Our Hometown

Vol 3 Chapter 94: Good things are now far away 0 miles

Chapter 94—Good things are present, far away

Ever since he was worried, Yun Lang felt that his life was much better.

At least no longer have to live a little cautiously.

He Chou has the rules of the big man. He said that you can do what you can do, and you can do it to the extreme. He said that you can do nothing if you ca n’t.

There is nothing in this world that must be spared to do it. Obviously, the Royal sees it this way, so they set the rules.

Although sometimes it may be overkill, after putting it all over the world, you will find that there is nothing extraordinary.

With this rule, there are too many things Yun Lang can do. According to the Han Dynasty law, this rule is feasible without prohibition. Yun Lang can skyrocket 90,000 miles like Kunpeng.

Anyway, the Han people are more conscious of death. In order to maintain the dignity of the royal ancestors, they do not like to change their own laws easily.

Of course, they must keep pace with the times, and they are not stupid at all.

In 2o6 BC, Liu Bang attacked Xianyang, announcing the abolition of the Qin Cao law and the people's "three chapters of the law"-"the murderer's death, wounding and theft.

These are the three famous chapters of the Dharma, the original law of the Han Dynasty. Liu Bang even boldly replaced the previously implemented "Qin Law" with three chapters.

Speaking carefully, Yun Lang wants to live in the Liu Bang era. He feels that Liu Bang ’s three chapters of the law have little binding on him.

It may be because there are too many smart people who share the same ideas with Yunlang.

After Liu Bang established the Western Han Dynasty, facing the new situation, Liu Bang felt that the "three chapters are not enough to prevent adultery."

So the prime minister Xiao He made reference to "Qin Law" to formulate the Han law.

Xiao He added three chapters of "House Law", "Xing Law", and "Stable Law" on the basis of Qin Liulu, which were combined into nine chapters, called "Nine Chapter Laws".

"Nine Chapter Law" is an important code of the Han Dynasty, and is the core and main part of the entire Han law.

Later, it was discovered that the "Nine Chapters of the Law" could not completely punish gangsters like Yun Lang.

In order to maintain the dignity of the emperor and to supplement the deficiencies of the "Nine Chapter Law", Liu Bang also ordered Shu Suntong to formulate eighteen chapters of the "Pang Chapter Law", a special discipline on the ceremonies of the court.

Han Xin was also ordered to formulate "Military Law" Zhang Cangding's "Articles."

Later, because these laws were written on the bamboo slips that were three feet long, they said-"Three Feet Law".

The "Law" written on the bamboo slips is not a fetter for Yun Lang. He has seen that there are strict laws on how to use the toilet. The skynet of Dahan is really for him Too free.

I don't know what Gao Shiqing and He Chou have exchanged. Anyway, Yun Lang saw that Gao Shiqing was slammed into the threshold by He Chouyou, and instead of being sad, Gao Shiqing grinned and smiled without a tongue.

It should be He Chouyou promised him something, which made him regard the pain in front of him as a blessing.

Yun Lang didn't want to know what happened in the middle, nor did he allow Qi Duwei to get involved in this matter.

It is from this moment on that Yunlang will not allow those who ride the Du Wei to be within ten feet of Gao Shiqing.

Even if such a thing is to provide food for Gao Shiqing, he must be handed over to several embroidered embroiderers under He Chouyou.

Since being deceived by the secret agent last time, Yun Lang believes that he cannot be too careful when facing these people again.

In the middle of the night, there was a loud noise on the surface of the Dahe River, the clouds rose up, and hurriedly came to the city wall, and shot a dozen rockets into the air. He discovered that the ice dam that had originally accumulated on the river finally collapsed. The turbulent river wrapped down huge ice blocks.

The water level on the river is declining rapidly, and it seems that the flood season of the river is about to pass.

Very often, it is natural to guard against the city walls.

He Chouyou, who lives on the arrow tower, has summoned him three times, and he is still unmoved, escaping on the grounds of observing the flood.

Qiduwei has made the emperor very unhappy because of the blank paper. If it is mixed into other people's affairs indiscriminately, a label of trouble will be posted on the head of Yun Lang by Liu Che.

There are generals and marquises in Captain Qidu, and Liu Che's eyes are fixed on Yun Lang, and nothing is changed. This is Yun Lang's most depressing thing.

Seeing that the Han Dynasty was like a big-eyed sieve, just because Liu Che was staring at him, he couldn't do anything now.

Yesterday I touched Su Zhi's waist, and the girl disappeared for two days.

Touching the waist is completely a misunderstanding. When the two were sitting side by side on the stone to watch the big river, Yun Lang's habitual detective hugged Su Zhi's waist. This was originally a way to make the two appear more intimate and more comfortable. action.

A long time ago, Yun Lang didn't know how many women's waists he had embraced like this, watching the stars together, or watching the desert together, even when he watched dogs mating together.

Only, Su Zhi was the most sensitive. When Yun Lang's hand was on her waist, she seemed to have been seen by Medusa and immediately petrified.

Even if the big river beside him roared and sighed, Yun Lang could hear Su Zhidong's heartbeat.

In order to avoid this girl's heart failure and death, Yun Lang just withdrew her arm. The girl, like the rabbit with the arrow, ran away.

After two days, it should be enough to calm down the girl's heart.

So, Yun Lang came to the wounded barracks to see Su Zhi.

The girl was holding a bowl larger than her head and was eating. She looked up and saw Yun Lang coming. A bite of rice didn't know how to handle it. She was almost killed in the throat.

Seeing the girl's red, bleeding face, Yun Lang sighed, poured her a cup of tea, and left the injured barracks.

Su Zhi opened his mouth several times and tried to call Yunlang, but in the end he didn't say a word.

"Nothing has been successful recently."

Yun Lang sat on a bar and watched Huo go to the hospital to wash the black horse.

"If you go with me to the wasteland, everything will go smoothly." Huo Qubing said with a pinch of a grass mustard mixed in the fur of the black horse.

"Aren't you going to rob the tribute gift from the Western Regions to the Huns? How come there is no movement?"

Huo went to the disease to break the black horse's lips and carefully wiped the black horse's teeth with a piece of silk. A horse mixed its teeth with one mouth, without a good tooth without a mouth. It's done.

"Zhao Ponu left with the scout, and always used the army to leave the city. You always complained."

"Is Zhao Ponu really looking for the tribute team of the Westerners?"

"When Zhao Ponu comes back, you just ask him. Anyway, the military order I gave him is to check the trends of the messengers in the Western Regions."

"Did you hide something from me?"

"No, if you don't worry, you can go out with us!"

Yun Lang was very suspicious of Huo's disease, but he didn't like riding a horse on the wilderness at all, even if he was going to rob the messengers of the Western Regions.

Huo Qiaobing doesn't think so ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ He thinks that the best start in his life is to appear on the battlefield, and then fight for a lifetime, and finally there is no battle to fight.

He firmly believes that the war will be completed before his old death. Therefore, he cherishes his every opportunity to fight and will do his utmost to take this battle as the last battle in adult life.

"You really have confirmed that the Huns in Hexi are exhausted?"

Huo went sick and slapped on the black horse's buttocks, motioned for food, and then jumped on the bar to sit with Yun Lang and said, "This needs to be explored. It requires me to go to the Hexi Corridor and see it on the spot.

A long time ago, my uncle said that as long as he controlled the Hexi Corridor, he could lock the gate to the Western Regions. With this gate, Handi would stay away from the suffering of war.

From Dunhuang at the end of Hexi to Longyuan, there is a distance of two thousand miles in between. My uncle hopes that war will always happen out of sight of the Han people.

Let war be a war of the army, not a war of the people.

I think so too, and I plan to do the same! "

Yun Lang knew that the famous Battle of Yanzhi Mountain was realized based on the idea of ​​Huo Qubing.

However, even knowing that Huo Qubing had led the 800 cavalry to battle the Hexi, Yun Lang still insisted that Huo Qubing was lucky!

Fortunately, this kind of thing will only happen once.

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