Our Hometown

Vol 3 Chapter 37: Shan Yu's good feeling

Chapter 37 The Good Feeling of Shan Yu

Since entering August, the water of the Blind River sometimes turns red, which is the result of the fierce battle between the Huns and the Han Army in the upper reaches of the Blind River.

Blood water generally does not enter the main channel of the Blind River, but only diffuses on the edge of the Blind River. Therefore, there will always be a slight red or black on the mud and pebbles on the river bank.

This is due to the self-purification function of the river. Even the river is not willing to accept too much pollution.

This was a big counterattack launched by Xie Changchuan.

These days, the Huns have been constantly advancing, and if they do not fight back, the Han army will be pushed out of the white mountain.

Pei Yan did not go to Huo to get sick, so Yun Lang took away the armaments stored by Qiduwei. Among them, the most of them were crossbow arrows, and Qiduwei's armor for combat readiness was also borrowed by Pei Yan.

Huo went sick, Yun Lang, said nothing, after all, this counterattack is very important, related to everyone's survival.

Huo went to the disease and asked to participate in the war, but Xie Changchuan and Pei Yan refused mercilessly. They believed that guarding the bridgehead was more important than riding the captain.

Yun Lang understands what the real reason is. If it is said at this time, it must be a fool.

11,000 civilian husbands took to the battlefield with crude weapons, and behind them were 13,000 soldiers of the Han Dynasty ...

Xie Ning left. He said that as a son, it makes no sense that his father was fighting on the front line, but his son was enjoying the blessing in the rear.

Su Zhi gave him a lot of medicine, and taught him to deal with general injuries, and even gave a dozen pieces of ginseng to Xie Ning.

In this atmosphere, it is difficult for anyone to be selfish.

Among such people, the only thing that does not include Yun Lang, he thinks that Xie Changchuan is right. It is very important for the Han army to guard the bridgehead.

Protracted positional warfare is beneficial to the Han army, and the biggest weakness of the Huns is that the war cannot be sustained.

It is not that they have no courage to fight, but that their food cannot support them in a protracted war.

In general, even a family of Huns and herdsmen need large grasslands to maintain their livelihoods. Now, the crowd of more than 200,000 people in a small area is a very big test for the Huns.

Even in their dragon court, there was no such large crowd.

This should be a good opportunity. The imperial court should not miss it. Since the Huns all gathered in Bai Mountaineering, then the rest will be very empty.

The Han military headed by Liu Che and Wei Qing cannot possibly see this situation. Perhaps now, the army of the Han dynasty has begun to set off.

This is a rare opportunity. Only when the Huns are about to die, will such a large collection of irrationality happen.

The offensive and defensive war in Qiaotou also began. The Huns dismounted and drove groups of shepherds, ghost slaves, and alien servants to the Qiaotou.

They were holding simple wooden shields, carrying ladders and wowing and screaming again and again like a wave against the city walls.

The crossbows and bows of the riding captains began to show power, but the most lethal to the Huns was the trebuchet.

Due to the riverside, there are inexhaustible pebbles. Whenever the trebuchet starts to launch, the sky is like a stone rain.

In just three days, the trebuchet threw hundreds of thousands of stones towards the outside of the city, so that a rocky beach suddenly appeared on the desolate ground.

The bridgehead was too small, and it was beside the river, which meant that the Huns could only attack from a small front.

Under the impact of strong crossbows and catapults, the number of servants of the Huns is rapidly decreasing, and the corpses everywhere are stinking under the scorching sun.

Fortunately, the wind generally blows from the river to the shore, which makes riding captain's life a little better.

The most sad days are not Huo Qubing, Yun Lang, but the Zuo Guli king Yi Zhixian of the Huns.

The violent Yu Dan with the guard has been confronted with Ichi Oblique three times. In the process, Yu Dan cannot listen to any explanations of I Chi Oblique. The army drew back from Bai Mountaineering.

It was a moment of tenderness and tenderness that planted the seeds of his future failure.

"Who is hurting me?"

After repelling Yu Shan's another attack, Ichisho yelled again at the lively Huns facing the hatchback.

The Sanzhiyu arrow shot from the side almost against the ground, and accurately penetrated into the calf of the Ichi Oblique Warhorse. The Warhorse fell with a whimper. The Ichi Oblique was pressed by the body of the Warhorse and couldn't get out of it for a while.

Yu Dan yelled, and once again commanded his own troops to pounce, and veteran Chilu was not willing to show his weakness. The cavalry of Yu Dan was blocked in front of the Ichi slope, the arrows flew, and the cavalry continued to fall from the battle. ...

With the help of his own soldiers, Ichishin climbed out from under the body of the warhorse. He ignored the battle in front of him, but his gloomy eyes looked at the lively Huns on both sides.

"It's the arrow of Right King!"

The personal soldiers pulled the feather arrows from the calf of the warhorse, and after inspection, they handed it to Ichisha.

Yi Zhi looked at Feather Arrow obliquely, and then shouted at the crowd: "Mike, someone is framing you, do you still have to stand by and watch the excitement?"

The right wise king, Mo Ke, has been watching the lively for a long time. When Ichishin said this, he sent someone to take the arrow. After reading it, he said, "I don't help each other. You know this is not my shooting. Arrow out. "

Yi Zhi smirked and said, "Then help me find the person who shoots arrows, otherwise, I will tell Yu Shan that you are killing us.

Even if the two of us want to fight for life and death, it's after killing you. "

Chilu's resistance made Yu Dan unable to take a step forward. Seeing that the two armies were already dead, Yu Shan had to retreat slowly.

A shepherd walked quickly and offered a bowl of horse milk to Yu Dan on his knees. Yu Yu took it with one hand and was about to drink it. A guard grabbed his hand and grabbed the milk, grabbing the panic The miserable shepherd poured it hard.

Yu Dan was shocked to find that the shepherd first foamed at the mouth, and soon the foam was mixed with blood, and then, he hugged his stomach on the ground and stirred up a large dust, waiting for the dust to dissipate, the dedication The milk cow's shepherd was almost dying and could only twitch weakly.

The guard grabbed the shepherd and asked aloud, "Who hurts King Zuo?"

The Munu's eyes glanced to the left, his legs kicked, and then there was no sound.

The Huns who watched the lively did not expect it anyway, and the trouble could be seen after watching the lively.

Losing his sanity, Yu Dan ordered the guard to shoot at the crowd on the left ...

The battlefield was just outside the king's tent, sober-minded, but the speechless military officer, who listened to the screams of people outside the big tent, only opened his eyes in anger.

Liu Lingfu cried mournfully beside Military Officer Shan Yu.

"Dadan Yu, please get well soon. Your son is fighting your brother. I'm afraid they will suddenly come in ..."

Shan Yu coughed for a long time, and stopped coughing for a long while. Two eyes stared at the samurai guarding the bed, angry.

The warrior of the king account bowed: "But want us to separate them?"

Shan Yulian blinked again and again, and the warrior Wang Jingjun nodded and walked out of the tent with a scimitar.

"Why are you laughing?"

Liu Ling pointed to a Huns Jian who was staying on the bedside and asked aloud ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The Jian was surprised and waved his hand repeatedly: "I don't have it!"

Liu Ling said angrily: "I saw you laughing, why are you laughing? Do you think Shan Yu is going to die soon, can you marry younger Shan Yu?"

The military officer Shan Yu turned his head hard, and looked at the Jian family fiercely, his eyes seemed to be blazing.

"Drag this cheap maid to kill!" Liu Ling stood on the bed and ordered to the last two guards.

The guard looked at the military officer Shan Yu and saw that Dan Yu had nothing but anger, so the eagle catches the chick and dragged the sternly begging Jian's hair out.

Hearing the screams from outside the tabernacle, Liu Ling glanced with satisfaction at the rest of the Huns in the tabernacle. The rest of the Huns did not dare to look at Liu Ling ’s eyes and lowered their heads one after another.

Seeing that Dan Yu's lips were dry, Liu Ling took a silver pot and poured a bowl of goat's milk. His tail finger flicked gently, and the white-gray powder hidden in his nails fell into the goat's milk.

With the attention of the samurai, she took a sip of goat's milk, and then ordered the one closest to Shan Yu to feed the goat's milk.

The military officer Shan Yu is accumulating strength. He wants to sit up very much and wants to speak.

After drinking a bowl of warm goat's milk, he felt a fire rise in his abdomen, which felt very good.

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