Our Hometown

Vol 2 Chapter 119: It ’s inevitable

Chapter 119: Buying and Returning Pearls is inevitable

If the emperor is not much trouble, Yunlang has a way to solve this matter.

Ever since the emperor intervened, everything has been messed up with an overbearing behavior that cannot be refused.

Adults don't care, since things have already been done, it doesn't matter if Yun Lang or Zhuo Ji are swallowed by someone's saliva.

The problem is children!

The little kid didn't understand anything. Her reputation was over and she was ended by a well-known method.

Yun Lang can imagine that his daughter, who is only one year old and three months old, has now been labeled as a vicious label of a daughter who is not a good family.

This is intolerable ...

He decided to punish everyone ...

He decided to further increase the value of gold, making it more difficult to exchange copper coins for gold.

When everyone got the beautiful gold ingots, gold cakes, and gold coins, they quickly stored them. In order to continue to store more gold, they would do everything possible to pass the merchants they control and continue to receive gold with the farmers.

When gold no longer leaves the market as a valuable currency collateral, the bulk of transactions will be dominated by copper coins.

As a result, copper coins on the market will become scarce, which will make prices higher and scarcer.

In such a scenario, the original currency economy of the Great Han Dynasty will be hit, so that the Han Dynasty will return to the rhythm of bartering goods.

The end result of this is that the Great Han Kingdom will suffer the most. When the currency in the hands of the people is not enough to pay for the country's taxes, then the Great Han Kingdom can only collect a large amount of goods.

If this is not done, the goal cannot be achieved.

Yun Lang also wants to use the gold that he squeezed to buy copper coins ... This is famous-silver precious copper paralysis!

In order to achieve this goal, Yun Lang called Changan through his own merchant class leader Jia San. All the coppersmiths and goldsmiths in Sanfu who had access to them showed Yun ’s new products to these people and started selling them at a low price. Mold, and hydraulic punch.

If a goldsmith is willing to pay a large price, Yunlang will even sell his unique gold smelting method, and strive to improve the quality of gold in the world.

Gillian's five hundred pounds of gold soon turned into three hundred and fifty pounds of gold with beautiful colors. For this, Gillian was very satisfied.

Because Changping had always been suspicious of Yun Lang, the gold in her family only sent a hundred pounds ... When she discovered that all the people in the whole length of An started discussing a beautiful kind of gold, she sent it again Five hundred pounds ...

Hardworking and frugal housekeeping is a beautiful virtue of the Han people since ancient times. Unfortunately, this beautiful virtue hides gold when it encounters their efforts to spend gold to save the weak currency system of the Han Dynasty. , Is a sin.

Liang Weng had to face the Yun's empty money bank for a while every day. Now, he is not sad anymore. Every day, Jincancan's gold is transported into the money bank, soothing his injured heart very effectively.

When driving people's enthusiasm with interests, Yun Lang believes that this trend will sweep the entire Han nationality at a rapid rate, even before the Han court responds.

Yun Lang even believed that even if such behavior caused great trouble to the Han Dynasty, they could not find that the root of the matter was the improvement of the quality of gold.

Most of the most profitable businesses in the world are detrimental to selfishness and belong to plunder ... Military warfare is a means, and economic warfare is also the same. Although there is no flesh and blood battlefield, it often comes more cruel than the battlefield.

Upgrading the quality of gold could not have been wrong. If Yunlang can improve the quality of gold and improve the quality of copper coins, it will be a great good governance.

When the exquisite copper coins are popular, the first ones are the privately cast money.

It has great benefits for the Guo Dynasty to recover the coinage rights, and at the same time it can continue to expand the number of people who use coin transactions. In the end, because of the use of the same currency, it will naturally become a group, that is to say, this thing is a unified Very important for the country.

It is a pity that so many talented people in the Han Dynasty do not have a clear understanding of the importance of recovering the right to mint coins and prohibiting private minting of coins.

Yun Lang felt that it would be good for them to let them suffer a little at the moment.

A delicate gold bell made a clear sound in Yun Lang's hands. He frowned. There was not enough brass added in the gold, and the sound was not crisp enough.

He set the bell aside, rewrote the composition of the material, and gave it to Liang Weng. This old blacksmith would definitely make a bell that fits his mind.

He wanted to make 108 such bells, ready to hang out of his girl's window. Little children should like this little thing that makes beautiful music.

The wooden horse used by the child was still rough. Yun Lang personally rubbed the whole wooden horse with his hands. He felt that there were still some small wooden thorns in some places.

When Pingzhai arrived, Yun Lang was polishing the wooden horse. Hearing that Pingzhai was coming, he asked without raising his head: "Where are the people?"

"Chen Cang!"

"Why not tell me in advance that I have a child?"

Ping Zhai remembered his father's instructions and smiled bitterly: "Zhuoji threatens with his life!"

Yun Lang lightly polished the head of the Trojan, and said coldly: "I think the relationship with your father is quite harmonious. He has killed me countless times before, and I smiled, how do I count this time?"

Ping Zhe bowed his head and said, "Father ordered me to live as a Yun family official to compensate for your sins."

Yun Lang raised his head and looked at Ping Zhejie: ​​"Yin and Yang have met the wind and the rudder, and it is very rare to easily use a reversed black and white method as a good thing for yourself."

Ping Zhegong said: "A family is now a Yun family official. As long as the owner wants to punish Ping Zhe, when is it not feasible?

Now, there are more important events that the family owner needs to deal with. "

Yun Lang stopped his work and thought for a while: "I really promised that your father would accept you as a Yun family official.

You do n’t need to say anything, just go back and tell Zhuo Ji, sell Zhuo ’s Ironworks, and do n’t have any illusions anymore. Kong is just bad luck, so now, basically there is no way for the iron merchants. Official selling is required.

I think Zhuo Ji shouldn't have the power to act as the shopkeeper of the Guanfu store? "

Ping Zhe shocked: "In this way, how will a blacksmith who follows Zhuo make a living?"

The Ironwork Workshop is the guarantee of Zhuo Ji's survival, how can it be easily abandoned? "

Yun Lang glanced at Ping Zhe and said, "You seem to be my Yun's official, not Zhuo's official."

Pingzhe looked at Yun Lang without fear, and said bluntly: "I thought that the head of the family took the children, and then ignored the mother of the children, and the morals were bad."

Yun Lang smiled silently and put down the Trojan Road: "It really is a business for his mother, my poor child, who knows that you are a priceless treasure in the eyes of your father.

The stupid woman couldn't even figure this out. Using a broken iron workshop to measure my child's worth, I was so angry. "

Yun Lang got up angrily, shaking off the wood chips and pointing at Pingzhi: "Follow me!"

After speaking, Meteor strode out of the small building, and Pingzhi, who was unknown, quickly followed.

Soon came the front of the Yun's main building. Liang Weng, who was waiting here, laboriously pushed open a street lamp pavilion made of stone, and an iron gate was exposed in front of the plain.

Liang Weng opened the iron door, Yun Lang took the lead down the tunnel ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Ping Zhai hesitated and followed.

Liang Weng quickly crossed Yunlang and opened a heavy iron gate. After passing three iron gates, Pingzhe and Yunlang came to a stone house made of giant stones. There was a long light in the stone house.

Through the dim light, Pingzhi saw ten pine boxes in the middle of the stone house.

"turn on!"

Yun Lang Shen Sheng ordered Liang Weng.

After Liang Weng opened the wooden boxes one after another, Pingzhe couldn't help but took a breath and exclaimed: "So much gold?"

Yun Lang backed his hands and continued to stand in the dark, waiting for Pingzhi to be excited before whispering: "Since Zhuo Ji treats the child back to her father as a business, I will let her earn money.

As long as the child is sent over, the money is hers. "

宑 与 2 说

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