Our Hometown

Vol 5 Chapter 57: I can't escape if it's trouble

Chapter 57: You Ca n’t Escape If You Are in Trouble (Gan Geng, the Peak Leader of the Silver Alliance)

I don't know when to start, Yun's started to have rules.

Yun Lang has never formulated any rules. He has always managed the Yun's with a sheep-gathering model.

Later, somehow, Yun's first had the difference between the front yard and the back yard, and then there was a difference in rank, and then later ... few people dared to speak to Yun Lang.

Yun Lang remembered that he took the tiger to the Ma Zi field not long ago to pick up the servants who like to find wild men to have children.

At that time, the servants dare to show their bodies and seduce him.

Now, Yun Lang wants to see a smile on their rigid faces.

To be honest, Yun Lang, the head of the family, now feels somewhat idle.

Liang Weng was very good at the inner house. Although no one could look at Liang Weng, Yun Lang felt that there was nothing to complain about.

As for the outer house, the two Pingzhai brothers are very capable, whether they are things in the shop or human relations, they are also handled very well.

As for Zhang Anshi, Liu Po, and Chen Tong, the status of these three people is quite aloof.

Although Qianzhuang's business has just opened, it seems inconspicuous. Yun's officials know that this thing should be Yun's main source of income in the future.

The related industries of silkworm, silk weaving and dyeing workshops are the longest established and the most stable source of wealth for Yun's. They are the most fundamental family business of Yun's and cannot be easily discarded.

As far as papermaking and printing are concerned, at present, the profits brought to Yun's are not very rich, but Chen Tong believes that this industry has great future, and is working tirelessly for this to strive to keep the cost of production to a minimum.

In recent years, Yun's has begun to divest the workshops that were originally established because of the rise of Yun Lang.

For example, a series of workshops for making money, smelting iron, making ships, making cars, making agricultural tools, waterwheels, and mills.

These workshops are too closely related to people's livelihood, and the government does not allow such workshops to be controlled by one person. Therefore, the same workshop opened many homes in Chang'an, and the things they made were similar to those of Yun's.

And Liu Che is gradually regaining the power to make money, and Yun's iron smelting workshop has also been criticized by Sang Hongyang for a long time.

He is struggling to implement the sale of salt and iron officials, but Yun's popular iron-making farm tools, which is almost slap his face.

Against the government is a very painful process, because they have too many ways to make you more uncomfortable when you make them uncomfortable.

There is no way for Yun's to find a distance between the government and Yun's that is comfortable for both parties. In the end, he can only give up those seemingly profitable, actually very laborious workshops.

The chaotic industry is not good for a family. The large and complete industrial layout is very labor-intensive, and manpower happens to be Yun's weakness.

Yun Lang didn't worry about his own way of making money, he just wanted to think about it.

"Husband, why do the dogs want to marry the Huns?"

Su Zhi sat next to her husband and had just eaten half a watermelon and immediately told her husband the biggest news of Yun's two days.

"It has something to do with Gouzi's experience. He is alone and frightened by the Huns, and there will be life worries anytime and anywhere.

At this time, if a good woman lives with him, it is always easy to feel grateful. "

"Who accompanied you when you were in the mountains before?"

Yun Lang touched the tiger's head and said: "This guy, he sat with me on the cliff to watch the sunrise, accompanied me to run in the woods, we hunted together, and searched for food together.

Soak in the pool when it's hot, and snuggle up and sleep with each other when it's cold. At that time, I thought it was enough to have a brother. The woman didn't have any impression at all. "

"We're not as good as this stink tiger?" Su Zhi's eyebrows are all raised.

"It's two different things, don't confuse them."

The tiger could feel Yun Lang complimenting him, and raised his head to touch Yun Lang's hand with a wet nose to thank him.

Su Zhi looked at the tiger and said: "I want to eat tiger meat, but also use tiger bone to make medicine!"

The tiger looked at Su Zhi lazily, put the fat paws under his chin, and continued to sleep.

Song Qiao sat on the throne and accepted Lan Ying comfortably. Lan Qiao bowed down and took the puppy in his arms to take a closer look. He took a huge silver lock and hung it on the neck of the puppy , Said to the two women: "The head of the house said that the silver lock can lock the child's life, so that it will not be taken away by monsters and ghosts.

At first glance, the child was a blessed child. When the child is accustomed to living in Yunshi, he should be sent to the hospital for the doctor to see. "

Lanying, Rancho didn't know how to face this lady who was more beautiful than the Daques.

In my heart, I made a comparison secretly. The lady in front of me was undoubtedly more beautiful than the most beautiful Dajian on the grassland.

And this beauty is not only reflected in her exquisite face, but also reflected in her gentle words and manners of treating others.

The Daques are always proud. Looking at the children of the shepherd's family is like looking at their own lambs. The nobleman in front of him looks like a real mother in his arms.

Song Qiao screamed and slobbered towards Song Qiao. Song Qiao smiled and wiped the drool from the corner of the child's mouth with a handkerchief. She liked the child so much that she forgot the existence of two women in front of her.

Red sleeves coughed and Song Qiao raised his head. The apologetic Chong Lan Ying Lan Qiao smiled, and reluctantly returned the fat child to Lan Qiao.

Two exquisite wooden boxes were brought over with plates by red sleeves.

Song Qiao opened the wooden box and looked at Lan Ying. Lan Qiao smiled and said, "The dog was uneasy since he was a child. He once fell off the tree to catch the squirrel.

After waking up for two days, he woke up and told his homeowner that he had dreamed of marrying his wife, and that the homeowner gave a lot of beautiful jewelry when he married his wife.

The homeowner was worried that the rogue would faint again, so he agreed casually and promised to give him a pile of jewelry when he married his wife.

I have to say what I said. Nowadays, Gouzi married and gave birth, and these two boxes of jewelry are yours from today. "

Rancho, Lanying knew that it was a bit wrong to look at the jewelry now. After all, the dog said when he came, he wanted them to be more reserved and save him some face.

However, after the box was opened, Lan Ying and Lan Qiao clenched their hands tightly and forgot to promise the dog.

Lan Qiao hugged the child, Lan Ying came out of the main building where Shao Jun lived, holding two boxes, waiting for the dog outside to call them seven or eight times, but they didn't realize it.

Send Lanying, Lan Qiao's red sleeves looked at the dog with a smile, the dog sniffed, straightened his chest and glared at the red sleeves: "What's your matter!"

Red-sleeved smiled, his eyes were like two small crescents, and he silently spit out two words to the dog-"Tugou!"

Of course, Gouzi knew that Red Sleeve was joking him. He had been joking by Red Sleeve for many years, so he didn't care.

If the bugs and ugly Yong are present, their mouths will be more vicious.

"My few years of help helped count."

Gouzi doesn't care about ridicule, but he can't care about the rules. Although he saved some money when he was an embroidered embroiderer, he wasn't too much. The silver was buried in the soil for three years, and it has become black. Going out will be very cheap.

The current dog has no other net worth besides this amount of money.

"In order to get your local dog back from the Huns, the owner of the house gave out a reward of five hundred gold.

When you slept peacefully at home last night, Liu Er had already brought 500 yuan to send money to others.

The account at home must be smoothed out. Such a large expense, I deduct it from your case.

You listen, your routines in recent years have been deducted, but not in the past few years, if you do n’t make a special contribution in the next ten years, I would like to take one from me. money! "

When Gouzi saw the two wives walking away with their children walking around, the chest that stood up immediately shrivelled.

Move to the side of the red sleeve and take out five milky white sheep bones from her arms and put it in the hand of the red sleeve, flatteringly said: "The gift has already been prepared, and there is no such good thing in the hands of the Huns ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Squeezing the warm joints, he turned flexibly in his hand and nodded with satisfaction: "It's not bad. "

After speaking, he walked into the main building while playing at the bones.

Gouzi said in the back: "My example ..."

"Tell me in ten years!"

Gouzi wanted to jump and scold twice, but turned his head to look like an enemy.

He Youyou stood under the pomegranate tree and looked at him coldly with her hands in her sleeves.

The dog swallowed and swallowed. There was nothing to explain. The whole body was tight and tight.

You can talk to the red sleeves and ask for wages. In the face of any worries, everything you say is in vain. People are ready to attack. At this time, if you talk more, you will only be beaten even worse.

If this is not Yunshi Manor, Gouzi must be prepared desperately.

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