Our Hometown

Vol 5 Chapter 22: Su Zhi

Chapter 22 Su Zhi, who was paid at the bottom of the kettle

Chen Kun looked up at the medical hall in front of him. The height of the pavilion in front of him was so high that he needed to keep looking up until he could see it. He did n’t wake up until his hat fell to the ground, pointing incredulously at the four-story pavilion before him: This is Sister Song's medical hall? "

Huo Guang nodded and said, "This is just the front building. There are four courtyards behind this pavilion, and there are twelve beds in each courtyard.

Not only these, but also two pharmacies, one morgue, and one incinerator.

From delivering the woman to delivering the disease to the incineration of sick people, everything is included.

The teacher once said that this should be the medical hall in Dahan with the most complete facilities, the most complete medicines and the best means.

For patients who can't be treated here, don't think about it elsewhere. "

Ryazan pointed to the doorway of people coming and going: "Can we enter and see?"

Huo Guang said with a smile: "Now it's the time when there are many patients, all the brothers must be very tired. I specially made a yard for everyone. Everyone stayed first, and it's not too late after washing."

Chen Kun nodded and said: "Alright, listening to the medicine mother-in-law said, you still need to bathe and clean your body when you enter this hospital, so let's not disturb other people's rules."

Seeing that Chen Kun and his entourage entered the backyard yard, Huo Guang breathed a sigh of relief. As long as these people came in, he did not worry that they would leave.

Healers are cheap business ... This is a thorn in the heart of all healers. Only when practicing medicine in this royal medical hall can they gain unprecedented respect.

It is only here that one can rest assured to diagnose a disease without worrying about the death of a noble person and being pulled away by others.

Su Ziliang stood on the Yun's field, looking at the large crop that was about to be harvested with emotion.

Yun's abundance far exceeded his expectations.

Any collective can't do without money to support it, and so is Xuanji City. Especially medicinal materials are the top priority. If a doctor does not have medicine, how can he be called a good doctor?

It is a joke for the medical practitioners to take medicine and make medicine by themselves. With the help of one person, they can only collect thousands of medicinal materials needed to save people.

"Is this Yun Yun's root?" Su Ziliang asked, pointing at Wo Ye in front of him.

Liang Weng smiled and said: "These foods are for the family to eat, and they are generally not sold. The reason why Yun's are rich is because there are many workshops at home."


"Yeah, there are silkworm workshops, silk reeling workshops, silk weaving workshops, and dyeing workshops at home. As for car and boat, iron, gold, and money casting workshops, there are also papermaking workshops and printing in the past two years. In the bookstore, the cattle, sheep, pigs, chickens, ducks, geese and geese are also raised at home, so my family is richer than others. "

"Alas ..." Su Ziliang sighed, tapped twice on the mulberry tree around him, and returned to the Yun's Mansion with his hands behind his back.

Yun Lang went to the back house. Su Ziliang lived in the front yard with only Su Zhi's mother and daughter. When Su Zhi saw his father came back, he poured tea diligently and widened his clothes.

Su Ziliang leaned back on the Yun's chair in a thin single dress and sighed in the sky.

Su Zhi said, holding his father's arm tiredly: "When I arrived at the children's house, why did Grandpa sigh?"

Su Ziliang glanced at her daughter-in-law's face: "Xuanji City is no longer able to maintain anymore. When Grandpa came to Yunshi this time, it was actually nowhere to go, so he came to rely on his son-in-law."

Su Zhi clapped his hands and said, "Okay, okay, Grandpa and Auntie just lived at home, honoured by her daughter, and relaxed for a few years."

Su Ziliang said: "Grandpa can naturally relax, but what do you think of Xuanji City?"

"It's simple. The medical hall in Fugui County is just asking for talents. Brothers and sisters just went to the medical hall to help me."

"In this way, the rule of Xuanji City will be broken. How can Grandpa face the fathers and fathers?"

"You have done your best ..."

Su Ziliang looked at her girl with regret to her old wife and said: "Girls are not sincere to bully!"

The old wife hesitated for a moment and still whispered: "Or leave it to Xiaozhi."

Su Ziliang pointed to a girl with a stolen expression: "How can they be so cheap."

Su Zhi stood up and said: "The mother told me everything, and we can't stay in the wild mountains and wilderness.

Even if it is possible to stay, the hearts of the people are scattered. Grandpa and Aang might as well take the opportunity to rest, and leave the rest to the children. "

Su Ziliang smiled bitterly: "What a beaten drum!

Su Zhi stood up and said, "Did Grandpa just see these disciples being arrested by the government to serve as medical workers?

If it ’s the kind of medical officer I used to work last time, it ’s not impossible. It ’s just that this time, their luck is not good, and they ca n’t meet the general like my husband, so they can only work as medical workers and eat badly. If you can't sleep well, you have to rush ahead in battle.

What did the battlefield look like? You have n’t seen your grandfather, but your daughter has experienced it personally. On the battlefield, life is like a mustard. Those brothers and sisters you count on me can return safely from the battlefield. .

Just like what my husband said, on the battlefield, death is inevitable, and living is accidental.

The healer's duty is to cure and save people, how to cure, and where to treat the disease, is the end.

The reason why the child said that Xuanji City was going to disappear was not because the Yuns wanted to annex Xuanji City, but that Xuanji City had been completely lonely, and his existence was no longer necessary. "

"Nonsense!" Su Ziliang was furious.

Su Zhi lightly laughed: "Grandpa, don't worry, will you treat intestinal carbuncle? Do you know how to prevent the epidemic?

Do you know what the internal structure of the human body looks like? Do you know how to use Dao Guizhi to open a bowel to remove the lesions, and then use the magic technique to heal their wounds?

Do n’t you understand? "

Su Ziliang looked at her daughter and said, "Hearing the medicine mother-in-law talked about you curing intestinal carbuncle, and occasionally one or two is not surprising."

Su Zhi laughed: "Aye, don't be convinced, since you don't want Xuanji City to merge into Yunshi, then, we will use Xuanji City's method to decide."

Su Ziliang laughed: "Do you want to challenge?"

Su Zhi proudly said: "At first, you all looked down on my medical skills and thought that I was just arrogant and arrogant after learning a little fur.

Now, my disciple Su Zhi, a disciple of Xuanji City, challenges the elders above Xuanji City's self, and we will use medicine to determine who will control Xuanji City in the future! "

Su Ziliang saw the girl's arrogant tone, and couldn't help but laugh and said: "At that time, your medicine is indeed the worst one in my Xuanji City. This is not wrong, because you are my girl, which makes you arrogant.

Your medical skills are considered to be better now, but if you want to challenge your grandfather, I shouldn't be able to do it yet! "

Su Zhiwen immediately took a large stack of medical records from the box and placed them in front of his father: "There are 51 medical records, which means that there are 51 patients who are in the hospital. See who can cure them! "

Su Ziliang smiled and pushed the medical record away from his front, pointing at his girl: "It's better to go to the Fugui County Medical Center tomorrow to see if there are any new patients. Then we will gather ten more people and try again."

Su Zhi looked at his father and said with a smile: "Are you still not convinced, why, afraid that your girl would cheat you?"

Su Ziliang snorted: "You haven't been honest since you were little!"

Su Zhihao patted the table and said: "Success, just as Grandpa wishes, you can pick first, and pick the rest and give it to me."

Su Ziliang said with a smile: "How do you lose? This is not when you are still a girl, you can play badly, you can cry your nose. In this matter, once you decide, there is no room for regret."

The place where Su Ziliang and his wife lived was originally Su Zhi's boudoir. Su Zhi never sleeps honestly. Therefore, her bed is exceptionally large, and two huge wooden boxes are placed in the bed ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Su Zhi Take out the key, open one of the boxes and say, "If I lose, all the gold and silver in it will honor the Lord.

With these money, you are more than enough to open a medical hall for each brother and sister! "

Su Ziliang and his wife glanced at the box and could not help but take a breath.

They have always believed that the thousand and two golds taken out by Yun Lang are already terrifying. Unexpectedly, no more than three thousand golds can be placed on the bed of their own girl!

"This is your husband's idea?"

"No, this is my daughter's own money. It was originally intended to be given to Aye to help Xuanji City get out of the predicament.

Now my daughter has changed her mind. If you want this money, you will fight against her daughter in medicine now!

Lest you always think that my husband wants to take advantage of you! "

Su Ziliang was furious and slapped heavily on the table case and said, "You are not a filial daughter!"

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