Our Hometown

Vol 5 Chapter 17: All old thieves! ! !

Chapter 17 is all old thieves! ! !

The family feast is about to begin.

Song Qiao, Su Zhi and Yun Lang's mother-in-law are also going to care about the table because of courtesy. Although Su Zhi is very reluctant to leave, she is still taken away by her mother.

When Su Zhi walked out of the room, the gentle smile on Yun Lang's face faded a little, and the pride and solemnity of Yongan Hou was replaced.

Su Ziliang naturally felt the changes in Yunlang and straightened his body and said, "How can Xiaozhi be willing to be a concubine?"

Yun Lang said: "Except for me, she has no one to marry!"

"How can I be a concubine?"

Su Ziliang didn't seem to hear Yun Lang's explanation, but he was still aggressive.

"Because her parents abandoned her and made her helpless and helpless, at this time, a rogue son who already had a family looked at the childish beauty and forced her to accept the concubine. . "


"Of course!"

"Well, since that's the case, isn't your gift of five hundred dollars for this dude too much?"

Su Ziliang didn't seem angry.

Hearing Su Ziliang started talking about money, Yun Lang's face suddenly relaxed, and satisfied Su Ziliang arched his hand: 'Adult is wise, the childish show is very beautiful, there is a style of everyone's show, all depends on the adult to teach you how to be good, so good, district How can five hundred gold show my Yun's sincerity, we must seek each other's money, not less. "

When he said nothing, he clapped his hands. As soon as the applause rang, Liang Weng walked in with two young and powerful servants. The servants carried a huge box and laid it gently on the ground, but there was a muffled sound It was heard that the box was heavy.

Liang Weng took a key from his waist, opened the lock on the box, and lifted the lid. A large row of yellow and golden ingots were exposed to the broad daylight.

"This is a thousand gold, a thousand or two gold, not copper!" Liang Weng smiled and then stepped aside.

Su Ziliang glanced at the thousand or two golds, nodded with a smile, and then pointed to the gold and said to Yunlang: "Good, good, thousands of gold hired, full of sincerity, although the old man still feels lost, but it is more than a thousand gold , It became the emperor's gift.

Since the son-in-law valued childishness, the old man would be relieved. This thousand dollars should be regarded as a childish dowry. This is the dowry gift list! "

Yun Lang was surprised to find that Su Ziliang actually pulled a silk scarf from his sleeve. There were densely written dowries on it.

Su Ziliang sighed: "The old man has lived in the mountains for a long time, and he is already a little strange to this worldly ritual. The courtesy is lighter. The son-in-law can add five hundred gold behind the gift list immediately."

"Ah?" Yun Lang's mouth opened like a hippo.

Su Ziliang smiled and patted Yun Lang's shoulder and said, "The childish marriage is over. There is also Xiao Qiao's gift list ... so I don't bother the virtuous son-in-law to move these pickled objects around. Xiao Qiao has no father and no mother, but the husband and wife raised her as an adult. This child is clever and kind, and for you Yun's wife, it is a perfect marriage. The old man laughed.

You old servant, send the money to the old man's room quickly, don't want to be watched by outsiders. "


Yun Lang waved his hand, and Liang Weng re-locked the box. One thousand and two golds was carried by two servants to Su Ziliang's room.

Su Ziliang, who married a daughter with an empty mouth and white teeth, and sold an apprentice, and received a lot of money, seemed to be in a good mood.

I admired the distant gold again with my hands, as if I remembered something, and pulled a yellow silk silk from my sleeve and handed it to Yun Lang: "This is the old man who bought Xiao Qiao from Xiao Qiao's adoptive parents. The contract, the son-in-law has collected it. "

Yun Lang took the contract from Su Ziliang, didn't read it, and threw it into the incense burner. I saw that the silk silk was crumpled together by the hot ashes, and then a bright yellow flame rose up, and finally turned into ash.

"Acho didn't know she was bought?"

Su Ziliang shook his head: "Naturally, when the old man found Xiao Qiao in that family, he knew that Xiao Qiao should not be a child of that family. How could a swan be a child of a duck.

If you do n’t buy it, look like Xiao Qiao, and you do n’t know what will happen in the future. After a good heart, who knows that it is cheaper for you. "

Yun Lang looked at Su Ziliang bitterly: "I hope that the adults can completely forget this matter, just treat it as never happened."

Su Ziliang laughed and said: "You can rest assured that Xiao Qiao is in the heart of the old man, just like his girlfriend."

Then, Yun Lang's murderous eyes fell on Liang Weng's face. Liang Weng's legs fell to his knees on the ground, and he quickly said, "Don't dare!"

Su Ziliang was very satisfied with Yun Lang's response, and took out a small child's apron from his sleeve. Although the apron was worn out, the color of the silk thread was obscured, but the style was very luxurious.

"This is what Xiao Qiao wore when he was a child, and the silk embroidery on it was Wu Feng. Her mother-in-law thinks that she might be able to use this thing to find Xiao Qiao's biological grandmother and give it to you as well."

Yun Lang took the apron and quickly put his sleeve in his sleeve, then glared at Liang Weng again. Liang Weng closed his mouth cleverly, saying that he would not kill him.

Things are the same as Yun Lang thought, but the process is very different.

In the tireless pursuit of Liu Che, and the general killing of Dong Zhongshu hounds, the life of the hidden world gate can not be better.

Although everyone in the mountain gate is a man of high ambition, but eating and drinking Lhasa is a human instinct, and the hermit cannot be hungry.

In many cases, seclusion is a very expensive thing. Just like Sima Qian ’s seclusion in the Yun Family, his spending is actually very large, not to mention the general food, clothing, housing and transportation. Can be supplied.

The same is true of Xuanji City, even if they are well-versed in medicine, but the doctors in the remote mountains ... Eating should be a problem.

When I heard that Mother-in-law had found Xuanji City, Yunlang knew that Xuanji City would never miss this opportunity to improve her life.

Therefore, money, he has already prepared, as long as Su Ziliang does not behave too disgusting, he will be willingly filial.

After real dealings with Su Ziliang, I discovered that it is absolutely reasonable for hermits to be known as superiors.

Judging from Su Ziliang's performance, this senior thief's absolute superior, slightly changed the method of asking for money, to solve the gap caused by the abandonment of the girl and the apprentice.

As far as Su Zhi looked silly, she was willing to be sold again by Ye Ye.

As for Song Qiao ... it was bought by others, and after more than ten years of raising it, it will be sold to Song Qiao's satisfied candidates at a high price.

Yun Lang paid a thousand or two gold. Finally, he embarrassedly found that he not only had no reason to blame the old man, but also wiped the sweat out of his forehead, and thanked the old man for his good deeds.

Su Zhi hurried in and cuddled his father's arm intimately and said, "Yeah, the wine and vegetables are ready. The child today specifically instructed the cook to make some of Yun's best dishes. You and Yunlang can have more Drink a few cups! "

After talking about his father, he gave Yun Lang a big smile and said, "The husband has a good amount of wine, so I can drink more today."

Yun Lang's big white teeth with a big smile smiled very cheerfully, and nodded again and again, a good man who let everything Su Zhi decide.

Seeing that everyone was walking towards the hall, the tiger immediately understood that these guys were going to eat, so he lazily climbed up and followed, but Su Zhi slammed the door shut, forbidding him to enter.

The tiger scratched the two doors and felt that he was not hungry, so he lay down on the edge of the iceberg again, licking his tongue with his tongue.

The mother-in-law squinted together with Yun Zhe's eyes smiling, pulling Song Qiao to say some whispers, as you can see, Song Qiao's relationship with her mother-in-law was very harmonious.

The mother-in-law's temperament has always been cheerful ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It just looks like Yunyin is afraid. The child relied on the mother-in-law's eyes and turned to Huo Guang, whose eyes and bones were turning around for help.

Huo Guang turned a blind eye. He thought that today was the most interesting day of the Yun Family. The master ’s expression was very interesting, the appearance of the master lady was very interesting, and the appearance of the little master lady was more interesting. As for the three people he must call "ancestor", it was even more interesting. .

"Zu, this is the grape brew made by my master last year. After adding ice fish, it is the most cool. You can try it first. If you don't like it, there is the best bite green at home, which is also very good."

Su Ziliang took a sip of cold grapes and asked with a smile: "Are you also Yunzi?"

Huo Guang laughed: "I am a disciple of Northwestern Polytechnic University!"

Su Ziliang looked at Yunlang and saw that he did not stop his disciples from speaking. He nodded and said: "In the future, you will have to interact with Chen Kun, the disciple of Xuanji City, to forge each other, so as not to shame the lintel!"

Huo Guang smiled more and more happy, and nodded repeatedly: "But I don't know where Brother Chen Kun is now, Guang Guang has countless doubts to ask Brother!"

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