Our Hometown

Vol 2 Chapter 131: Kaishan disciple

Chapter 131 The Great Disciple of Kaishan

Yun Lang's small courtyard Huo did not want to get sick, Cao Xiang's luxury hospital did not want Zhang, and Li Gan's newly built house was also rejected by Huo's sick couple.

"If you want to live in the stable, Laozi will fulfill her."

Huo went sick and threw the hard-lined words back to the backyard, preparing to take his newly-married wife to the road overnight and return to the military camp to stay in the stable.

The dumbfounded Cao Xiang quickly grabbed Yun Lang's sleeve and said: "Persuasion, it will become a big joke."

Yun Lang smiled and said to her daughter: "It's no big deal for the general to live in the stable. It might become a good talk in the future."

Li Gan, ignorant, asked: "Is there anything I don't know?"

"Yeah, who is going sick, wants to compete with her uncle who is going to get sick. It's that simple."

"How do you argue? It's already an adult to go ill, and he's a stubborn ass, and he should have had an idea. Who can persuade him?"

Li Gan still asked in a silly way, but Cao Xiang seemed to understand, and waved his hand: "The idea of ​​going to a stable to live in a stable is actually a good idea.

Alang, your house is close, can you send someone to help clean up the barracks? "

Yun Lang smiled and patted Cao Xiang's shoulders, saying: "The eldest husband Ma Ge is not afraid of corpses, he is also afraid of what stables he lives in. Rest assured, when we arrive at Shanglin Garden, there should be a stable-like courtyard built."

Cao Xiang laughed: "Since that's the case, we shouldn't stay here anymore. It's not too late to go to Shanglinyuan to drink after getting sick."

The night in winter always comes very early. As soon as the sun sets, the sky becomes dim and abnormal.

The guests are almost gone, Yun Lang, Cao Xiang, Li Gan and Huo Zhongru say goodbye, and it can be seen that this old man is very lost.

The three did not dare to lose in etiquette, but they did not seem so close in attitude.

"Let the three Xiaolang laugh." Huo Zhongru still had a smile on his face, but the woman's cry from the inner house was faint.

"It's your majesty's courtier to go sick, others think it will bring disaster." Yun Lang explained in a low voice, and got on the carriage.

Huo Zhongru whispered in the carriage window of Yunlang: "The Huo family is just a small family. They can't raise Kunpeng, and they can't live in the giant whale.

Yun Lang smiled and said: "Huo Gong is worried, as long as he is sick, Huo's worry-free."

Huo Zhongru said with a big smile: "Xiaolang said it is reasonable, since it is reasonable, then I have to listen to it, since the future of going to the disease is very promising, then he has no reason not to bring up his brother."

Speaking, an old grandma behind him tucked a child into Yunlang's carriage. Before Yunlang talked, Huo Zhongru gently slapped on the horse's **** and smiled, In the evening, you can't get out of the city without leaving. The old man has told the city gatekeeper to stay at the door for an hour. "

Yun Lang's carriage moved, and Huo Qubing had gone far away riding a horse. Even so, there was a woman who chased Huo Qubing repeatedly.

When the carriage passed by the woman, Yun Lang took a closer look at Huo Qubing, a near-crazy mother, and found that the woman did have a good color.

When the woman saw Yun Lang lying at the window and smiled at her, she squeezed out a stiff smile, which gave Yun Lang a thin face and no longer shouted loudly.

After dealing with the Huo family, Yun Lang immediately pulled the boy who was stuffed in by the old grandma and looked carefully.

"Huo Guang?" Yun Lang's voice was a little trembling. If this child was really Huo Guang, even if it was used by Huo Zhongru, Yun Lang would be happy. If this child was not Huo Guang, Yun Lang was going to throw him out of the window.

"Yes!" The child obviously rebelled against Yunlang's brutal means, and obediently agreed.

"How old?"

"Five years old!"

"Have you ever studied?"

"It's sandboxing!"

"Great, from now on, I will be your teacher, come on, good boy, kneel well, knock on three heads, and then I will be under the door of Northwestern Polytechnic."

"Yeye said you can't kneel casually."

"That's someone else, I'm your brother's life and death brother, give me a kowtow not to wrong you, give, eat cake, this thing is not common."

"Brother took it back ..."

"That was done by the kitchen lady blindly, just to deceive people, but I made it myself. It has preserves in it. It is definitely different from what you have eaten ... If you do n’t like cakes, there are also pigs with sauce. hoof……"

The carriage has come a long way. Cao Xiang, who was riding with Huo Going sick, saw the bright inside of Yun Lang's carriage, so he came over curiously and opened the curtain to look inside. Nothing else was seen, only Yun Lang's angry face. .


Yun Lang scolded, and then pulled the curtains back and closed the window.

Then I heard the humorous voice coming from the carriage: "Xiaoguang, Northwestern Polytechnic is not a mountain gate like those fish. Entering my door, he will let you fly for nine days, fly with Dapeng, and down. Go deep in the ocean and swim with giant kun, and there are delicious things you can't eat, you can't see the magic ... "

Cao Xiang shuddered, and quickly came to the dejected Huo Qubing next to him: "Finished, A Lang is tricking your younger brother to worship him as a teacher."

"Huh? Xiaoguang is here too?"

"Yes, I saw Huo Zhongru stuffed Xiaoguang into the Yunlang carriage."

"How does this work? I'm trying to avoid the group of people now, how can A Lang take the initiative to get past it?

I will send someone to send Xiaoguang back. "

Cao Xiang quickly grabbed Huo's sleeve and said, "Don't, I have never seen A Lang be so flattering to a certain person. This time I'm probably serious.

Furthermore, I think it is not a bad thing for Alang to accept Xiaoguang as a disciple. Until now, I have not been able to figure out anything other than military affairs that Alang did not know. I am still waiting for my son. Just sent to study under Alang door. "

Li Gan at the edge was excited immediately, rubbing his hands and exhaling Bai Qi said: "I have a son, I have a son ..."

Huo went sick for a moment and thought Cao Xiang was right, so he came to the edge of the Yunlang carriage and knocked on the window.

After a while, Yun Lang's cold face appeared on the car window, and the murmur of blocking the window to Huo went to the hospital and said: "Go with your bride, take care of my affairs."

Huo went ill and resignedly pointed to the carriage.

Yun Lang said evilly: "If there is trouble, it is also my trouble. It is not your business. Tell you, if you dare to destroy my good deeds, no brother will do it!"

After hurriedly speaking, Yun Lang slammed the window again ...

Huo went sick and ate a closed door soup. He returned to Cao Xiang and Li Gan and said, "It's really weird. I didn't see any surprises in Xiaoguang. Why did Alang care so much? Just asked, people are not because of me. With Xiaoguang as a disciple, I even feel that Alang values ​​Xiaoguang more than me. "

Li Gan quickly said: "Go home and show your son to A Lang ..."

Of course, Yun Lang is fond of Huo Guang. If Huo Qubing is a dazzling meteor, then Huo Guang is an eternal sun for the Han Dynasty.

He is old-fashioned, he is decisive and decisive, and he knows people well. He is really a politician with a long-term vision.

He defeated the coup initiated by Shangguan Jie and others, abolished Liu He, and established Emperor Han to make Emperor Han, turning the Han Dynasty into safety. His political courage was quite comparable to Xiao He.

He changed the policy of embarrassment and excessive taxation in the last years of Emperor Wudi, constantly adjusted the class relations, and turned the Han Dynasty of Kongbi into danger, resulting in the second prosperity of the Han Dynasty since the rule of Wenjing ~ In general, the dynasty of the Great Han Dynasty and even two thousand years later are all governed by human beings. If you want to promote one thing or change something, you need specific people to implement it.

Yun Lang feels that no one is more suitable for receiving his own education than Huo Guang, and no one is better than him for spreading the knowledge of later generations.

Huo Guang, who was bought by cakes, pig's trotters, sauced beef, and roast chicken, kowtowed at him in a stern manner, and prayed at the teacher's ceremony. Yun Lang's tears could not help flowing down.

He now finally understands why Dazai is so good for him. Sometimes, for a person, inheritance is more important than life.

Compared with getting Huo Guang, Huo Zhongru's thoughts about those people's flies are not worth mentioning.

Even if the consequences were more serious, he didn't care.

After all, for the most suitable disciple of the Northwestern Polytechnic University, Yun Lang can go there!

Ps. I played "Legend of Undefeated" for a few hours last night, and I was really touched. I did n’t expect to just say a few words the other day, and so many friends came to Wu Guo to find me Friends, the names that all begin with "Hanxiang" among friends. When playing the boss, the army of Hanxiang is also running around me. I really appreciate everyone's support for me and Hanxiang, and welcome more friends to join our army of Hanxiang! "Undefeated Legend", Wu Guo, Han Xiang Army, I am here waiting for you.

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