Our Hometown

Vol 3 Chapter 43: Not everyone

Chapter 43: Not everyone has a heart and a liver

"He also has a heart and soul?"

Cao Xiang never lacked alcohol, so he asked Yunlang while drinking.

"Who knows, I'm used to making fakes, maybe I will cheat myself, no matter if he is sincere or whether he is sad, we all assume that he is making a fake, so don't worry about it."

"Yes, just a liar!"

Cao Xiang took another sip of wine, and he was already drunk.

Yun Lang looked at Cao Xiang and said, "Why are you sad?"

"I don't use it in Baishanshan fart!"

"Don't you tell you? Your role is in Shanglinyuan, in Chang'an, our brother is now on the battlefield, can you have a fart."

Talking to Cao Xiang, Yun Lang tries to keep the originality of his thoughts. The more false the words, the greater the damage to Cao Xiang.

"The Huns are gone, and we have come to divide the credit. I read the credit book you wrote, and many of them belong to the sick. You, A Gan credit are all under my name, you are doing things, just I hid in the safest place in the military camp to drink ... "

Huo Going sick lying on the side and laughed loudly, without opening his eyes, said directly: "When you go back to Chang'an, you know that you can't take these credits in vain. If you are polite, we will go back in the future. ? "

"I have money……"

Cao Xiang didn't know why he said these three words, so he slapped his mouth fiercely and looked at Yun Lang three of them.

Li Gan put away his big bow and said, "It's good to have money, I want to be a rich man in my dreams, but I have no money."

Axiang, I have gained a lot, otherwise you will take it away and go back to help me expand Zhuangzi. "

Cao Xiang was about to cry, and he sagged his head and said, "Don't laugh at me!"

Li Gan said angrily: "Who jokes about you, my military skills are enough for me to be promoted to the rank of knight, what should I do if there is more? Will it be cancelled by your majesty?"

I do n’t want to share it with others. I do n’t want to share it with you. It ’s better for me to expand Zhuangzi. You know, I do n’t have the money to get that. "

Cao Xiang looked up at the sackcloth wrapped around Li Gan ’s chest and abdomen and shook his head vigorously. . "

Huo went sick and sat up, rubbing his temples and said: "This matter is given to A Lang. He has more ideas on how to get more things from the merits of the four of us.

If I can get more land from my majesty, I feel that some injured soldiers can be placed. This time, the casualties are too heavy. "

Yun Lang pointed to the white mountain climbing road outside the tent: "This time the credit may not be very valuable. After all, there are too many people to be rewarded. I agree with the statement of going to the disease and asking for more land to house our injured brothers.

Everyone at home is unwilling to see him. He lives in Lishan and has a few of our brothers, which is much better than living in the door of the mansion.

Huh, Lishan is a treasure land of feng shui. The mountains are rich in products, and the land under the mountains is fertile. Next to it is Weishui. By boat, you can go straight to Guanzhong. In the future, this place will even become the economic and cultural center of the Han Dynasty. "

"What economy, what culture?" Li Gan once again felt stupid.

Yun Lang whited out Li Gan and said, "You can't understand it!"

Li Gan oh no longer asked, he was the most stupid of the four, he knew what was happening.

"I didn't understand ..." Cao Xiang said weakly.

Yun Lang patted his head helplessly: "You understand Lishan as the richest man in the Han Dynasty and the place with the most students."

"What's the use?" Huo went to the hospital to ask questions.

"In the future, the Han will govern the place like Lishan and Shanglinyuan. If there are any good policies and good methods, they will be implemented first here. Those who can implement will promulgate the world, and those who cannot do will give up."

"There is no doubt that it was also the place where Chao Tang was the worst!" Cao Xiang, who knows what Chao Chao looks like, speaks even more.

"It depends on you. See if you can get into a position with a high weight, so as to protect our family business from being harmed by people."

Cao Xiang nodded happily and continued to drink. With this explanation, the liquor was no longer sour in his mouth.

Mengcha's heart is sore, even though he is only eleven years old, the anger in his chest seems to rush and hover like magma.

In front of him, the bullock wobbled so badly that Liu Ling couldn't tell whether it was pain or joyful mumbling noise from the bullock.

At a distance of less than a hundred feet from this bullock cart, the military officer Shan Yu and his grandfather's bones were burning with the bullock cart.

With Liu Ling's high-pitched scream, there was no movement in the bullock cart. After a while, Ichi obliquely came out of the bullock cart and looked back at the bullock cart. It seemed that there was some nostalgia, but King Youguli is now blocking Yu Dan couldn't allow him to be extravagant and had to step on the war horse and leave.

"Good woman!"

This is a sentence that Ichishin lost in the wind.

The red-faced Liu Ling crawled down from the bullock cart softly. She was about to clean it. After turning the bullock cart, she saw Moncha looking at her fiercely.

Liu Ling crouched down, looking up at the standing Moncha whispering, "Do you want to be my great hero?"

Moncha gritted his teeth and said, "You are his family!"

Liu Ling said with a smile: "I am Shan Yu!"

"I'm too young!"

Liu Ling put his hot cheek on Moncha's face and smiled: "I will help you become stronger, my little lion."

Mengcha hugged Liu Ling violently, using all his strength to hold Liu Ling's low growl and said: "I will be stronger!"

Liu Ling squeezed the muscular tendon on Mengcha's elbow gently and Mengcha had to release his arm.

"It's still very weak ... hahaha ..."

After Liu Ling finished speaking, he ran away with his skirt on.

Only the red-eyed Moncha was left.

Ichichi did n’t walk very fast, there were a large number of shepherds and ghost slaves, Xungui, and he could n’t walk fast, but it was not difficult for the Huns to walk day and night in order to catch the ranch, so In just two days, they have left Wucheng for two hundred miles.

In these two days, the messenger of Yi Chixian kept going to Yu Shan ’s army. At the beginning, when he went to a messenger, Yu Shan would kill one messenger. After Yu Shan killed six messengers, he again What I saw was the big ghost witch who claimed to be the closest to Kunlun God.

The heads of the six messengers hung outside Shan's military account. They smelled so bad that Yu Shan didn't seem to have any discomfort.

"A prince, a heir to Shan Yu, Zuo Xianwang, should not leave easily when he takes office and is seriously ill, but should guard his bones like a wild dog!

When you leave, seriously ill, Shan Yu has no way to tell everyone who is the next Shan Yu.

When King Zuo Guli stood alone as Yu, under the threat of his army, no one stood up to speak for you.

The situation is stronger than people! "

Yu Dan coldly looked at the big ghost witch said: "Lost ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It's back!"

The big ghost witch holding the white bone rod and chuckled, "What do you want to win?"

Yu Dan looked at the left and right and did not speak.

Big ghost witch smiled and said: "You fight King Youguli today, have you seen any signs of it?"

Yu Dan stood up and looked down at the little big ghost Wu Bao smiled and said: "When I make your skull into a wine glass, you know what I see!

I will not only make your head into a wine glass, but also make the head of Ichi oblique into a drowning device. I will never let go of anyone who is a thief. I want them to taste the betrayal of me carefully. "

The big ghost witch is not a threat from Shan, but looks at the generals in the military account of the single army, the large households in the left and right, and countless Xiao Wang sighed: "They are all good warriors, how can they put What about the knife on his brother?

In today's World War I, King Youguli's men died in battle of 3,000, and King Zuo's men also died in battle of three or four thousand.

The dead are all my fighters from the Huns, our most precious fighters ... even the Kunlun God will not be happy ...

Yu Dan, the roar of Kunlun God roared in my ears all night, he was blaming me why he couldn't stop his people from killing each other?

I know that the anger in your heart is enough to burn the grassland, so before you burn the grassland, make my head into a wine glass you like! "Nt

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