Our Hometown

Vol 5 Chapter 37: Go home (5)

Chapter 37 Going Home (5)

A string of crystal water columns landed on the dog's face from the sky, attracting Rancho and Lanying's laughter. This was the disaster brought to the father by the puppy lying on the palm of the dog.

The sky was gloomy and horrible, and the dark black clouds were low on the top of the head. There was no wind and the rain was like rain.

On the low hill, there are only four families of dogs, and two horses, two dogs, and eleven sheep.

This is a very small piece of land, and the rest of the grasslands have now become oceans.

It's been two days since the dog's family was trapped on this mountain bag. The rainstorm showed no signs of stopping. They were all wet. The only dry places were the hands of the dog, Lan Ying, and Rancho, and the swaddle of the puppy.

For two days, the little dog was lying on the hands of his father, mother and aunt, and continued to sleep soundly.

Not far away, a wooden stick was inserted. This is a warning sign set by the dog. Once the flood water passed the stick, the dog had to perform the final escape preparation-kill all the sheep to make a sheepskin raft.

As for where he will be taken by the sheepskin raft, the dog does not know.

The cowhide on top of the head has been swollen by rain soaking. Because of the increase in weight, the cowhide ceiling hangs in the middle continuously. Lan Ying had to stand up again and again to lift the cowhide on top to prevent water from sinking in.

After feeding the puppies with goat milk, Rancho worriedly said: "How come there is such a big rain?"

Lan Ying looked at the gloomy sky outside the shed and worried: "Is it possible that Kunlun God will not let us go to Handi?"

Gouzi smiled and said, "This is my ancestor helping us. With this heavy rain, Daque will really think that we are dead and will no longer send people to chase us down."

Rancho nodded: "This is actually, when there was a big flood before, we always have to leave the place where there is water and live in a high place."

The dog huddled next to the dog suddenly barked. The dog looked around and saw a wolf swimming in the difficult water. Seeing the mountain bag where they were, they swam desperately towards this side.

Gouzi took the knife and came to the water with the heavy rain. The wolf ignored the dog's existence. He staggered ashore and waited for it to catch his breath. The long knife in his hand cut off the wolf's head.

While the blood on the wolf was still hot, the dog put his mouth up and swallowed two wolves of blood, and dragged the wolf's body back under the shed. The hungry Lanying, Rancho did not drink the dog's instructions and learned to drink like a dog A lot of wolf blood.

Throwing the wolf's body to two dogs, the dog again sat on the stone that had been warmed by his temperature and laughed: "When we are at home, every time there is heavy rain, we eat the hot pot to remove the moisture Good time.

There are a lot of cornel and pepper in the pot, all of which are thin slices of meat cut by the cook, sometimes lamb, sometimes pork, and sometimes a whole chicken.

I actually like to eat a hot pot full of pig bones and take a bite to sweat.

Everyone in the family likes to eat, and only the owner will be angry at this time, saying that there is nothing in the hot pot ... chili ... eat a fart, and once the pot was almost thrown out, the mother said the owner was crazy ...

Since then, I have remembered the words chili. After I asked the owner, I wrote these two words and asked others. It ’s very strange. No one knows, not even the learned Mr. Sima. He also lost his temper and said that the head of the family was making up a mess.

In fact, I think the owner of the house must not have made it up. Mr. Sima did not know the two words. It was because he had no knowledge. From the extremely eager look of the house owner, there must be something like pepper! "

Lan Ying gulped and swallowed: "I haven't eaten a hot pot."

The dog took Lanying and Lancho holding the child into his arms and said, "I haven't eaten it in a long time."

Rancho put the puppy among the three, carefully avoiding the wet clothes, and the body of the family of four was tightly pressed together. The three adults used the body temperature to create a relatively warm space for the puppy.

I do n’t know how long it took. The dog suddenly stood up and went to the place where the stick was inserted to look at it for a while. To Lanying, Rancho said with a smile: "The flood is about to recede. Look at the water level.

Lanying, Rancho suddenly cheered, but awakened the sleeping puppy, so this little life began to cry with a voice.

The rain has stopped very far away, so the flood will fall, which means that the dark cloud above the head will not stay for long.

Shepherds generally do not suffer from the plight of dogs. They generally do not graze in low-lying places, nor do they stay in low-lying places for a long time. Their pastures are all fixed and safe places.

The reason why the whole family of Gouzi will fall into this field is because they dare not go to safety.

Avoid places where there are pastures, avoid places where there are pastors, and avoid places where there are cattle and sheep. They dare not even take the path that cattle and sheep have stepped on ...

Liu Ling did not give up his recourse to Gouzi. On two occasions, if it was not Gouzi who first discovered the Huns and then quickly evaded, the fate of their family would be very miserable.

In the evening, the sun finally emerged, and the dark clouds quickly turned into red burning clouds.

The wet air in the sky, but the cold air was warmed by the burning sun.

The dog quickly slaughtered all six dead sheep. He didn't know how many edible parts there would be tomorrow. At this time, he couldn't care about it.

The lamb was smeared with salt foam and hung on the red sandstone to dry ... This can only be preserved for a short time, for a long time, and the dog does not have much hope.

The speed of the flood on the hillside disappeared much faster than Gouzi had expected. After a night of sleep, he found that the grass under the hillside appeared again, and only the grass roots were covered with a layer of clear water.

The wet red sandstone has now become a wet look, all the clothes on the four people are covered, waiting to be dried by the sun.

Some of the firewood collected last night is still not dry, which makes the dog very anxious. It does n’t matter if the adults eat cold food for another two days. The dog now needs a dry environment. On his little ass, the folds at the base of the thigh are already Prickly heat appeared.

After checking his own things, the dog found that the reality was more serious than he expected. The big sheep, two horses, and two dogs were left under the shed, and nothing happened. Ten sheep that had been watered by rain for more than two days died. Six.

The July sun was violent and terrible as soon as it came out. Although the beauty of the blue sky and blue sky is suffocating, the red and bright sun is grilling the earth.

The clothes were dry, but they were wet again by the moisture. They were always dry enough.

However, the fire was still burning.

The puppy was lying in the iron pan and seemed to be very happy. He kept plopping in the warm water. After Rancho washed the puppy, he dried it with the dryst cloth and lay on the blanket .

The south pointed by the compass is a swamp, which is actually also expected by Gouzi. If you walk towards the relatively dry east, it looks bad. If Li Guang came out from the right and the north, now, the east is at this time. local.

As for the north ... That's where the dogs fled.

In the absence of options, Gouzi can only daring all the way to the west. In this direction, at this moment, there should be many Huns grazing here.

Somehow, when leaving this mountain bag that sheltered them for three days ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Lan Ying, Rancho, and even the dogs were a little bit reluctant.

They all clearly remember how ecstatic the family of four saw this mountain bag in the torrential rain.

Now, it is difficult to calm down without leaving the mind.

Although they all know that the safety here is just an illusion ...

When they left Dragon City, their confidence was full. After encountering countless difficulties along the way, Gouzi still insisted on returning to Chang'an.

Now, Gouzi is not sure whether he has enough luck to return to Chang'an, however, the retreat is no longer there.

They can only go on with their heads stubbornly.

The grasslands washed by the flood were exceptionally clean. There were no longer hungry wolves watching them in the distance, and no more horrible scorpions at night trying to drill into their clothes.

It's just that the road becomes difficult to go. If you go wrong, you will go around a big circle. At this time, the dog has no hope of avoiding the Huns.

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