Our Hometown

Vol 3 Chapter 104: The battlefield is the best adhesive

Chapter 104: Battlefield is the best adhesive

Arrow rain rose from behind Yunlang, also screamed across a beautiful arc, and then swooped down from the air like a bloodthirsty demon ...

The Qiang army organized by hatred immediately fell to the ground in one piece ...

As the sharpest killing weapon, crossbow arrows have never disappointed those who use it since the moment he was born.

The crossbow arrows descending from high altitude with inertial dive are powerful, and it is not a simple wooden shield that can resist. As long as the shield formed by the wooden shield has any flaws, they will dig into the fiercely, first destroy a point , And then it's a large piece, and eventually cover all.

Defense has never been the strength of the prairie people. In fact, they are better at attacking ...

Just after the arrow rain passed, the Xiongnu cavalry that had been prepared for a long time screamed. The unicorn ladder pruned by thick trees was carried by the vigorous cavalry on the hand, forming a dense formation and facing the city. The head flicked over.

At the same time, the trebuchet at the head of the city was fully prepared. When the Huns were about to throw the ladder in front of the city to turn, the sky suddenly darkened, and thousands of head-sized pebbles were overwhelming. Smashed.

This thing even looked a little cute when lying quietly by the river. Once thrown into the air by the trebuchet, it was spinning, and it was not cute when it hit it from the top of the head.

The wooden shield cracked instantly under the rolling of the cobblestones, smashing the wooden shield, and by the way, the Qiang people behind the wooden shield were also smashed into meat.

A war horse preparing for a sizzle suddenly disappeared from its head, a blood mist exploded in place, and the upper half of the cavalry riding on the war horse had disappeared, leaving only two legs. Hang on horseback ...

At this time, the cobblestone was added with kinetic energy by the catapult, and the potential energy generated in mid-air was almost invincible under the action of gravity acceleration.

The horse's spine was broken, and the knight immediately fell to the ground, too late to get covered by a dead horse.

A stone bullet rain completely turned the Qiang people's vengeance into endless fear. No one had the courage to move forward. With a cry, the whole army collapsed.

Not waiting for them to retreat to a safe place, the fierce Xiongnu cavalry knocked them down with a war horse, and then stomped on their bodies.

"It is not allowed to go back, attack, attack, pick up the ladder to attack ..." Xiongnu Pi will use a knife to cut down a Qiang, and loudly ordered the Qiang to continue the attack!

The panicked Qiang people are like a group of headless flies, running around on the battlefield, but they are always driven back by the Huns cavalry one by one, and then desperately shouted and continued to attack the city head.

The crossbow arrows began to shoot down, this time no longer a purposeless diffuse, but began a precise sniping.

The Qiang people's spiked arrows landed on the armor of the armor, and they slammed around and fell to the ground. Only some smart Qiang talents would pick up the Han crossbow arrows from the ground and shoot them back.

It is a pity that with the power of the wooden bow in their hands, it is very problematic to drive such a heavy feather arrow. A large part of it flew halfway and fell weakly. The other part of the crossbow arrow broke the bow string because of gravity ...

"my eyes……"

When a Qiang man who had just climbed the ladder looked up, he found a bottle exploded, and then a large white powder broke out of the bottle, making his eyes fry.

Before he could raise his hand to rub his eyes, a thick piece of wood was pushed down from the city head and quickly fell down along the one-legged ladder, smashing the Qiang and his companions into the trench together ...

The trebuchet is still throwing stones at the sky, and the subsequent Qiang people are still disorderly. The Huns in the Qiang crowd roared with exhaustion: "Go, go, go to the city and you won't suffer stones!"

The Qiang, who had gathered courage, cried and forgot the fear of death, wowing and rushing to the city wall after another.

Huo Qubing is like a majestic male lion, pacing back and forth in the city, even if he is surrounded by the feathers and arrows of the Qiang or Huns, he is not afraid.

The iron shield held in his hand flicked twice from time to time. His iron shield was already covered with feather arrows, and each arrow was deeply nailed to the iron shield.

A fist-sized migratory locust stone hit the iron shield of Huo Qubing with a heavy noise, and then he was surrounded by his soldiers with a giant shield.

Yun Lang, who was also surrounded by the personal shield, was drinking tea leisurely. His eyes were not outside the city, but he was staring closely at the city.

Many Qiang people came out of their homes and stood blankly on the street. They no longer knew where to go.

"Are the ten Qiang people in the city dead?"

Yun Lang asked Liu Er.

Liu Er, who had just seen those people, smiled and said: "There are two arrows that have been hit by more than ten arrows, and the old slave helped poke the arrow deeper, and now he is all dead.

"Then remove the body and tell these people that the ten warriors died by fighting."

Liu Er agreed, and led a team of soldiers to the city wall.

Without much effort, the ten corpses were neatly placed in front of Yunlang.

The Qiang people gradually surrounded, and Yun Lang sighed: "All are arrows in the chest, they are real warriors!"

Seeing a woman want to cry with her mouth open, she covered her mouth violently and wept silently.

Yun Lang said to the woman: "Your husband?"

The woman nodded and shook her head.

Yun Lang remembered that the concept of couples had not yet been accepted by the Qiang people. They are now just living together.

There is no fixed number of things that are always exchanged.

"Then remember this man, he died to protect you from harm, in fact, each of you should live in him."

Yun Lang is very appeased.

"Huns will really kill us?"

Asked some earthy Qiang people.

"Then look at the city walls. These people may not like our Han people before. Why did they die?

It is because they found that there is only one way to go without fighting! "

"I want to check it out!" A brave Qiang man stood up. He was very suspicious of Yun Lang's remarks and felt that he should not believe every word he said!

"Liu Er, replace him with armor, you take good care of him, don't let him be killed by people outside the city."

Yun Lang didn't explain anything, so Liu Er took action.

There are three Qiang people who are willing to go to the city wall together. After putting on the armor of the Han army, they are ready to go to the city under the care of Liu Er.

When Liu Er left, he glanced at Yun Lang and saw that if the owner shook his head indiscriminately, he buckled the helmet on the head of a Qiang person and said, "This is safe!"

The battle at the head of the city has already become fierce.

The Qiang people who had been irrationally forced by death, braved arrow rain, stone bombs, and marched forward in front of the city. Once a ladder was built, the Qiang people climbed up with red eyes and saliva. Then it was smashed down by a stone or gray bottle, some bad luck will be poured down by the hot golden juice ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and then issued a scream that is not human-like, and fell from a height while covering his head. .

"Kill all Han people, Tucheng!" This is the earliest Qiang population number. As the battle gets more intense, the slogan will be simplified into-Tucheng!

The arrow of the city is like a migratory locust ... The Han army continues to work in the rain of arrows. Many movements do not need to pass through the brain at all, and the body will automatically respond.

The Han army fought bravely, even Li Gan, Zhao Ponu, and Xie Ning all took part in the battle. This is the shortcoming of the small number of people.

There are so many tools to defend the city, especially the cobblestones are piled up like mountains, but because of the small number of people, a soldier is responsible for defending a large area, which brings difficulty to the city.

The Qiang man stared dumbfounded at the fighting scene in front of him. He couldn't believe his eyes. He watched a Qiang man who had gone crazy with his saliva on the verge of climbing up the city.

He actually lifted a rock in a sudden and slammed it down on the fellow's head.

The crazy Qiang man's head was rotten with stones, and he weakly released his hand holding the ladder and planted the city head.

"Kill, kill, kill them, they will kill us!" The man explained to the other two Qiang people pale after he killed a companion.

The other two Qiang people were also terrified, because in front of them there were enemies about to climb up.

They shouted and lifted the stones in unison, smashing them down!

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