Our Hometown

Vol 3 Chapter 106: Attack

Chapter 106 Attack

The Han is really huge, especially when the Han population is only 40 million, the Manchu territory is full of unmanned areas and wilderness, and even these unmanned areas and wilderness are far better than the northwest wilderness. Countless times.

Therefore, neither the emperor nor the people have much interest in opening up the territory. The reason why they are fighting the Huns is to ensure the safety of the people in the country.

This idea is based on history. Even after Meng Tian drove the Huns away, he didn't think about moving on, but started building the Great Wall with his husband!

Land needs to be managed in order to truly belong to itself. If roads are not built, immigrants, and construction is not done, what do you need so much land for?

Therefore, Yun Lang wholeheartedly wanted something to be produced in this place, and the Han people must see the profitability of the city. No matter whether they were merchants or ordinary people, they would come here to live spontaneously.

And the descending city will gradually prosper.

For a country, a military city is a place with only inputs and no output. When the national strength is strong, it can naturally be maintained. Once the national strength is stretched, these border cities are the first to be abandoned.

Yun Lang wants to change the current situation, so he can only start small.

Xiegu was pulled into the city by the bullock cart, and five or six immovable Qiang people were crowded with him.

Xiegu didn't understand what these Han people wanted to do. What a group of broken Han people could do with it!

The panic made these Qiang people forget the pain, and watched the city gate close, and a Qiang man with a broken arm suddenly yelled and jumped off the bullock cart, sprinting out of the city quickly.

The young Han Chinese soldier pulled the crossbow machine and Xiegu watched the Qiang man's chest shot through and fell to the ground softly.

"It's improper to live a good life, to be a dead person ..."

The young army soldier murmured to himself, and drove the bullock cart back down the stone street.

Xiegu heard a huge collision sound when the city gate was closed, and he wanted to run, but couldn't move.

Then he closed his eyes, ready to meet his final destiny.

The Qiang people in the city looked numbly at the wound on the bullock cart, with no pity or special hatred.

Su Zhi was naturally the leader of the wounded barracks. She put her hands in her big pockets and watched the number of a car being pulled by a bullock cart. She said to the Qiang women who were behind them who were interested in learning Chinese medicine: Teach you how to heal a few days ago. "

Then he returned to the camp, where there were more injured soldiers waiting for her treatment, and there was no time to take care of these people.

Xiegu's hands and feet were splinted and then thrown into a wooden cage. Apart from a worn blanket and a pottery bowl, there was nothing else.

He grabbed the railing with his only movable hand and said to the woman outside the cage: "Will it kill us?"

The woman who was doing her head down looked at Xiegu and said, "I won't talk to you."

Xiegu wiped his **** face with his sleeve: "I am Qiang."

The woman said coldly: "Me too!"

"We are going to kill the Han Chinese."

With a slight sigh, the woman lowered her head to work again, and no longer answered.

Xiegu felt the pain from the wound and said hardly: "Give me a bowl of water."

The woman stood up silently and left with her tub.

Xiegu shouted again: "Give me a bowl of water!"

The woman's figure has turned around the street corner, still deaf.

The wooden cage was placed on the street. The Qiang people on the street seemed to be very busy. Even the Qiang children, after looking at the injured number curiously for a while, were taken away by the adults ...

There is only one iron bolt on the wooden cage, and there is no lock. As long as the Qiang people are willing, they can open the wooden cage and rescue the wounds.

As a result, a full three days passed. No one was willing to take care of these injuries except for the woman who regularly sent them some fresh water and food at regular intervals.

Some people even carried the wooden cage with the wound number to a distance, because these people lived in the cage and urinate, soiling the land in front of his house.

At dawn, Xiegu said to the woman with a smiley face: "We are here to save you. When I get hurt, I will be a good man."

The woman poured clear water into Xiegu's bowl across the wooden fence and said coldly, "You are here to kill us."

Seeing the woman's reaction, Xiegu immediately said: "Do you know how fierce the Han people are? They have clean things outside the city. Beautiful people like you, if they are outside the city, would have been robbed."

The woman didn't care about Xiegu's compliments, looking at Xiegu said: "The people who arrested Qiang slaves are not Han people, they did it for those who praised them. They came back to catch money to sell money. Arrests."

"They don't pay right!"

The woman sneered: "We are less when Qiang people are bought and sold? I just got them from men from other tribes for three sheep."

"That's Qiang ..."

Before Xiegu's words were finished, the woman accidentally knocked over his water bowl and took the wooden bucket to the next wooden cage.

"Give me another bowl of water!"

Xiegu shouted loudly ...

The war is still going on. The trebuchet throws huge stones into the sky again and again, and then there is a loud noise outside the city. Whenever the trebuchet comes to power, the shouting will stop for a moment.

When the trebuchet is completely quiet, it indicates that today's battle is finally over.

The sky turned black, a huge campfire was lit up in the Huns' camp, Huo Qubing's eyes were gleaming, and there seemed to be flames burning in his pupils.

One thousand cavalry, this is the greatest force that can be brought out by the descending city. The remaining one thousand pawns and five hundred cavalry will be the last military forces to guard the descending city.

Huo Qubing and Zhao Ponu will lead a thousand cavalry to sneak attack on the Huns.

On the back of their horses, they carried a lot of fire, sulfur, oil, rockets, and even phosphorous.

After five consecutive days of hard work, Huo finally got sick. Yun Lang realized that if he did not defeat the Huns, such a harassment would never end.

The Hunxie is very clever. He knows that sending the Huns cavalry to siege is a terrible disaster. Therefore, he ordered the Huns cavalry to scatter to capture the nearby Qiang and Di people and let these aliens form an army to attack the descended city .

After five days, Qiduwei will kill a large number of Qiang people and Di people every day. On the second day, there are still a continuous stream of Qiang people. The Di people line up on the grassland, and then weep and pounce towards the receiving city .

I do n’t know when it ’s a day like this ...

When the riding captain killed all the Qiang and Di people in the siege, he was exhausted.

It was also the offensive moment that the Huns had been expecting.

Yun Lang was not very willing to let Huo go sick to sneak into the military camp of Hunxie, even if the scout came back and reported that Hunxie had sent the ordinary cavalry to arrest people ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ there are still six Huns staying in the barracks Thousands of people.

This is a big bet. If the bet is won, the Huns will not be able to withstand the defeat. If they are caught, there may not be too many people who can return from the thousand cavalry.

Looking up at the dark sky, the weather is clear, the sky is full of stars, and only the moon has two hours to rise, which is the best opportunity for a sneak attack.

Yun Lang pulled the reins of the black horse: "Are you sure you will not directly attack the Huns?"

Huo Qubing took the reins of the black horse: "I want to attack the Huns herdsman camp, then drive the horses, and the cattle flock to the Huns camp, and then completely disturb the Huns camp."

Yun Lang nodded and said, "Li Gan has taken people to clean the Huns whistle by the big river. As long as he succeeds, you can start."

Huo went sick and said with a smile: "The arrow is on the string, you have to send it. You will know the results tomorrow morning."

After finishing the speech, he took the black horse under the guard of his own soldiers, and touched the black to step on the bank of the big river along the water village.

The horse's hoof is covered with thick wool felt, walking silently on the ground, the wooden stick in the horse's mouth can also ensure that the horse is not allowed to sneer at will.

The soldier also had the same short stick. Once they reached the battlefield, they also had to hold the stick to prevent vocalization.

As the warriors walked out of the city by hand, Yun Lang's heart gradually came to his throat.

For Yunlang, sneak attacks are never a good idea.

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