Our Hometown

Vol 5 Chapter 30: Liu Che

Chapter 30. Liu Che, who is on the net

"I am a dude, a dude who only knows how to look for flowers and willows, and does not know that it is normal for bugs to become butterflies.

So, this matter has no effect on me. If I knew it in Changan, I would definitely tell my uncle. "

Cao Xiang's explanation is straightforward. From this point of view, ignorance is also a blessing!

"I also learned that Huo Guang also raised a lot of bugs. Now, the bugs are all cocooned. When the butterfly or moth comes out, I will write to my uncle and tell him that Dong Zhongshu's words are nonsense!"

Yun Lang frowned and said, "What else?"

"I still want to tell my uncle, this is the way you told me, it makes no sense to be my brother's escape, but my brother is in prison."

"If your uncle asks you, why don't you tell him the first time, how do you answer?"

"Simple, borrow a word you often say-facts speak louder than words!

What effect does nonsense without evidence have? The first time after the bug becomes a moth, I will write a book and send it to my uncle along with the cage. "

Yun Lang sighed: "There is a person like you, deserving of you, Cao's Feng Hou worship, the descendants are long."

Cao Xiang made a haha: "This is the secret that my mother told me to be an official. My mother told me that when you are undecided, you should not easily fight the team. It is best to make a decision after seeing the true nature of the matter. Although it can't reap the most credit, it wins in stability.

The family has come to me for Cao's sake and can't take the risk. "

Cao Xiang has undoubtedly matured. Although he was basically playing games in college at the age of 20, he did n’t know how to chase girls farts. Under the pressure of Liu Che, a dude has become a qualified politician.

"Do you think His Majesty really went to Jiuyuan County?"

"It's impossible. The last time Your Majesty said he was hunting in Zhongnan Mountain, but in the end, he secretly ran to Bailangkou and followed my Asian father to fight against the Huns.

This time it should be the other way around. He said that he had gone to Jiuyuan County and he had been hiding somewhere in Chang'an City to secretly watch our reaction.

You think, if Gillian really keeps butterflies, it means that my uncle knows from the beginning to the end that the bug is not a punishment at all.

The reason why the White Hart Coins will be cancelled is also to see if the Manchu Dynasty's Wenwu will gain a measure. After all, the ministers around him are the first to oppose the White Hart Coins.

Do not see through the people below, do you think my uncle can sleep well?

At this time, I went to Jiuyuan County and cheated the fool. "

Yun Lang rubbed his nose and pointed to himself: "There is a fool here!"

Cao Xiang was surprised that Yun Lang he knew didn't seem to be so deceptive.

Yun Lang spread out the map drawn on Bai Ling, using his fingers to touch the city road: "The battle is going on now, it is really important here. Your Majesty walked through Jiuyuan County personally, I don't think it's too much.

Moreover, His Majesty should also go to suffer a fall to the city! "

"We must first settle inside!

This is an inevitable sequence. Qi Huangong, the first hegemon of the five hegemons in the past, put forward the slogan "Respecting the King"-"Annei" firstly "Respecting the King", "Respecting the King", and then only "Outside".

At the time of Emperor Jing, the emperor's teacher Chao mistakenly proposed that the vassal should be cut down and "they must be settled first", which caused a fierce debate in the court at that time.

In the end, the Emperor Xian's censorship removed all internal worries and returned all power to Chang'an, forming the current scene of strong power and weak branches. Soon, without the restraint of the prince, the people and the rich people finally left a rich and powerful Han kingdom .

Therefore, it is no matter how important it is to descend to the city. In the scene where all the officials are deceiving your majesty, your majesty will not leave Chang'an anyway.

At this time, he must have woven a large net and squatted himself in the dark, just like a spider hunting to see who jumped. "

Cao Xiang spewed out a long paragraph of words in general, which surprised Yun Lang even more.

"If you don't hear these words in person, you can't believe that such orderly words come from your mouth."

Cao Xiang shook his head and said, "I'm not as smart as you think. I'm just familiar with my uncle.

If you grew up in his shadow from a young age, a small fight on the 3rd, a big punch on the 5th, you will know my uncle better than me! "

It is very pity for Cao Xiang's **** and dandy road, Yunlong.

After leaving the Longmen Palace, Yun Lang forbids Huo Guang to spy on the Longmen Palace.

Now that the guard has doubled, this is a clear explanation. With Cao Xiang ’s judgment, Liu Che ’s stay in the Changmen Palace is undoubted.

Yun Lang believes that the moment when insects break into cocoons and become butterflies, it is when Liu Che is furious.

It took Yunlang two full days to complete the drawing of the geographical map of the descending city on the day before the insect broke into a butterfly.

He did not stop for a moment, and the ink was not dry, so he sent the cover to the Zhangtai Palace quickly. The emperor was not in Changan, so he needed to deliver the concert to the prime minister on duty at Zhangtai Palace. The horse will be handed over to the emperor!

Three hours later, Liu Che saw this beautifully made geographic map of the city.

Liu Che watched the map carefully, and then ordered Sui Yue to hang the map and stood in front of the map for half an hour.

When Gillian came in, her steps were light, she gently placed the paint tray on the short table, and sat obediently beside Liu Che, waking up from her contemplation.

For a long time, Gillian suddenly heard Liu Che whispering to herself: "It turns out that the river can be used directly from Longzhong to the city!"

When Gillian saw the emperor turned, she whispered: "Don't you know? The concubine has already used the Dahe River to move a lot of goods towards the descending city."

Liu Che threw a punch on the table and shouted: "I know nothing!"

Gillian frowned: "There is a seal of the Chinese Military Mansion on the topography of the river channel in the concubine's body. With the careful consideration of Yunlang, once a new road is discovered, it will be sent to the Chinese Military Mansion for record."

Liu Che's face was green, and he said to Dachangqiu: "Bring the river map!"

Big Changqiu quickly went out.

Gillian pushed the paint plate to Liu Che and said, "Drink porridge soup, you haven't eaten well in two days."

Liu Che waved the paint pan to the ground, panting!

A Jiao sighed slightly and squatted on the ground to clean up the mess. No matter which Gong E shouted to come in at this time, Liu Che would be even more angry. Gong E, who came in to clean up the mess, could not survive.

Liu Che saw Gillian lying on the ground and wiped the ground, and his anger was on again.

"what are you doing?"

Gillian said weakly: "Wipe it clean, you will sit here later."

"Why not call the palace people to do it?"

"The concubine is worried that the palace will come in. The concubine will have to clean up the blood stains and corpses in a while!"

"I won't kill people!"

"Your anger has been covered by the spirit, you don't want it, but your hand will kill.

You've seen this concubine three times, three people died two times before, this time it's good to go, whoever makes you angry go to someone, beheaded, hanged, shelled, the five oxen are divided into corpses, Mo Let the innocent palace people vent their anger! "

"Blazing? Do you also think that I am an innocent monarch like Yun?"

Gillian was startled and waved again and again: "His concubine lost his word, your majesty please forgive sins!"

Seeing Gillian fall in love, Liu Che's anger is even more vigorous. He kicked his feet short and shouted: "Da Changqiu, have you died outside?"

Da Changqiu rushed into the hall like lightning, and kneelly presented a roll of documents to the emperor.

Liu Che took the paper, opened the silk silk, and just glanced at it, then dropped the paper heavily on the ground, and then kicked it on Da Changqiu's shoulder, his chest undulated violently, and only a long time before the murky path. : "Isn't the person in the Chinese military palace credible?"

Da Changqiu looked at Gillian and found that Gillian was waving at him, and immediately put his head on the ground without a word.

Liu Che was anxious like a lion trapped in a cage ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and walked faster and faster, until his eyes fell on the geographical map of the descended city dedicated to Yunlang, and a long, hot breath slowly squirted out of his mouth. , The whole person became quiet in an instant.

"I'm hungry!"

Gillian immediately waved towards Dachangqiu, and Dachangqiu, who had been paying attention to Gillian's gestures, immediately slipped out of the ceremony along the ground.

Liu Che looked at the restrained Gillian and said: "I will not be a god-geek-like thing now?"

Gillian carefully wrapped the broken dishes with a piece of silk cloth, and turned it into a baggage, and then thrown it out of the window, and then said: "God hates ghosts? Mo said no, even the concubine is also on the side. . "

Liu Che laughed: "Since it is so, then be prepared to be cursed!"

Gillian smiled: "Then let all the curses be directed at the concubine."

"Are you afraid?" Liu Che smiled.

"You just looked so much horrible than the curse."

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