Our Hometown

Vol 4 Chapter 129: No brothers, no expedition (3)

Chapter 129 No brothers, no expedition (3)

Facing more than three hundred powerful men holding wooden sticks, Yun Lang turned his head and left.

It wasn't until these people passed by that horse, Cao Xiang, who was about to face the battle, woke up and said to Huo, who was holding a wooden stick beside him, that he was going to chase Alang.

Huo Qubing, who had seen this scene for a long time, gently knocked the horse's belly, and the black horse chased it tightly.

Wuma horse is extremely quick, and after a few steps, he has already chased on the tail of Gongsun Ao's team. Just about to lift the stick and smash the last warrior off the horse, he found that the thin warrior smiled at him strangely and shook his hand. , A fishing net was overwhelmingly shrouded.

Huo went ill, and with all his strength, threw the wooden stick in the direction of the fishing net.

If you do not retreat, you must catch the thin warrior when you reach out.

Seeing that the fishing net was biased by the stick, the thin warrior yelled and slid off the horse's back. His legs clasped the war horse's belly, which was worthy of avoiding Huo's disease.

However, he is too underestimated that Huo is ill. It is not only Huo who is able to fight. The battle-ridden mounts like the black horses are no longer comparable to ordinary mounts. When the two horses interlace, their mouths are open. Gnawing at the neck of the thin warrior's horse, the head of the horse yanked violently. The poor horse's front hoof suddenly turned half a circle in the air. Huo went sick with a grin and caught the thin warrior. Ankle, swooped into the air.

The thin warrior screamed, flying his feet in mid-air with a spread of claws, and finally fell heavily on the ground. A spit of blood spurted out, and he was seriously injured.

Zhao Ponu ’s horse speed is not as good as Huo ’s disease, but his riding is not comparable to Huo ’s disease. He controls the war horses to wander among the samurai group, and from time to time yells at Yun Lang who runs away from the saddle: “A Langmo is going to panic Come to some house! "

Where is Yun Lang looking back and watching, a one-eyed Gongsun Ao chased him with evil spirits, Liu Ercai greeted him with less than two breaths, he was knocked on his head with a stick of Gongsun Ao's wooden stick, blood was all over his face, only Knowing to shout "Hou Ye Run!"

Fortunately, Gongsun Ao knew that fighting could not kill anyone. The second stick let Liu Er's head hit him hard and took advantage of Liu's helplessness, kicking him on his stomach and kicking him Kick off the horse.

Yun's family generals are also heroes on the battlefield. Despite their superb martial arts, there are few enemies in the battlefield like Gongsun Ao.

In the blink of an eye, Yun Lang will have no one left.

Heading behind this group of people? Yun Lang had never thought about this matter. Huo Qubing should be very happy to encounter this situation. He was not the 255 that Huo Qubing was.

When he came, Yun Lang knew he must be the worst.

The most ruthless person in this world's Keng Gong Ao is not Huo Qie's disease, not even Cao Xiang. Li Gan and they are almost innocent with Gong Sun Ao.

Only he is the person that Gongsun Ao hates the most.

Since Yun Lang killed Gongsun Jin in front of the emperor, the Gongsun clan was suppressed by the emperor for three years. In this regard, Yun and Gongsun clan are deadly enemies.

And Yun Lang is the one of several brothers who is specifically responsible for the idea. As long as Yun Lang is disabled, the threat of those brothers can be reduced by half.

Of course, Yun Lang had this consciousness, running wildly and whistling nonstop. At this time, his own brother Tiger King was the most reliable.

The war horse quickly ran into the hilly area of ​​Shanglinyuan, and was very familiar with this terrain. This is the place where the Yulin Army trained in the past. Unfortunately, Gongsun Ao, who had been commanded by the Yulin Army, has the same terrain here. Familiar.

Seeing Yunlang entering the hills, Gongsun Aobao laughed and waved his hands at random, and a group of old Yulin troops who followed him dispersed and rammed into the hills.

Gongsun Ao looked back and looked at Huo Qubing, who was dragged down by his own brother. Li Gan and Zhao Ponu, a group of people, slowed their horseshoes and looked at the rolling hills and shouted: "Yun Lang, let your life come!"

Yun Lang heard the roar of Gongsun Ao, but did not panic, and skillfully controlled You Chunma to gallop among the hills.

The iron-walled crossbow is gone, and there is a slap-shaped crossbow in his arms. This crossbow is the biggest achievement of Yun's iron craft in years. This crossbow does not fire crossbow arrows, but uses ceramic projectiles.

The best part is that because of its small size, it can be controlled with one hand, and the projectile on the crossbow can also be automatically filled by the spring below.

It's just that after every three rounds, you have to rewind.

The entire crossbow is made of the best stainless steel, especially the double wings are made of the only spring steel in Han Dynasty.

It is a pity that the manganese ore that Yun Lang wants to find is really like a rare place in Dahan. This spring steel containing manganese is still a short sword from Yun Huang melting from Yun Lang. Spring steel. (If any brothers question this, see the sword excavated from the terracotta warriors that has been bent for unknown years. After removing the heavy objects, the sword returns to its original shape)

After You Chunma crossed the small pine forest, Yun Lang decisively jumped off the war horse, and the road horse behind could not pass.

After making a loud whistle, after positioning the Tiger King, Yun Lang decisively drilled into the impenetrable thorn forest.

As soon as he got in, there was a rapid horseshoe sound behind him. A warrior saw Yun Lang drilled half of his body. After a laugh, he drove the horse to run. Before the war horse stopped, he jumped vigorously from the standing horse. Lu smiled and said: "Yunhou, if you put your hands on the grip, I will not embarrass you, so as not to hurt your face."

Yun Lang sat in the bush of thorns, raised his hand and raised the crossbow. He didn't speak a nonsense. He only heard a click. The dove egg-sized pottery shell exploded on the man's forehead, and debris flew.

The warrior fell to the ground, silently.

Yun Lang turned his head and continued to climb into the bush of thorns. He was not worried that the warrior would die. The reason why he used pottery bullets instead of iron bullets with greater lethality was not to kill people. This thing was just Yun Lang's self-defense weapon. That's it.

In any case, the samurai's head still had a backache for several months, and the concussion was not so easy to cure.

Just after Yun Lang left, a group of warriors swarmed in. A warrior saw Lao Pei lying silent on the ground, screamed and jumped off the war horse. He first probed Lao Pei's breath and saw that he was not dead, but just passed out Then, he said to Gongsun Ao who was sitting on the horse: "I passed out."

He also looked at Daqing Bao on the forehead of Lao Pei to Gongsun Ao: "It was stunned by stones, useless weapons!"

Gongsun Ao looked at the obvious crawl mark and smiled with a big white tooth in his mouth: "I haven't seen it for many years. At that time, the baby rabbit has become fine. I can actually use stone to turn old Pei. The brothers should be careful and ride. None of the captain's little rabbits is irritating, the old man knew it! "

A burly big man withdrew his sword from his waist and cut a passage from the bush of thorns. After listening to Gongsun Ao's words, he was unconvinced and said: "They are lucky, they have encountered all kinds of saplings. It will be **** out of Ichisho. "

Another warrior who followed up said angrily: "Lao Zhang, you said that we are strong, there is no opinion from a certain family, but you should not underestimate riding the captain. People in Bai Mountaineering have confronted Ichi Oblique directly, UU Although reading the book www.uukanshu.com said that although the deaths and injuries were heavy, it did not lose the face of my big man. This time we just could n’t get used to their arrogant looks before we followed.

As far as blood feud is concerned, it's not enough!

Look at the back. More than three hundred elite brothers can't stop the other two hundred people. Now it's almost unstoppable. This shows that we are heroes, and others are not bad! "

Gongsun Ao frowned: "Old Xue, now is not the time to extinguish his own prestige. After catching Yun Lang, it is the right thing to take Yun Lang to Huo to seek medical treatment!"

More than ten people were chained to the war horse, and half of the old Xue Xue looked back at the restless horse and asked Gongsun Ao: "There will be no beasts here?"

Gongsun Ao patted his belly and said: "There used to be many, but all went into the belly of the old man!"

Old Xue pointed his thumb at Gongsun Ao and then quickly walked into the thorn forest along the chopped path.

It was all the battle-killing talents, one after another, they entered the thorn forest, and the small beasts that lived in the forest ran in panic. Ground.

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