Our Hometown

Vol 3 Chapter 92: Icy undercurrent

Chapter Ninety-Two

When the wild geese flew north, the river began to thaw.

It ’s just that the thawing of the river is too big. First, there are countless cracks on the huge ice surface. Then, at a certain time, these huge ice blocks suddenly broke, and the ice blocks were half sinking and floating in the river water. Carrying the force of Wan Jun against the remaining intact ice surface.

The sound of ice cracking or impact can be heard all night long in the city, even the wall built by ice in the city is slowly melting.

Perhaps the cold current last year was too cold, and some ice surfaces were not completely broken, so the icy ice flowing down the water accumulated on the edge of the thick solid ice, and gradually formed an ice dam.

Some of the rivers above could not be vented, so the river surface was quickly raised, and the beaches that had been exposed to the broad daylight were completely submerged by the river.

The rising river water crosses the ice layer and slowly flows down from above the ice layer ...

This is called Ling Xun.

It was this big river that stretched its arms for the first time after sleeping for a winter and stretched out to let out air.

He Chouyou never left Yudan or so. With this guy in place, he completely ignored the small movements that Yun Lang, Huo Qubing and others did under his eyelids.

As long as Yu Dan gets to dance in the Zhangzhang Palace, he will have time to clean up the boys.

Anyway, these boys are still obedient to His Majesty, but they are just a bit naughty and some are not obedient. It should be honest to take a few whips.

"Will the river flow back into the city?" He Chou asked worriedly as he peered at the river that was approaching the roots of the city wall.

Yun Lang shook his head and said: "According to the inference of the craftsmen, the river will not affect the city. Last year, the weather was cold and the ice formation was thick. Only this kind of thing happened. There was no such thing in previous years.

After the hard ice in the lower reaches melts, the river will pour down without any problems. "

"Well, it ’s better to be like this, but Yu Dan ’s safety cannot be threatened. Now he lives too close to the big river, and chooses a high house for the old man."

He Chou has eyes staring at Yu Dan who is looking around randomly, but he is fiercely authentic towards Yun Lang.

Yun Lang pointed to the tall arrow tower on the city wall: "The highest place is the arrow tower, and it is still possible to tidy up a few people.

That is, are you too kind to the Huns? "

He Chou said with a sneer: "A person has the same effect as a thousand-mile horse bone and a ten-thousand-calf cow. Even if the old man gets down and rides for him as a horse?"

Yun Lang sighed: "A man who is worthless in the Huns will immediately be worth a hundred times when he comes to the Great Han. As long as he dances to His Majesty and those foreign envoys, he can become a Marquis, which is too cheap for him."

He Chou said with a dark smile: "If you want, the old man can get you to dance for your majesty, and you can be treated the same."

Yun Lang pointed to the face and said: "It's natural for me like a person who wants a face to do this kind of thing to die, but ah, people like Yu Shan who don't have a face can even enjoy this kind of life.

There is no comparability. "

"Hahaha ... What do you think of Gou Jian giving Wu Wangfu the taste of feces?"

Yun Lang was taken aback, and pointed at Yu Dandao, who looked like a curious baby in disarray: "Pretend?"

"Hum hum, no matter whether he is pretending, or his nature is the same, as long as he is on the grinding wheel of the old man, even if his heart is like a stone, the old man can make him turn into a soft finger!"

Yun Lang took a cool breath and said, "If you can throw all your dignity on the ground and step on your feet, only the royals should be able to ... oops ..."

He Chou's footwork is very good. Yun Lang was lifted by the kick of his foot. When he landed, his **** slipped on the ground for a long stretch of stone road before stopping.

Strangely, the place hit by the foot did not hurt at all, but it was the hot pain of the buttocks rubbed by the stone road.

After seeing He Youyou and Yu Dan standing on the wall and talking and laughing like a couple, Yun Lang scolded in his heart before moving down the wall one by one.

"Do you want to remove the mark of the Wusun people on the horse's bottom?"

Cao Xiang, who was about to return to Chang'an, was very dissatisfied with the branding on the buttocks of the 3,000 war horses. He thought that it should be branded again. The seal of the riding captain has two wings, which is much more beautiful than the mark of Wusunguo.

Huo went sick: "No, that's it. At least let your majesty know that Wu Sunguo has surrendered under the horseshoe of the Huns."

Zhao Ponu squatted on the side and smiled: "Since Wu Sunguo has already surrendered, then Shan Shan and Loulan, the people of these countries should be surrendered to the Huns, are we ... hehehe."

Li Gan ’s eyes were round and he snapped his thighs: “Yeah, we are now guarding the place where the north and the south are going to rush. Whether the Shanshan, Loulan and Wusun people want to dedicate their tribute to the Huns, Go through us.

Let ’s take all the gifts instead of Ichisha! "

Huo Qicki sneered: "Also let those Hu people know that there is a big man who dares to **** the tribute of the Huns!"

We just do it! "

Zhao Ponu pointed to the place where Yunlong lived in silence.

Huo Qicki smiled and said: "Relax, Sima won't stop him. The reason why he demanded us so severely is that he must be careful not to do anything.

The neglected Xie Ning quickly said: "This time I said nothing to defend the city, it is time for Zhao Ponu to defend the city."

Huo went to the hospital to look at Xie Ning and said, "Your father will not allow you to charge!"

Xie Ning saw Huo going sick and talked about his father. He sighed and sat down again, staring at the three of them around the map to discuss the location of the ambush.

Xie Changchuan, Pei Yan and others have left Baishan Mountain ...

This time leaving, it is estimated that this life is hopeless to return to Bai Climbing.

Along with Xie Changchuan and Pei Yan, there were also soldiers who had been guarding Bai Shanshan for more than five years ... This time, it was called Huang Eng.

Yun Lang received the list of evacuated border villages without the name of Qiduwei, that is to say, Qiduwei still needs to continue to stay in the city.

The most important thing is that there is an inexplicable position of the military captain in the Qiduwei army. This position has never appeared in the Dahan military camp. Under the sky, only Qidudu has the position of supervisor.

This position has a high weight, which is even higher than that of Yun Lang, a military sima. He can control everything except the power to command the army, including General Huo Qubing and Yun Lang, a military sima.

It stands to reason that the establishment of any military post can't escape the supervision of the Taiwei Mansion, especially if the **** takes up the military post, it is taboo.

However, no one spoke against He Chou's appointment as the supervisor of Qiduwei. Even Xie Changchuan and Pei Yan, veterans who could not tolerate sand in their eyes, were silent.

Now, every time I ride the Duwei meeting, Yun Lang can see the egg head sitting quietly in the corner, beside him is also quiet Yu Dan ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ At the latest meeting, Qidu Wei Zhu confirmed that Cao Xiang was sent to Chang'an to bring the emperor to the emperor.

Sure, with three thousand horses and five hundred boxes of soap as a birthday gift ...

It also determined the strategy of raising war with war, and concentrated all its forces to intercept the tributaries of the Western Regions to the Huns.

Qiduweijun has always been a minority and obeyed the majority, and Yunlang naturally became a minority. Therefore, he does not care what Huo Qubing said about them. Shan body.

He Chouyou has laughed at Yun Lang two or three times, because Yun Lang finally found Yu Shan's flaws.

After this guy heard Huo Qubing prepare to sever the connection between Xiyu and Xiongnu, the painful color was very obvious.

In this way, this guy is not a hard-hearted person, nor has he completely lost the pride of the royal family.

All the things that are currently done are nothing more than to save lives and to follow the trend.

Yun Lang doesn't know if he will have the back, but, it seems, this guy hides the pain deep.

Perhaps all the things I experienced last year made this royal child truly mature. Although it was a little late, he was not willing to give up.

This made Yun Lang wary of this guy, the deeper the pain was hidden, the more violent it would be once it broke out.

He Chou has patted Yun Lang's shoulder and said angrily: "The generals are going to be distributed, why do you think twice?"

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