Our Hometown

Vol 5 Chapter 15: Master of Xuanji Palace

Chapter 15 Master of Xuanji Palace

The weather in Guanzhong is actually very bad. Spring and autumn are short, and winter and summer are long.

As a result, Yun's vacation took six days.

In these six days, there was no cloud in the sky, and the clear was scary.

The wheat is fully ripe, and if it is not harvested, the grains of wheat will fall into the ground, so the Yun's door goes up and down, and enters the wheat field for harvest when the sun is not bright.

All workshops continued to stop working, and even though the workshop's income was more than ten times the field income, Yun Lang still made the decision to stop the work.

Many times, money is not as important as food.

Especially in the Great Han Dynasty, food can be exchanged for money anytime, anywhere, and sometimes no amount of money can buy food.

Yun Lang is a person who is hungry. As long as the family does not have enough food to eat more than 500 meals a year and a half, he panics.

Throughout Yunshi, the best warehouse to build is a grain warehouse. The bottom of the warehouse is not only pressed with stones, but also covered with a thick layer of tri-soil. Because there are a lot of white ash, mice don't like to patronize.

At this time of year, the old grain in the grain depot must be emptied out, and then the new grain must be loaded.

Five thousand acres of wheat fields, with the efforts of more than 1,000 people in the family, was cleaned up in three days.

At this time, Yun's is full of farmhouse fun, but wherever the solar energy is exposed, it is covered with wheat.

"Master's payment of our family's royal food is completed, and it is rated as first-class by the Shaofu Supervisor." Huo Guang walked weakly from the outside and said to the master who was reading a book.

Yun Lang put down the book, rubbed his bare chest and smiled, "That's right. Although our family sent it to Chen Liang last year, it is the best food. If the people in the Shaofujian are not blind, give a Waiting is necessary. "

"Our family is the first to pay royal food."

"That's natural, who asked our family to counsel!"

"The people in Shaofujian see me like a fool!"

"That's natural. Who will give the best grain to the royal grain?"

"Why should we give the best grain to the royal grain?"

"That's because our family's almost food was taken to feed the pigs."

"Why can't we give the grains that are used to feed the pigs to the royal grain, and then exchange those grains with others for more poor grains to feed the pigs?"

Yun Lang clicked her mouth and thought for a while: "In my subconscious, I think people are more expensive than pigs, so there will be a sequence problem in the middle. Okay, we should give priority to people, and the rest will consider pigs. "

"But this way, our family will suffer!"

Yun Lang touched Huo Guangyuan's head and said: "This is the price we should pay because we pretend to be noble!"

"Is the noble heart important?"

"It's very important, it will make us pity ourselves, do not recklessly do things, not easily give up our lives, have compassion for others, take the responsibility of the world as our own responsibility, and make this world more exciting because of you.

"But what does this do for us?"

Yun Lang smiled and said: "No good, even bad."

"Why do something that is not good?"

"This is another problem, boy, you may not know that the benefits in the eyes of noble people are not the same as those in the eyes of ordinary people.

You will understand when you are older. "

"I'm already big!"

"Having a smart head does not mean that you can understand the world and understand people. Now, you need more insights to turn those learnings into real truth, and eventually it becomes the morality you feel you need to abide by.

After completing this step, you are grown up. "

"Master, have you realized this?"

Yun Lang sighed: "The master's situation is worse. There is a discrepancy between what I felt before and what I feel now, and it needs to be merged ...

In the past, the master thought that poverty is the worst thing in the world. After going out of the mountain and seeing the border areas that were raged by the Huns, and the actions of the local tyrants and gentry in the countryside, they found that to get out of poverty, the first thing to do There must be a safe environment and a relatively fair society.

This is a prerequisite to escape poverty.

I have done a lot of things before, such as improving agricultural tools, improving crops, and making a lot of things that can speed up the accumulation of wealth.

As a result, it was the honors and tyrants who benefited, and our family became a part of it. In short, it failed! "

Huo Guang shook his head and said: "There is no failure, at least the people in our family live very quickly!"

The apprentice's words made Yun Lang very comfortable. Huo Guang was right. Changing one's fate is a great merit, not to mention changing the fate of thousands of people.

Since the mood is good, the master and the disciple broke a big watermelon. This year's watermelon is better than last year's. At least there are fewer seeds in the melon dumplings, and the flesh becomes fuller and the sugar is higher.

Digging watermelon with a spoon to eat is the highest meaning of eating watermelon. After the ten-pound watermelon is eaten up by the master and apprentice, wipe the melon sweat on the face and smile at each other. Double harvest.

On the official road under the scorching sun, there are few pedestrians. Even the most diligent buddies on weekdays are embarrassed to pick up the goods and walk on the road.

In the shade of the trees on both sides of the road, the merchants lying on the road lying across the road.

These people started their journey from dawn, until the three poles of the day could no longer withstand the burning sun, and then they hid in the shade of the trees to make up.

Dealing with business has always been a very hard job, even if the physical hardship is not enough, you will often encounter robbers who block roads and rob.

However, this kind of anxiety is not found in the area of ​​Shanglinyuan. Most of the people here are wealthy and will not do anything to prevent road robbery. Not to mention, because of their wealth, they will not allow thieves to appear here.

Last year, several slaves escaped, and the people in Shanglinyuan were sent out in empty groups. In just two days, all the escaped slaves were captured. Finally, in front of the slaves, all those escaped slaves were hanged.

If there is a thief, he will face the same situation as a fugitive.

Therefore, the businessmen will be asleep here.

The three donkeys walked slowly from the end of the official road. There were three people sitting on the donkey. Among them were two women wearing a curtain fence, and a hooded man wearing a hat. Even at such a hot noon, he Still looking left and right, he seems to be very curious about all of this.

The businessmen opened their sleepy eyes and looked at the three people who were on their way to the scorching sun. They felt that they could not be their own customers, so they lay down again and continued to sleep.

"We will arrive in Fugui County in three more miles. Xiaoqiao and Xiaozhi have a medical hall opened by their husband's family. Brothers and sisters can take a break there and see their aunt tomorrow!"

The headed masked woman lifted the opening fence, revealing an extremely old face, and smiled to the men and women around her.

The shirtless man said with dissatisfaction: "Since Xiao Qiao and Xiao Zhi have all married to Xungui, why do they have to hold a medical clinic in Fugui County?

Could it be said that they are not loved by my aunt? "

The mother-in-law gave a glance at the man and said, "Has this sentence been hidden in your heart for a long time?"

The masked woman hurriedly said: "Zi Liang has no intention of this, but he hasn't seen the two girls for four years and would like to know their current situation."

Mother-in-law smiled bitterly: "If you really care about those two girls, you should tell us when you return to Yinluming Mountain.

Now think about the fears of the two children at that time, and the old man's heart hurts. If it wasn't for meeting the aunt, the two of them would not know what would happen. "

Su Ziliang sighed: "At the time, the government was forced to force all of us to move to Chang'an, and all the doctors in the palace entered the army. If we didn't leave the Xuanji Palace, we would be overwhelmed. There are many. "

Mother-in-law Yao proudly smiled: "Although Luming Mountain is quiet, it is a remote place in the poor mountains. Although it avoids the official residence, the medical skills of those disciples have no use.

I have said long ago that my doctor's own knowledge is to join the WTO. What is the use of medical skills to escape the world?

The childish child went to the frontier three miles away with his uncle, and there were countless living people along the way. He made great advances in medical skills. Although he was a woman, she was in the army.

When you go to the army, you go to the army, where you can not only get in touch with countless injuries, but also open the human body and participate in the research without any worries.

Such things, where can you do in Luming Mountain?

As for you, Xiao Qiao, is childish not loved by the owner? Hem, he has two mistresses, one is Xiao Qiao and the other is childish.

There is no one in this world who loves two girls more than my aunt, including you! "

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