathers firewood with high flames. "

Li Gan touched Yun Lang's forehead and said in surprise: "Are you dizzy?"

Huo went sick and smiled, knocking on the table and saying, "Tell me, what a charter?"

Yun Lang smiled at the field outside the window and said: "There is no regulation, just want to do an experiment, the goal of the experiment is Guo Jie!"

Cao Xiang immediately smiled, patting his thighs and said: "I know you A Lang is not a person who likes to lose money.

Talk about how to do the experiment? Just like your brother who likes medicine, he peeled and fried bones apart, or kept him in a cage to make him like a female monkey? "

"Too bad!"

Li Gan's eyes lit up quickly and said: "Do you want to shut him up to test the poison, torture him every day and finally make him a poisonless person?"

Yun Lang was taken aback by Li Gan's words, and quickly said: "Nonsense, how can there be such a thing."

"You didn't often tell me before that someone could jump eight feet high, and after the palms gathered their inner strength, there would be seven or eight dragons coiled around, fighting with a poisonous man for three days and three nights and exhausted In that story, as long as the poisonous man breathed out, the vegetation would wither and the mosquitoes would fall ... so powerful ... "

Yun Lang looked at this indistinguishable reality and shook his head in pity from the martial arts world. He said to Huo, "Who is the most missing man?"

Huo went sick and blurted out: "After a hundred battles, a brave warrior like a lion!"

Yun Lang shook his head and said: "Wrong, the Great Han Kingdom has never lacked a brave warrior who dared to be a leader. What we lack is really good people.

If you count carefully, the four of us are probably not purely good people. In some people's eyes, we may still be four dudes.

I feel that Guo Jie, who has all the potential conditions to become a saint on earth, is now lacking us to help behind.

Therefore, the name of my experiment is how to cultivate a human saint. "

"How to say?" The interest of the three was raised at once.

Yun Lang said: "If a person spends his life endlessly doing good things and not bad things, what kind of person would you say he would be?

From fighting for the country to helping old women carry heavy objects, from mediating disputes between ethnic groups, to helping girls to remove paper kites hanging from trees, seeing the uneven roads fill up immediately, and seeing someone lonely immediately give up everything.

The words must be the place where the meaning is raised, and the closed mouth is like Gao Anqing, the loyalty to the country, the friendship, the filial piety to the parents, the filial piety to the brothers, to face the world with a sincere heart. ... "

Huo Queyi swallowed a slobber and was clearly heard by the other three.

Cao Xiang hesitated and scratched his head: "He probably can't do it?"

Li Gan frowned and said: "If he really did this, I wouldn't be ashamed to give him a kowtow. This mother is already a saint."

Yun Lang smiled and said, "The Great Han Kingdom has ended the rule of Tyrant Qin, and has used the technique of Huang Lao to rule the country for 100 years and rest with the people.

However, the separatism and poison left over from the Warring States still endure, the people are tyrannical, there are thieves who cut down the road, there are gangsters who do evil in the mountains, and the neighboring chickens and dogs hear each other, but they never die.

These are all hidden dangers of the Great Han Kingdom. At this time, you need to stand up and tell everyone in the Great Han Kingdom that people should be respectful and loving when they get along with each other. The old and the old, the young and the young The spirit of a child's young man, with his heart, to resolve the hostility in the hearts of people in the world, so that the world has become safe and happy. "

"If this **** thing is not a saint, yeah cut off his head!" Cao Xiang said angrily.

"I heard that Guo Jie was quite lustful, and stayed in Qinglou for ten days every month. How could he become the kind of person you said?"

Yun Lang took a look at Li Gan and said: "Then find someone to persuade someone who wants to be a saint. This is definitely not going to work. I heard that Guo Jie is the best at listening to others' persuasion and will be obedient."

"Guo Jie is quite a good man. When he left Luoyang, the locals once offered him 10 million yuan."

"Then optimistic about him, the previous money is not counted, we have to keep the old and the poor to be relief, as long as he dares to sit on the ground and collect money, we have the responsibility to persuade him to take the right path."

"What if he doesn't listen?"

"Then hit him until he hears, since Wei Qing has written that Guo Jie is quite rare, but it is Lu Zhonglian of my great man, we will give him the right name to avoid future generations saying that Changping Hou did not Knowing people.

So, A Xiang, you have to tell your mother about this. I will also tell Gillian and go ill. You must tell all your relatives and friends. We must do our best to gather our strengths. Guo Jie must be a good person who is not lustful, not greedy for money, improper robbers, or doing bad things, self-denial and ancestors, and self-sacrifice. .

We, and everyone we know, will participate in this experiment. We must keep an eye on this person all the time. If he is slightly out of line, he will be corrected immediately, even if he does not wash his **** after bowel movements. ! "

Cao Xiang shuddered, his teeth knocked, and it took a while to say: "I saw you humiliating myself, and thought you forgot you and a group of people like us.

Unexpectedly, you think so, Alang, do you really want to make him a saint? "

Yun Lang sneered and said: "Since he wants to use good deeds to gain fame, and wants to use his reputation to make a profit, why don't we complete him?

Changping Hou is our elder, and since he has pleaded for this person before his majesty, we ca n’t do anything that goes against the elders, killing him is impossible, then let him do what he wants. "

Huo went sick and applauded and laughed: "This fact is too interesting. I will tell Yangling Tingshi to crucify Guo Jie's family registration in Yanglingyi and Fugui Town, just as he did not become a saint. Before leaving, he was not allowed to leave Yanglingyi, otherwise his family would be charged! "

Huo Qu's medical history has always been a person who sits up and walks, a big turn down down the second floor of the Yun family, riding on a horse and running all the way to Yanglingyi.

Cao Xiang said without good intentions: "This idea must be very suitable for my mother's appetite, so I will write a letter."

Li Gan laughed and said: "Xiliuying, the most rare guy in Beidaying, whose animals are not known for their reputation, now have the opportunity to make a saint by themselves, and they must be very interested.

The dudes of Axiang, Yanglingyi and Chang'an City can't forget ~~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Zhang Lian, Zhou Hong they owe Alang a life. "

Cao Xiang laughed: "Of course I will not forget, not only Zhang Lian and Zhou Hong, they will start all the dudes of Chang'an City, Yanglingyi and Maoling, and Yeah would not believe in using so many manpower The Pipi Ranger has been nurtured into a sage that everyone loves! "

Yun Lang smiled and said: "Don't say so ugly, not only to cultivate Guo Jie, Guo Jie's nephew who likes to kill, and his family's relatives must be nurtured. The appearance of a saint must not be accidental, it should be their entire family. The result of doing good deeds.

With such a family, you can drive a large group of people who like to do good deeds. If you have more influence, you may reverse the atmosphere of my Han nationality. Pay attention to helping Guo Jie become famous. I want the world to be right. Every admiration made by Guo Jie turned into a stone pressing on him.

Let him adapt to a meal and drink in the future. In the alley, people are worried and do not change the life of the saint. "

Cao Xiang said with a smile: "He will definitely adapt, even if he is not, we will let him adapt. I will tell my mother that if there are some anxious heroes in the future, they will do the same!" To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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