Our Hometown

Vol 5 Chapter 61: Those who want to get rich are terrible

Chapter 61 The Honorable Men Who Want to Make a Fortune is Terrible

The Yun family's yard is very large, and the large one can allow lovers to be separated from each other even though they are in a yard.

Goozi is very sure that if he looks back like this, those two wives will be crazy.

In view of this, he asked Liang Weng to tell his wives that he needed to go out for a while.

Hun women are good at this. She believes what the men say. Let Liang Weng tell the dogs that they will stay well at home and will not let other men come in.

Gouzi was very satisfied after getting the answer. He lay in bed and continued to wailing ... When he was just beaten, his body was numb and he didn't feel much pain. After a rest, the pain came like a tide ...

Going home is the biggest thing that happened recently in Yun's. Not many people know about it. It is limited to some people in the inner courtyard. As for the outer courtyard, their lives are still calm and peaceful.

When a battle report came from the distant Hexi, Yun Lang looked at it and sighed.

All day said who was the darling of God, in fact Huo went to the disease to really be the darling of God.

Used eight hundred people to cross the two thousand miles of desert to raid the mirror iron mountain, and slashed three thousand of the Huns, bringing all the Hannus back safely.

This has been called a miracle in Dahan.

In the first battle of the Great River Valley, with fewer hits and more, led three thousand tigers and arbitrarily penetrated the 20-mile battle of the King of Lan. Among the chaotic army, the king was captured by the eyes of everyone, although King Lan was ashamed and unbearable He died in suicide.

This does not prevent Huo Qubing's spear, and Lan Lan's head drank the remaining Yiqu people to surrender.

He did not expect the other Yiqu people to surrender. After all, he just penetrated the enemy line and only achieved a staged victory. If there were still a large number of Yiqu people counterattack.

The Han army with few and tired people is likely to be wiped out by the whole army.

Results ... Yiqu people surrendered!

Huo went to the disease and achieved an unprecedented victory.

When Huo Qubing returned, Yun Lang once asked him where the head of King Lan was finally. Huo Qubing replied that the barbarian should be used to deal with the barbarian. He asked Yiqu craftsmen to put King lan's head inlaid with gold jade Liu Che.

Yun Lang had seen that thing. At the beginning, Liu Che took him to drink, saying that he also felt the feeling of being a Xiongnu.

Later, when Ji An went up to the emperor, he performed the Xiongnu ritual to the emperor. He said that after calling the emperor Han Hanyu, Yun Lang had never seen the artifact.

However, Liu Che was more fond of Huo to get sick.

Now, the Hunxie King who fought the last battle with Huo Qubing under the Qilian Mountain is on the table to beg!

This is the biggest victory since the Han and the Huns have fought, and finally the King of the Huns with all the tribes surrendered to the Han.

The Hunxian King surrendered very thoroughly. Before he surrendered, he had killed the hesitant Sunchat King and killed the Zuo Xianwang who wanted to take the clan to Mobei to find Shan Yu.

Wholeheartedly wanted to take the Huns of the Hexi region to the big man to prepare for the best life.

Weiyang Palace, where the civil and military officials of the two thousand stones of the Han dynasty gathered together in Changan, ready to discuss with the emperor how to deal with the upcoming 60,000 account of the Huns.

Yun Lang and Cao Xiang both walked into Weiyang Palace in their court clothes, and the sword on their waist was taken away by the guards.

Once encountered such a thing, Cao Xiang would not refuse to give up, this time he was very good, the guards said nothing when he took his sword.

Seeing Yun Lang looking at him, he explained casually: "It is no longer Pingyanghou, Laozi is now a concubine, and Pingbai has lost several levels."

"Well, yes, it is cheap to get married to a princess. You really lost money when you married a princess."

"Mother said it's a good thing to kiss and add relatives, as long as Princess Dangli can be satisfied with Cao's family, the three generations of Cao's will have nothing to worry about."

"Did you see Dangli?"

"Naturally, I saw her. She wanted to take her out of the palace, but she was stopped by the queen and said it was not ceremonial.

Going to his mother's rude manners, Dangli has been shut down as a fool in the palace. I brought a leopard cat to Dangli, and actually scared the girl to cry.

Tremblingly gave me a silka and asked me to pity, at that moment I thought I was a big villain. "

"No, my big princess is mostly tough, you just look at Guan Tao and mother, you know, how can Dang Li's courage be so small?"

"Hmm, it depends on the mother. Who is the mother of Guan Tao and who is the mother's mother?"

Look at Dangli's mother again, and she just wants to please your majesty, and her thoughts are all on Liu.

Didn't even care about Dangli.

This time if the queen is not married to me, the queen will not manage money.


If Dangli's wedding queen can take the lead, she would have been sold.

When the dynasty meeting was over, I took the girl out and watched her spinning and weaving burlap in the palace. "

While whispering, they picked up the steps and slowly walked into the tall Weiyang Palace.

Standing on the Weiyang Palace and looking west, you can see the Jianzhang Palace to the west. At this time, the Jianzhang Palace has been renovated. The emperor has lived in the Jianzhang Palace for several years. The environment around the Jianzhang Palace is very satisfied, and is extremely dissatisfied with the dilapidated Jianzhang Palace built in the previous dynasty, and is ready to overthrow and rebuild.

The drawings have been seen in the clouds, and they are extremely luxurious. They are just a chapter. The Fei Ge Road between the two palaces of Weiyang is being repaired according to the scale of the Great Wall. The Long Road imitates Qin Chi Road with a hardwood track, and the eight horses dragged it. The car can walk back and forth from Jianzhang to Weiyang two houses in a short time.

The emperor likes to be lively, and is planning to move some people to live around the building of the Zhang Palace, so as to achieve the feeling of thousands of families he likes.

"Caohou, Yunhou, there is no slave to build such a palace ..."

A sorrowful man who worried about the country and the people gathered around Cao Xiang and Yun Lang, deeply worried about the welfare of the emperor.

"Yeah, the generals at this year's border were all waste, and it was all in August, and the supply of slaves was less than half of last year.

Even the killers of the slave gangs are not as good. You said that, what a fight to fight. "

Yun Lang looked at the jade card on the waist of the family, and it became clear immediately that the one in front of him should be an imperial family.

"The Dachao will be held today. After your majesty arrives for a while, the big guys should not shrink their heads, they should say what they should say.

Previously, I pushed the people like Gongsun Hong in front of us to help us talk. These people are not doing anything right now.

Actually said that the surrendered Huns would be placed near Chang'an, and they would also be given land and food to allow them to do business in Chang'an, Yangling, Xiliuying.

If this is done, Huo Qiqi brought them to Chang'an for what to do, and in the west of Hexi he chopped to death and all of us paid less money. "

"Long History Talk

Even when it came to the idea, the people of Chang'an tightened their waistbands and delivered the last bite of grain to support His Majesty's Northern Expedition and teach the Huns.

Hi! The result of support is to give yourself a group of yeah.

Gongsun Hong, Sang Hongyang, what do these people say if they don't treat the returning Huns well, then the Huns will find that there is no escape route and they will fight desperately ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I shout—

The battle between the Han and the Huns was not bloody? What kind of good things do you think of these **** who have not been on the battlefield? "

"60,000 account Huns, if we bring an iron chain to help us reclaim the wasteland, after three or five years, the people in this land of Chang'an must be fat.

Brothers, this time, let Gongsun Hongyi be a thief! "

Yun Lang nodded with a smile, and they were all real people. There was no need to pretend to be in front of them. There are so many wasteland around Chang'an, people can occupy more acres of land to grow vegetables.

Every family has a large area, a large area of ​​wasteland, and the cattle and horses looted by the army in the past few years, there is no shortage of livestock. Now, every family has prepared agricultural tools, waiting for the Hunxian to come Chang'an, everyone can grow land and make a fortune together.

Gongsun Hong habitually closed his eyes and sat on a futon as if no one was meditating. Sang Hongyang was fervently debating with some honorable people.

What he said is not important, mainly because there are too many honorable men who want slaves to make a fortune, and much more than they expected.

Civil servants, military commanders did not blend into this matter, they also wanted to make the people under the rule more slaves to call, in this way, whether it is Xiafu, autumn taxes should be collected much better.

Cao Xiang whispered in Yun Lang's ear: "My uncle also feels that he should be kind to the Huns, so ah, our brothers don't say a word today."

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