Our Hometown

Vol 4 Chapter 148: Lian Jie's understanding of the emperor

Chapter 148: Lian Jie's Understanding of the Emperor

Liu Che ’s revenge came earlier than Yun Lang expected. In the evening, the **** Sui Yue came to the Yun Family, preparing to take back the seal from Yun Lang ’s hand.

For such a thing, Yun Lang will not refuse. He very neatly took all his seals on a plate and let Sui Yue pick them up.

Sui Yue looked at Yun Lang and said, "Do you store these things like this on weekdays?"

Yun Lang said expressionlessly: "Your Majesty took my seal, and the most disappointed was not me, but my daughter-in-law. After all, these are toys she played from childhood to big."

"This is disrespect to the empire!"

Yun Lang smiled and said, "In my opinion, the importance of my girl is more than my life, and fame and fortune are nothing but my body.

The two cannot be the same.

When Yun was an official inside, he treated His Majesty Zhongjin, and when he was outside, he gave up his life for the empire.

Since he is upright, he has a firm foothold, and he is worthy of His Majesty, so he is not afraid of His Majesty.

When I was an official, I should serve the country, although I bowed and died. When I was a people, I also spent my whole life studying and enjoying myself. I did not change my will when I was poor. "

Sui Yue's eyes were about to fall out of his eyes.

Yun Lang seriously said to Sui Yue: "Do you remember what I said? Don't forget to convey these words to your majesty."

Sui Yue nodded and agreed, these eunuchs admired Yun Lang very much, that is, the scholars speak!

They can memorize the words of others in a short time, and then tell the emperor the original.

Of course, when the relationship is good, you can change it slightly according to the emperor's mentality at that time. If the relationship is not good, he will use the tone or action to make the emperor completely misinterpret the words in his mouth.

If people want to talk, gold is indispensable.

Yun Lang took out a real piece of red gold from his sleeve and put it in Sui Yue's hands: "This kind of gold is very rare, there are almost no impurities in it, don't use it as ordinary gold for flowers."

Sui Yue shuddered, and wanted to say goodbye, he heard Yun Lang said: "When the messenger comes to his court, there will naturally be some gifts. His Majesty also knows that just a piece of gold is not a bribe.

Sui Yue would like to say that this piece of gold is different. It is very difficult to want a piece of red gold in the Great Han Dynasty. The piece of gold in his hand can no longer be called gold, and It is a symbol of wealthy people.

Its value has long surpassed gold.

Sui Yue used to not accept other people's gifts. Even now, he basically does not accept other people's money.

He couldn't remember when he first started taking Yun's things, as if—it was a bun?

No matter, anyway, Yun's things are collected a lot, and I don't care about this ingot of gold. No matter how it is said, this ingot of gold is warm and heavy, and it should be a good thing.

Others may not know what Yun Lang made His Majesty look like. Sui Yue was very clear, because after His Majesty went back, he shoved the tall crane's beak lamp and smashed the pillars in the hall.

Ordinary people have made His Majesty angry like this, and the tribulation is coming. Today is different. After His Majesty is angry, he only needs to take back the official seal of Yunlang with his hands on the table case.

The last person who made His Majesty look like this was his father. He opened the granary privately to rescue the victims. The food was actually prepared for the border troops.

Your majesty was almost mad.

As a result, Master Yan was sent far away by His Majesty, and as long as he encountered a real big event, he still had to consult Master Yan.

This kind of person's official position is iron.

Sui Yue saw very clearly that no one with real skills cares about the official position. Even if he is removed today, he will be sent back tomorrow, and the official position will be higher.

"Your Majesty said, send 200,000 catties of cabbage to the palace."

Yun Lang nodded and said, "Yes, Yun's vegetable oil has also harvested a lot this year. Do you want to send some?"

"Oh, there are jams, candied fruit and dried fruit, oh, a lot of dried tofu, tofu skin, and sausage are also filled a lot this year."

Sui Yue smiled at Yun Lang and said, "What are you waiting for? Just load a car, and I will be sent to the palace. Your majesty is angry."

"I've been prepared for a long time, and made my majesty angry, so I always have to pay a price."

The gold ingot slid silently into Sui Yue's sleeves, and a long train of carriages followed Sui Yue's carriage, and slowly drove towards Zhangtai Palace.

I do n’t know how Liu Che will feel after seeing these gifts. Anyway, Li Duo is not strange.

When Sui Yue left, the ball-like Lian Jie got out from under the stairs and watched Sui Yue together with Yun Lang.

"Your method is really feasible?" Yun Lang was a little skeptical, annoying Liu Che always worried him very much, this kind of game is not fun at all.

Lian Jie sneered: "I have followed him for more than ten years. He kicked me when he was happy, and more like kicking when he was angry. The emperor I know is very different from the emperor you know.

The more you care about the official position, the less he will give you, the less you care about the official position, the more he will take the official position to trap you.

When the cabbage field is in, the emperor's shame is difficult to penetrate. We are the courtiers, and the only one who admits wrong is us.

Whether this set is useful or not, it can dispel his anger towards you! At least let him know that although you are reckless, you are still his courtier. "

Yun Lang deeply agreed.

"Would you like to lower your weight, who do you want to please here? It's at least a little more flexible to lose weight. I tell you, obesity is a disease that will damage your internal organs and lungs over time."

Lian Jie shook his head and said: "No, with this flesh, I feel safe. If the thin one becomes a bone, people can kick me to death.

A family's skills are all in this body fat, people can not forget this! "

"That's right, without this fat body, you were beaten to death by those women a few days ago, right?"

Lian Jie smiled bitterly: "I was short, and when I walked over the fence, I knew that those women were talking about the style of blame.

When I knew it, I dared not go, so I had to hide behind the fence and prepare to wait for them to come out.

Who knows that I was found, I became a disciple. "

"I heard that some of the servants in the family climbed with you?"

"Yes, many people, they are going to find a father for her child. I have some money, and I have read a book. In addition to being unsuccessful, other people can see.

In this case, what do you think the women like me?

It ’s too much to say that I like it. I can only say that people are going to feed their tigers to pave the way for their sons.

But it is also human nature. Not many people in this world are willing to use the corpse to pave the way for the emperor.

Even if I do n’t think about it, I just want to be happy for the rest of my life, eat well, and wear warm clothes, even if I do n’t have nothing in this world. "

Lian Jie waved his hand and left, although he knew that Yun Lang wanted to repay him, he walked smoothly.

Yun Lang smiled, Lian Jie actually didn't need any rewards or rewards. Being able to be needed by others was his greatest happiness.

In the evening, Yun Lang told Song Qiao about the story of Lian Jie ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Song Qiao Liang didn't speak for a long time, only to laugh at the constant urging of her husband: "The adult is a man."

Yun Lang laughed when he heard it. Many people in this world are living for themselves, and a small number of people are living for themselves while living for others' needs. This is a very high level of life.

At least, Song Qiao thinks so, especially doctors, who understand this emotion the most thoroughly.

On the second day, Sui Yue came again, bringing the Shu Jin rewarded by the emperor, which was naturally more valuable than the gift sent by Yun.

Yun Lang is very satisfied, this is a normal way of getting along.

His Si Nong Si Qing was abolished, but Cao Xiang's official position was not moved, and the Emperor did not appoint a new Si Nong Si Qing.

However, the ensuing Da Nong Er Kuan gave Yun Lang a headache, and he hoped that Yun Lang would help him, a bad old man, in his spare time.

The old guy looks very pitiful, but the cunning light in his eyes can't be concealed, Shanglinyuan has become a battlefield, he doesn't want to pick it up, he wants to run!

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