Our Hometown

Vol 2 Chapter 135: marriage

Chapter 135 Marriage

"" Mo Shang Sang "."

Song Qiao nodded.

"Qin Luofu?"

Song Qiao nodded again.

"Then I have no problem. Look, Baima has no problem with Liliju, right?

The spring horse I ride is worth a million, and the rest are very similar. There are armor and blessings when I travel, and when I come back, there are groups of servants and slaves. In addition to having no beard ... This is also simple. I started shaving hard from today. Years, my face will be covered with a big beard. "

Yun Lang was full of mouth, but one hand fell involuntarily on Song Qiao's full buttocks, but just put it there gently, not moving.

Song Qiao glanced at Yunlang's paws and said with a smile: "Have you ever tested how the sentiment between men and women happened in Northwestern Polytechnic?"

Yun Lang didn't mean to withdraw his hand. It felt good to be there. The beautiful curvature and the curvature of the palm fit well and wonderfully, which made his heart jump up and down violently.

"One brother said that this is something called hormones that works. This thing has always existed in our body. As long as our body grows, he will cause us to have a desire to mate. Humans can reproduce to this day. Based on.

In ancient times, we have not created enough words, enough wealth, and the love of men and women was replaced by the urge to cooperate to obtain food.

At that time, a man was willing to give a woman food, was willing to protect her, and was willing to fight for her against the beasts, it means that they have the feeling of men and women.

The more food you give, the more secure you are, and the stronger your emotions.

Later, when we had words, clothes, houses, and countries, the relationship between men and women became very complicated.

There is a surplus of food, so ah, food does not represent the feeling of men and women. At this time, the feeling of men and women transcends the material and begins to pursue the realm of spiritual and physical unity.

The relationship between men and women has also been strictly stipulated by the sages. Men ca n’t knock a woman off with a stick and bring her back to the cave to get married. However, the habit of using food to lure a woman into being fooled is well maintained by us. "

Song Qiao laughed and whispered: "Do you want to knock me out with a stick?"

Yun Lang thought for a while: "Any man has this kind of thinking, considering that we are going to grow old together, so we have to continue to cheat and not use sticks."

Song Qiao looked up at Yunlang and said: "I sometimes prefer to let you knock away with a stick, so that you don't have to worry so much, and you don't have to suffer.

I am a woman with very little opinion. This is true from a young age. The master said that I want to learn literacy, so I will read. The master said that I want to study medicine, so I went to study medicine. What the master said I have never resisted, because , She is the best one for me among the people I know.

The reason I work hard to study medicine is to meet her expectations.

Now, the mountain gate was closed, and they abandoned us, and I was in charge of everything for a while, but they were at a loss. "

Yun Lang's claws shrank, Song Qiao whispered, but did not resist, so Yun Lang was proud, and whispered in her ear: "Don't you always think that Shimen abandoned you, you should be like this Think, your teachers will put you in the world as their seeds, as a way for them to explore the world.

After you have fully grown into towering trees, they may come to you. After all, the long-distance escape to the mountains is very detrimental to the development of a martial art. "

"Yes! That's it!" Su Zhi's voice sounded behind the two without warning.

Yun Lang's claws were quickly recovered from Song Qiao's sensitive parts, and Song Qiao simply buried his head in front of his chest and dared not see anyone.

Su Zhi didn't seem to see anything, and generally sat across from the two as usual, craming his hands in the big pocket on his chest and continuing.

"The mother-in-law said that the three of us are the most suitable to stay in the world. The rest of the people have avoided the world for too long, and they don't know how to deal with people outside.

So they will hide.

Mother-in-law likes Yun, she thinks it is quieter and richer than the mountains, Yun was originally a man in the mountain gate, and you married Yunlang can be regarded as the right person. In this way, many medical explorations need not avoid Yunlang Our best resting place.

From now on, you will be your mistress of the Yun family. My mother-in-law and I will go to the medical clinic in Fugui Town to save people and stay in Fugui Town for a long time.

Yunlang, when will you marry my sister? Although Xuanji City is very indifferent to the affairs of men and women, it is not possible to be together at random, at least there must be a wedding.

Hold on, I'm afraid to continue to delay, my sister will become the second Zhuoji. "

Yun Lang embarrassed: "What are you referring to?"

Su Zhi coldly snorted: "Give you a baby before getting married!"

Song Qiao raised his head violently, the face was painted with red paint, jumped up and ran into the house.

When Song Qiao saw her sister ran, she sneered again: "I still expect her to take care of me, but I still need me to take care of her!"

Yun Lang laughed: "Girls are always shy about getting married."

"What's so shy, your pigs, sheep, cows, I've watched more when mating."

Su Zhi's words embarrassed the future generations of Yun Lang, so he raised his hand and surrendered: "Okay, okay, you just have to decide, but who should you hand the gift to?"

Su Zhi extended a small hand and said with a smile: "Of course it was handed over to me, and the medicine mother-in-law did not care about it, not to whom I gave it, tell you, I will accept the ceremony, and the bridesmaid does not, you can do it. "

Yun Lang reluctantly said: "Every copper coin in your pocket is from me ... Will I still count on the dowry?"

"That's good. Go ahead and prepare for the gift. Good-looking clothes, beautiful jewelry, glittering gold ingots, silver ingots, silk embroidered with gold thread, everything is indispensable.

From tomorrow on, you can no longer see my sister until you come to meet the relatives ... "

Yun Lang picked up her thumbs and praised, "You will be a big event in the future!"

Su Zhi picked his chin and said, "Sister Sister is married, and finally it's my turn to the hospital."

After he finished speaking, he twirled his waist happily and ran away. Yun Lang didn't understand it at all.

Now that he decided to get married, it must be fast. Yun Lang just told Liu Po ​​and Liang Weng that the originally silent Yun Family Courtyard immediately boiled.

Even after midnight, all the lights in the courtyard were lit up, and from time to time, Liu Po ​​could be heard sending her servants in a high voice.

Yun Lang's marriage is not that simple, it must be reported to the government. This kind of document has not been written in Yun Lang, so I had to consult Huo Qie who had just written this document.

The only person who can keep a warhorse in his room is Huo.

Outsiders in newlyweds' rooms are not easy to enter, especially early in the morning, God knows what they are doing.

There is no servant in the mountain curry, but there are two concubines who are going to get sick. They have no time to take care of Huo going to get sick. The two are sitting under the porch.

Seeing Yun Lang coming, he immediately became energetic and sat down on the wooden floor in a formal manner to salute Yun Lang.

"Not up?" Yun Lang pointed to the mountain dwelling.

"Hunting is gone!" A concubine in red seems to be aggrieved ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Of course Yun Lang will not care about the aggrieved concubine, looking up at the gray sky, this cloudy day, vision No, it should not be a good hunting weather.

Thinking wildly, I saw Huo Gouyi carrying a long bow and an arrow pot, carrying a steel fork and picking two rabbits from the depths of the pine forest.

Behind him, Zhang's body is also compact, with two dead grouses hanging on her waist.

Seeing that they are talking and laughing, they know that life is going to be very fast.

"How to write the filing documents, quickly said, I am still busy marrying my wife."

Yun Lang didn't mean to be polite. He threw Huo to get sick and threw a bundle of bamboo slips to him.

Huo Qubing took Zhu Jian and smiled, "You are finally getting married, is Song Qiao of Xuanji City?"

Yun Lang nodded.

"Don't marry Su Zhi?"

Yun Lang shook his head.

Huo went sick with a sneer: "It's a pleasure to marry together!"


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