Our Hometown

Vol 2 Chapter 115: Vivid world

Chapter 115 The Vivid World

Yun Lang glanced sadly at the Tomb of the First Emperor hidden in the darkness, rubbing his hair vigorously. He was afraid that the secret of the Tomb of the First Emperor would be known by the Emperor.

The Shihuang Mausoleum was built in Guanzhong. There are millions of people involved in the construction of the Shihuang Mausoleum, and it has been built for 20 years. If no one knows that the Shihuang Mausoleum is there, it is too self-deceiving.

What happy event can the Yun family have?

The biggest joy is that a treasure was suddenly found in the Yunjia realm.

It's like a posterity who suddenly found an oil well in his yard ...

This is disaster.

Yun Lang carefully thought about how many lies he had since he came to Dahan.

After a long time, I didn't figure it out. If every lie was pierced, Yun Lang felt that he might be the biggest liar in history.

Many lies are very bad. If you count them carefully, you are playing with all the people in the Han Dynasty as fools.

This is how a person with a ghost is born.

After returning to the room, Yun Lang packed all the things he wanted to bring, and once he found something bad, he took the tiger and fled into Lishan. Anyway, he ran away and said other things.

As for deceiving people, there is an objective existence. Even if everyone thinks he is a shameless liar, Yun Lang will never have any suicidal thoughts.

It ’s great, I ’ll never come to Chang’an Sanfu again in this life. It ’s not impossible to change the name.

On the first day, nothing happened. Yun Lang, who was sleeping under the burden, was relieved.

The next day, nothing happened, but Changping's eyes seemed softer.

On the third day, Gillian suddenly sent six elderly grandmaes, waiting for Yunlang to take a bath, and in the process of waiting for him to take a bath, looked at him all over the body, and finally found it on the sole of his feet A dark red birthmark the size of a copper coin, and then went back like a treasure.

On the fourth day, Yun Lang was almost sleepy and could not open his eyes. The whole person was haggard and the smile on his face was false and powerful. No matter who it was, Yun Lang could see that it was supporting.

On the fifth day, Huo went sick and came to Cao Xiang ...

"Things have already been done. If you stretch your head and cut your head, it's better to admit your fortune-telling. It's just a matter of having more people in your family at home and abroad. What's the matter of having more people in your big family now have dinner?

When the child grows up, a dowry is enough. As for tossing you like this? "

Yun Lang, who was resting his head on the table for confession, was suddenly stunned. He raised his head and looked at Cao Xiang with those eyes that had become red with a lack of sleep: "What a bite to eat, what dowry?"

Huo went sick and looked at Yun Lang enviously: "The spring wind once darkened the beads, and only you have the ability!"

Yun Lang's eyeballs are about to fall out of his eyes, grabbing Huo to get sick: "What spring breeze was once, who was born in dark knot? Make it clear?"

"Sima Xiangru, who has just returned from Chang's Palace to Chang'an, swears that the baby girl born by Zhuo Ji is definitely not his."

Yun Lang's body froze at once, his eyes staring at Huo Going sick, and he nodded heavily.

The throat uttered a chant, and then fell softly on the blanket ...

Huo went sick to Yun Lang's neck and said to Cao Xiang: "It passed out."

Cao Xiang smiled bitterly: "If I suddenly have an extra daughter now, and face all the criticisms from everyone, I will pass out.

But this time, Sima Xiangru and Zhuo Ji made a lot of money. One person who took the post of Chengdu County and one directly became Mrs. Wuhua.

The praiser Sima Xiangru won is nothing more than an official post. Zhuo Ji is best known as Mrs. Wuhua.

Wuhuashan ’s iron ore mine became Zhuoji ’s private property, and it is estimated that her father would be alive and angry.

The most powerful thing is His Majesty. With one will, he has removed half of Zhuo's life.

The long-running iron ore dispute in Shu was finally settled. "

The difference in status causes everyone's knowledge to be different.

Yun Lang hates this sentence, but it is true after all.

The news that he tried hard to know was nothing for Huo Qubing and Cao Xiang.

Even if their elders refuse to tell them, they always have their own channels to get news.

In the elder honors, their positions are different, Gillian, Changping and the emperor stand together, the natural position is the same, but there are some people-their position is not the same as the emperor.

Especially after the interests of Wuhuashan Iron Mine are involved, the spearhead is very obvious.

As a result, even Gillian did not dare to tell the secrets easily, and with the help of intentional people, the whole world was publicized.

They used this matter to humiliate Sima Xiangru, describing Zhuo Ji as a watery Yanghua woman, letting Zhuo's people know what means their daughter used to embezzle family property.

Sima Xiangru knew the terrible nature of the incident and knew it was the will of the emperor, so he would rather endure the rumors of the sky and gritt his teeth to admit that the little baby girl was not his child.

He couldn't imagine how terrible the consequences would be if he admitted that the baby girl was his own child, thus ruining the emperor's intentions.

As long as the Han people know one thing-their emperor His Majesty is very stingy.

He only cares about whether his plan can be realized, and what kind of nightmare will be suffered by his people, he generally ignores it.

After half an hour, Yun Lang woke up.

"Why don't you sleep a little longer?" Huo went sick with an angry look.

Yun Lang laughed: "I passed out."

Cao Xiang sneered: "For the first time, I found out that people who passed out could still snore."

Yun Lang spread his hands and smiled: "Since I passed out, I might as well go to sleep for a while, I have been tortured these days."

Huo went ill to see Yun Lang smiling cheerfully, patting the table and saying: "I'm going to be married soon. If it goes well, I will have one or two sons when winter enters next year. Keep your girlie for my son."

Yun Lang looked at Huo Qu with contempt and said: "Want to help my daughter's name? Do you think it is necessary?"

Cao Xiang said in surprise: "The child's origin is problematic."

Yun Lang smiled and said: "As long as I was born, there will be no problems, there will be no problems, even if there is a problem, I will make her no problem!"

"Do you believe in Zhuo Ji?" Cao Xiang asked.

Yun Lang pointed to his head: "I believe!"

"It's Zhuo Ji who has the advantage, Wuhuashan's iron mine falls in her hands, and half of Zhuo's lifeline is gone."

"It's me who takes advantage ..." Yun Lang said lightly and walked out of the house.

As the sun goes down, the red sun is about to set. There is no sunset in the sky, only a large gray cloud is set by the sunset with a golden rim. The ancient pine that is the highest in Lishan seems to embrace the sun with open arms.

The mountain breeze roared, and the black pine forest and Songtao burst like a dragon roaring, blowing up colorful frost leaves flying all over the sky, like a group of colorful butterflies flying, and finally fell into the mountain stream.

Yun Lang shouted and listened to the echoes of the distant mountains. He never found the world to be so brilliant ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ so clear.

He never imagined that there would be a child. He thought that he had experienced terrible things, and it should be impossible to have a child of his own.

Unexpectedly, this world would be so gentle and so infatuated with him, he gave the world a little insignificant repayment with half-heartedness.

This world gave him a golden mountain!

So, Yun Lang kneeled down on the ground for the first time, facing the sunset and performing three prayers and nine knocks ... He thanked the world, and thanked all the gods that might or might not exist in this world.

"It seems that a child is what Yun Lang wants most ..." Wei Qing stood with his hands behind the gate and watched Yun Lang praying in the direction of Chang'an!

Changping smiled bitterly: "My brother, it's really amazing to see people. Yunlu is wary of everyone. This time I was willing ..."

Huo went sick, and Cao Xiang was surprised to the extreme. You know, even if Yun Lang was in the school's military field, when everyone bowed to the emperor, his knee did not fall into place. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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