Our Hometown

Vol 5 Chapter 50: Hold the ears!

Chapter 50: Holding the Bull Ears!

Liu Che's weakness is that he has no money!

This made him very angry.

As long as he talks about money with him, if it is good for him, he will listen patiently, if it is not good for him, he will be very irritable.

Eighty percent of the country's annual income was taken by him to organize an army to deal with the Huns, so it seemed to be stretched in other ways.

Fortunately, Liu Che still clings to the final bottom line, that is, no increase in agricultural taxes.

Yun Lang doesn't know how long he can persist, but, judging from the current situation, he is still stubbornly sticking to the bottom line.

Yun Lang knew that the reason why he persisted in sticking to this bottom line was entirely supported by his pride. Once he was defeated by facts, all pride would turn into boundless violence.

People all over the world see Liu Che's face alive, this is certain, and people who are detached are no exception.

Xu Mofu met Liu Che like Guiguzi ...

No one knows what they talked about. After Xu Mo left the Longmen Palace, Guo Jie's official position was promoted again, and the knighthood became Yunlang's former young master.

Gui Guzi's treatment is not as good as that of Xu Mo. After leaving the Changmen Palace, he left Chang'an overnight and went back to Guigu to repair the house. It is estimated that he was ready to be patient again, waiting for the opportunity to go out again.

Of all the people, the most powerful one is Ji An. He ate the food on the table in front of Liu Che. He also complained that the food had already cooled down while eating it, and it was stained with other people ’s saliva and sweat, and the taste was wrong. .

Generally speaking, the Longmen Palace gathering was a conference that Liu Che used to unify his thinking.

Once the ideological understanding has been highly unified, then it is not known who is going to be unlucky.

The origin of the children's song has not been found. For this reason, the two emperors of the embroidered clothes were sent to Lingnan by the emperor, and if they were forgiven, it is estimated that there is no possibility of returning to Chang'an in this life.

Yun Lang just returned home with the whole family, and Sui Yue came with him, and also brought in five thousand gold.

Cao Xiang, who stayed in the Yun family, found that the five thousand gold was the gold he had just sent to the emperor. There was no change in the box containing the gold, and there was an inscription made by Cao's superintendent at the bottom of the gold ingot.

"Your Majesty said that the Longmen Palace paid five thousand gold, which accounted for seven elements of the sub-money business, and paid 10,000 gold every year today!"

Yun Lang thumped his head in pain, he felt that Liu Che didn't know how to count.

Calculated according to the interest of 5,000 gold and 20% a year, he can only get one thousand gold, and five thousand gold should be the capital.

Sui Yue didn't seem to care about Yun Lang's thoughts. He dropped the gold and ignored it. He just told Yun Lang very seriously before leaving. Yun's next year, even if he sold pants, he would have to pay 10,000 gold to Shaofu. One day later, no money will be lost.

Yun Lang painfully sent away Sui Yue.

As soon as Sui Yue's back disappeared on the side of Ma Zi, Huo Guang rushed on the master's back, suppressing his voice and tumbling wildly!

Qianzhuang's business could finally be opened with justification, and the emperor personally endorsed it, which far exceeded the original expectations of the master and apprentice.

Cao Xiang originally wanted to see how the mentor and apprentice wept bitterly, and even prepared words of comfort.

Seeing that the master and apprentice were laughing together, they said to Song Qiao who was following them, "They are crazy!"

Song Qiao smiled and told Liang Wengduo to prepare some dishes to make their apprentices more happy.

"Recover Zhang Anshi to me."

Yun Lang tore Huo Guang from his back and ordered Pingzhe.

Cao Xiang wondered on the side: "It's very profitable to put money, but I know, but money only costs 20%. How do you make money?"

Huo Guang said with a smile: "Qianzhuangye is the most profitable industry in the world, which Uncle Cao still doesn't understand."

Cao Xiang's eyes rolled twice: "Otherwise, I will give you five thousand gold, and then you will give me ten thousand gold every year?"

Yun Lang gave Cao Xiang a white glance and turned away.

The emperor invested 5,000 gold and 10,000 gold a year. Yun Lang felt that he had made a lot of money. If Cao Xiang did the same, if he agreed again, he would be the biggest fool.

When Zhang Anshi was brought back, he was drunk.

He stayed in Chang'an for ten days. Of these ten days, none of him was sober. One hundred gold was more valuable than he expected.

When he was carried back, he didn't spend half of it.

After being immersed in the water by Huo Guang for someone for half an hour, Zhang Anshi was completely awake.

Seeing Yun Lang and Cao Xiang drinking, they couldn't help nausea.

Seeing him like this, Cao Xiang and Huo Guang laughed, making Zhang Anshi blush.

Yun Lang pointed to the seat next to Zhang Anshi to sit down, and then smiled: "Huatianjiudi also needs capital, while you still have to maintain your ambitions, while thinking about Huatianjiudi, this world is such a good thing.

Zhang Anshi smiled bitterly: "The students are actually bored when they are idle on the third day, just to let themselves remember the taste of the world, it took them a few more days.

Even if the husband does not call, I should come back. "

Cao Xiang smiled and said: "You just don't spend a lot of time, if you follow me, you will eat and understand, and never want to leave.

How about going back to Chang'an with me, I will teach you how to play to be the most enjoyable. "

Zhang Anshi shook his head and said, "No, they all say that Qianqianjian is known before, and Qianqian is followed by friends.

If you spend all your time on pleasure, it will be too boring.

An Shi has seen it, used it, knows what it is like, and understands that absurdity and decadence are not my intention.

From now on, if you want to have fun, go for enjoyment. When you don't want to, you can concentrate on the business. As the gentleman said, it is always a living method. Don't care too much. "

Yun Lang laughed and said: "There is no fascinating place at all, it's best to treat it as usual.

Now that you have been awakened, you have to start to do the right thing. Let me tell you first. Your Majesty has invested 5,000 gold to account for seven elements of the business. The request is only a contribution of 10,000 gold a year. "

Zhang Anshi heard his eyes shining brightly, holding Yun Lang's hand and said anxiously: "Really?"

Huo Guang said with a smile: "Sui Yue has sent five thousand gold, hehehehe ..."

Zhang Anshi got up and politely said: "The time for Mr. Zhang to show his grand plans has finally arrived."

Yun Lang laughed and said: "If you want money to pass through the world, you must first make it through to the world. These two are inseparable from each other.

Let's start with Shanglinyuan. "

Cao Xiang looked straight at Yunlang and said, "What is money, and what is cargo?"

Huo Guang said with a smile: "For example, if you want to go to Shuzhong to do business, people who do not need to bring money at all, just deposit a sum of money in Chang'an Bank, and then take the flight ticket from my bank and take the flight When the ticket arrives in Shuzhong, someone will naturally help you pay for the purchase of goods, as does Shuzhong merchant Jia Lai's business in Chang'an. "

Cao Xiang gritted his teeth and said: "As a result, won't all the money pass you Yunshi?

And your master is notorious for his money and money, so in the past, are n’t you Yunshi ... "

Having said that, Cao Xiang's face was pale.

Yun Lang smiled and said, "So, this business not only cannot be done by the Yun family, but has to avoid it as much as possible. Now it is good. Your majesty needs seven members. He is the largest shareholder. No matter what trouble you have, your majesty. The trouble, after all, he is the biggest beneficiary, that is, only give 10,000 yuan to your majesty every year, I think it is not appropriate, he will be roaring in the future.

But ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This is somehow the first year. After the bank expands, it will increase its contribution to His Majesty as appropriate. "

Cao Xiang only saw some fur, but he felt that the money in his hands was too much. He did not know that the time spent on the road was calculated in months, from Changan to Shuzhong to do business, or from Shuzhong to Changan to do business. of.

In the process, how could Yunlang let this money lie in vain in the warehouse?

When the money enters the warehouse, it charges a certain fee with the merchant, and then puts out the money that the merchant put in the warehouse to lend.

With this inside and outside, the benefits are terrible.

Business is generally not just a pile, he is basically continuous, which shows that Yun's warehouse always has a huge amount of money.

This is also where Yun Lang wants to improve the lives of the people in Shanglin Garden and even Chang'an. With this huge amount of money, Yun Lang is confident to expand the basic area of ​​sub-money lending to the entire customs.

20% profit, comparable to national tax!

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