Our Hometown

Vol 2 Chapter 112: Mountain map

Chapter 112 The Mountain Residence

In the early morning, the dense fog slowly leaked out of the valley, paved a floor at the foot of the mountain, and then was pushed by the subsequent cloud and fog, permeated through the pine forest, and finally covered the Nuo Da Yun's Manor like a fairyland.

A woman carrying a bucket jumped vigorously from one side of the stream to the other, and the blue floral skirt danced with it, like a blooming blue lotus.

A younger girl in blue stood at the end of the creek, and admired the bucket in the hand of the girl. "Wow, sister Sister Bug is so powerful, I didn't sprinkle a drop of water."

Little Worm sister snorted proudly: "In two years, you should go to the end of the stream to fetch water."

The little girl raised her head in surprise and looked at Sister Chong: "Do you really want to marry Silly and Silly? Marry them both at once?"

Little Sister Bug said angrily: "Nonsense, they have a wife and eight, how could I marry them."

"However, the two idiots said you were not married, and Menyer Yeah also said that when he came to raise relatives, they would drive those women away.

In fact, silly, silly, and silly people are good. Marrying one is almost the same. Marrying two will be killed by jokes. "

Xiao Chong's sister smiled and said, "I was thinking about marrying at the age of eleven, and still married two. Are you ashamed?

Humph, Sister Chouyong was married. If I were married, Xiaolang would be yours alone.

Thinking of beauty ...

However, I am too ugly to match Xiaolang, so you do n’t have to worry about me, be careful of the two fairies Song Qiao and Su Zhi.

Su Zhi is all right. She gave her a bit of food and she forgot everything. It was Song Qiao, who had a pair of peach eyes. Every time she looked at Xiao Lang ’s eyes, she seemed to be carrying a hook, and she was your enemy. . "

With her round eyes, Red Sleeve glanced at the sly-looking worm: "I'm still young."

The little worm tapped on the red-sleeved cheek: "Just think about it."

In the morning mist, the figures of the two girls were soon vaguely covered by the dense fog. A colorful tiger broke the dense fog and came to the edge of the stream. After licking some of the stream, he habitually raised his head and roared.

Despite the dense fog covering the tigers, the still-spread mountains and forests, several stupid pheasants flying out of the bushes, fell in the pine forest far away, and disappeared in a flash.


Changping proudly placed a black **** on the edge of a white chess, surrounded by three short shots, only a breath of white chess eyes looked nowhere to escape.

Wei Qing smiled slightly, ignoring the piece that was about to be eaten, but put a white piece in an insignificant place.

Changping proudly put another pawn, removed the white **** in the middle from the chessboard, and gave his husband a special glance.

Wei Qing sighed: "You are still that temperament, and never let go of the benefits of your hands. Doing so at one and a half times will probably be no problem. If you are long, you will lose money.

In order to call for a killer, you played a three-step chess game, and the decent place prevailed, but you didn't know that the overall situation had changed for a long time.

You took me a city, but you do not know your pot, Wufang, Pancheng three cities have fallen into death. "

Chang Ping twisted his waist and said with pride: "I am a woman, and I will do whatever I want to do with the three cities outside."

"People who have no far-sightedness must have near worries. They can't do this any more in the future. If they go to sick children, Xiaoxiang'er will grow up and think about them."

Wei Qing withdrew Bai Zi from the chessboard, and the outcome was no longer necessary to continue.

Chang Ping laughed: "They are actually very good. As long as they don't take advantage of the greed, they will eventually become masters one day.

The three at home are really worrying to me. "

Wei Qing shook his head and said: "The Wei family can't always be a hero of the world, and it's not bad to produce a few dudes.

Some people are suitable to be blacksmiths, some are suitable to be horsemen, and some are suitable to be generals. Naturally, some people are suitable to be dudes.

Wei Yan is mediocre, but timid and afraid. If you are not going to have a baby, my title will be his in the future.

As for Wei Doudou and Wei Deng, the young age has shown signs of playfulness. If you have not been diligent in teaching these years, you still don't know what they will become. "

Chang Ping hesitated and said: "You can't blame me for not having them with the sick children, Yun Lang and they mixed together."

Wei Qing said: "You have a few lambs in the tiger group, can they live? Go sick and don't say, it's just Yun Lang killing Gongsun Jin in front of the majesty, it's not Wei Jin, Wei Wei , Wei Deng they can match.

Did you know that His Majesty watched Yun Lang kill Gongsun Jin, but instead of being angry at that time, he praised Yun Lang's good wind instrument.

Whether it is a horse or a gun, or even assassination in one go, there is no hesitation.

It may be possible to go to sick children. Xiang'er, Li Gan is still a little worse. As for the three children at home, it is even more needless to say.

If you forcibly stuff the three of them to the sick child, it is estimated that it will not be used for a few days, and they will be broken by the broken bones. "

Changping whited Wei Qing and said: "You can't find a better woman to have three good children?

Where can the concubine's child go? "

The black line on Wei Qing's face frowned and said, "You were Mrs. Pingyang Hou at that time, what can I do?

It was already a lucky day to have a proper wife before marrying you. "

Changping smiled and whispered in Wei Qing's arms: "There is a small hot pool beside the Yuansheng Pavilion. Let's go there ..."

Wei Qing laughed, then hugged Changping and went down the building. The two servants quickly followed, and the other maids quickly prepared the noble bathing things and took a short cut to the Yuansheng Pavilion.

Yun Lang was not ready to get up, glanced at the clouds outside the window, and put his head back on the pillow.

Red sleeves have urged him several times, breakfast has been cold, Yun Lang feels better not to leave the bed.

I went to the barracks yesterday and was held by the brothers of the whole army to celebrate, especially after being thrown into the air by everyone and then catching this action, it made the bones in his waist seem to be broken.

He swears that if the **** dare to wear armor to help him throw it into the sky, he must turn his face.

Whether it is leather armor or iron armor, there is a piece of iron on the wrist. This is used to resist the sword cut by the enemy, not to deal with his waist bone.

The beauty of Lishan in the late autumn is breathtaking, and the red leaves of the mountains and mountains are flying up and down in the autumn wind. Waiting for a while, these yellow leaves and red leaves will be blown everywhere by the wind. It was like a burning flame.

"Xiaolang, it's time to eat, the millet porridge is all mushy."

"Then feed the pigs!"

"Ah? Wasting food will be punished."

"Don't believe them, it's all nonsense. How can it be a waste to feed pigs with food? It's just converting millet into pork, and go, this is what we make cheap."

"If it doesn't work, let me drink it. Let Xiaolang eat the eggs."

"You are not a pig, the millet porridge is boiled, it will not taste good, take it to feed the pig, if you want to drink it, go to cook again.

Now, you eat the eggs, I can't see the eggs now. "

Yunlang mumbled up ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ just put his head back in the blanket, ready to sleep for a while, anyway, the fog outside will not disappear for a while.

When the late autumn arrived, the Yun family entered the time of farming and leisure. The current Yun family, except for those who grow greenhouse vegetables, and those who raise chickens and ducks and livestock, the silk silk weaving workshop is running day and night.

The men's work is running out, but the young people are very busy. The Yun's carriage workshop is in a mess. The Yun's iron workshop is also busy.

After Yun Lang got up, she found that her home was empty, and she regretted that she had done the same work as the animals.

Millet porridge is gone, Yun Lang had to drink green pimple soup. The kitchen ladies were busy preparing lunch for the lunch servants, teenagers, craftsmen, and merchants. Yun Lang didn't want to mess with them any more, so he just dealt with two.

Seeing the elderly Liang Weng drink a bowl of pimple soup in Yunlang, he walked five or six times in front of him.

Yun Lang stopped Liang Weng and said angrily: "If you have enough people, go and solicit, and do what everyone in your family does like a farm animal?" To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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