Our Hometown

Vol 5 Chapter 64: Information on Changle Palace

Chapter 64: Changle Palace

The time when Yun Lang played the emperor right was the time of a pillar of incense, so Gongsun Hong did not go far.

When Yun Lang came out of the palace, he just met a courtier who entered the palace.

Grandson Sun Hong sneered again and again, Sang Hongyang was not well-intentioned, and the three long history of the Prime Minister's House also sneered at Yunlang and Cao Xiang.

The emperor's determination to appease the Huns was so great that they did not think Yunlang, Cao Xiang could persuade the emperor in a pillar of time.

Is old Xiahou, grabbed Cao Xiang, Yun Lang's hand gently patted fear, looks very relieved.

People who are old enough to look like Xiahou wouldn't take money into their eyes. He just felt that Yun Lang and Cao Xiang finally shot, and wouldn't let the Huns become the nobles of the Dahan, two good-looking Dahan youths Honorable, he succeeds someone!

The guy who had previously scolded Yun Lang Pi Li Yang Qiu also came over and sincerely apologized. If Yun Lang did n’t pull it, he was ready to die on the stone pillar.

Finally, sincerely let Yun Lang, Cao Xiang, etc., once His Majesty announced that he could continue the slave trade, he invited them both to go to Chunfenglou without getting drunk.

The dark expression was hard to understand. He was very worried. He felt that Yun Lang and Cao Xiang were not as good as him. They were far away from him. They did not understand why the emperor changed his mind.

Waiting for a group of people to enter the palace gate noisily, Yun Lang whispered, "What kind of people are they!"

Cao Xiang said: "A group of good people!"

Yun Lang looked at Cao Xiang again: "You are more and more prime minister."

"Who are you scolding?"

"Your ancestors have been prime ministers for decades, why are you cursing people?"

"When my ancestor was prime minister, the prime minister was really good. Are you good to be prime minister now?"

"How can we avoid it because of the blessings!"

"Okay, I will tell A Niang back when you want to be prime minister. Our big guy will try our best to put you in the position of prime minister. In my opinion, my uncle actually likes you very much and sends you to prime minister. Location is not difficult. "

"Forget it, whoever your uncle likes, who has no good ending, he loves you as a nephew who loves to the bone?

Didn't see him showing mercy to you today. "

Cao Xiang shook his head irritably: "This is the emperor's heart technique. Let's go, follow me to find the back, and give her courage."

Cao Xiang ’s entry into the harem is like entering his backyard, and he can also drag Yun Lang together. According to his statement, he and Yun Lang are brothers. .

Cao Xiang thought so, Yun Lang was very sure, Liu Che would not think so.

Seeing that the yellow gate guarding the harem was not obstructed, Yun Lang reluctantly walked into Liu Che's harem.

"The grass at the head of the wall is one foot long.

Only walked to Changle Palace, Yunlang pointed to the grass on the wall to Cao Xiang Road.

"What do you know? Since Emperor Hou's power, Emperor Hui has evaded Weiyang Palace. Since then, Changle Palace has become the seat of Lü Hou's small court.

Emperor Hui was extremely dissatisfied with his mother. Although he was more filial and filial, he was not close. Later emperors did not like Lu Hou, so he let the Changle Palace run down.

Seeing that Her Majesty was in financial difficulties, Queen proposed to bring her underage prince to live in Changle Palace to save some expenses. "

"Then let your wife grow the land and weave? Why did Liu Qi wear gold and silver, and give my apprentice a golden brick?"


"Fifty-one golden bricks were rewarded to Mao Hai by Huo Guang."

Cao Xiang stopped and looked at the tall Gongyuan Road: "It seems that he should get Dangli out early."

"Huh? Your wife Niu was born in the goalkeeper, is he bad tempered?"

Cao Xiang sighed: "Niu's never thought Dangli was her threat. They had already met each other. When Princess Liyijie talked to Niu's legs, they all shivered."

"I saw your wife, and my legs were shaking!"

"Don't you just put the sword on your neck and didn't kill you, can you not mention this?"

Hearing Cao Xiang say this, Yun Lang was also angry, clutching Cao Xiang ’s chest and said: "The matter of how you guys formed in Xiongcheng through the Huns woman is related to my fart. Why did she hold me and ask this matter? ?

It ’s not that you got drunk and talked nonsense and was known. "

Cao Xiang laughed and said, "Youth is absurd ..."

When he finished speaking, he looked at Yunlang with a long seal: "After marrying Dangli, I will take it easy. Haven't you noticed that I am honest?"

Yunlang also looked around, and finally understood why Cao Xiang could take him into Changle Palace.

Whether it is a tree with no appearance at all, a palace with almost lost patent skin, or a spider web covered with tall palaces, it proves that it is not suitable for living people.

Looked at the dark water well passing by Yunlang and shuddered, "Is anyone dead in this well?"

Cao Xiang said with a straight face: "Mr. Zhang Meiren, the emperor of Taizu Gao, died in the well, as well as her two close court ladies."

Yunlang seemed to smell a rotten smell, and subconsciously covered his mouth and nose. He was not afraid of the dead, and he saw more, he just didn't like the smell of people after death.

"Queen Wei is sick, is this a place where people live?"

"Why not? The main hall of Changle Palace is still very luxurious."

"Who lives there?"

"Queen Wei followed the prince!"

Changle Palace is naturally magnificent. It is expanded on the basis of the former Qin Xingle Palace. The palace wall is about twenty miles away. The west side of the front hall is Changxin Palace, Changqiu Hall, Yongshou Hall, Yongchang Hall, etc .; To the north of the hall are the Daxia Hall, Linhua Hall, Xuande Hall, Tongguang Hall, Gaoming Hall, Jianshi Hall, Guangyang Hall, Shenxian Hall, Jiaofang Hall and Changting Hall.

There is also a greenhouse hall, a bell room, a moon room, and a 40-foot-long Hongtai built in the Xingle Palace when the first emperor.

The Forbidden City Yunlang was visited in later generations. In terms of area, Changle Palace is enough to accommodate eight palaces.

This Changle Palace alone occupies 15% of Chang'an City.

Yun Lang's mouth was dry, and he leaned against the palace wall and gasped, "I won't go, such a hot day, I will die if I go on."

Cao Xiang also sweated, holding his knee to Yunlang and said: "It's almost time to Hongtai, Dangli is in the moon room beside Hongtai."

"Can't you get a carriage, or two horses?"

"No, the queen confiscated all the horses and horses in the Changle Palace, the purpose is to isolate the internal and external links."

Yun Lang struggled to stand up straight and said: "I finally understand why you are anxious to marry Dangli home as soon as possible, and just walk around like this for a few days. Are you impatient?"

Cao Xiang smiled and said: "I am the first time as a horse

Fifty sets of jewelry were sent to her when she saw Danli, and she brought all the delicious food from your house when she saw Danli the second time. When I saw Dangli for the third time, I gave her all the things you produced in Yunshi.

This is the fourth time ... "

"You don't want to send me to Dangli?"

"She always wonders why I keep mentioning you. Although the girl is shy and refuses to say, I know she still wants to see what you look like."

Yun Lang growled, "So, I am your present today, right?"

Cao Xiang took Yun Lang's shoulders and smiled: "Good brothers will be there!"

Finally reached Hongtai, Yun Lang felt that he was going to die, and he walked more than ten miles in a row under the sun ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ He hasn't eaten in such a long time.

Hongtai is actually a cut-out square earthen platform with bluestone piled on the outside.

It is said that here was originally a mountain, the emperor took away the soil around the hill, and left such a platform, built a solitary palace on it, stood at the foot of Hongtai and looked up, Yun Lang felt standing On Hongtai, there should be a feeling that everyone is small.

"Cousin." A soft, timid female voice came from behind Yunlang.

Liu people are like this, used to sneak attack.

Cao Xiang's hearty laughter sounded: "Dangli, your cousin came to see you. You look much better recently ... Haha, you know, no, I have defeated the Huns by going to the hospital, and forced the King Hun Xie to surrender. My sub-father is also approaching Longcheng, and I heard that the striker is almost down the mountain.

Therefore, you do n’t have to worry about getting married to the Huns. If something like this happens, you want to step over your cousin, my body. "

When Yun Lang turned around, he happened to see a thin Tsing Yi woman bowing.

"Thank you cousin pity ......"

Half-speaking, Yunlang turned around, and the Tsing Yi woman immediately hid behind Cao Xiang.

Cao Xiang took the woman's hand and said softly, "This is Yun Lang, which his cousin told you. He is a wild man in the mountains. He doesn't understand the etiquette. Don't be afraid. If you have a cousin, he will not be rude ! "

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