Out of the cage

Chapter 1010 Chapter 2221 (Part 1) Spirit Nail

Chapter 1010 Chapter 22.21 (Part 1) Spirit Nail

Zhenxuan 903 years. In the dome, the practice of Taoism here is far more prosperous than in the hinterland of the dynasty.

After Wei Keng invested in the Mortal World Merchant Association, Taoist temples were established on the high mountains. The purpose of the Chamber of Commerce investing in these Taoist temples is similar to investing in scientific research institutes, mainly to reduce the purchase price of some civilian spells.

The abnormal appearance of "changhong penetrating clouds" often appears here, attracting visits and offerings from disciples of local aristocratic families.

Most of these "Zhenyuan Guan" opened by Wei Keng will accept some mortal disciples, and start to teach some martial arts skills for strengthening the body, as well as healing and life-saving skills. And what is taught is often some real kung fu. Behind these Taoist temples are also some monks, casual monks.

In recent years, the casual cultivators of Qiongdi have spread word of mouth: there is a great power here, and many immortal friends can exchange for Lingshi in Fangshi by handing in the seasonal records of measuring mountains, rivers and vegetation!

As a large number of spirit stones flow out of the market every year, the fame of the "Tu Kang" real fairy workshop is the same as the speed at which young men spread the names of certain websites in the 21st century.

Various sects also sent undercover agents here. Start to inquire why there are so many spirit stones in the "Zhenyuan Temple" in the vault.

Loose cultivators, this is a very loose group, it is difficult to be organized, so now such a phenomenon gathered in the dome to enter the mountains and rivers, this phenomenon is worthy of suspicion by the orthodox.

Historically, casual cultivators did not have the guts to take demon pills from tough monsters in the battle of eliminating demons and defending Dao. However, they did not obey the ban and went to the territory of monsters without permission, throwing these simple formations to earn souls. Shi has a lot of guts.

In the prosperous era of Confucianism, all kinds of heretics were often at the bottom of the famous family and the family of cultivating immortals.

Over the years, the disciples of various decent sects have grown up in the demon robbery, and those famous decent sects will start to reflect when they kill some "good demons" by mistake. The result of the reflection is that those cultivators like myself are mercenary, and they took the initiative to go to the monster zone to steal spiritual materials, causing occasional good people among the monsters to be forced to become demons by human monks.

These decent cultivators are also reflecting, but when they find that other sects are also doing it, then this kind of reflection is very thorough.

Witnessing the style of the decent disciples, Wei Keng: Just like the developed countries in Europe and the United States in the 21st century, they will reflect on the big environmental pollution and the warming of the weather. In-depth analysis.

Nowadays, these famous big names are quite "rational" and "neutral". Some extremely decent monks are very harsh on heretic monks.

These righteous people have formed such an impression of contempt for casual cultivators, and they are often led away by the impression of contempt. So much so that I began to "contempt first, then think".

Consciousness comes from Wei Keng in the 21st century: People on the other side of the earth who claim to be the center of civilization will always treat others harshly when implementing so-called justice. Bad habits, if you don’t know about oriental fish, the production process of chicken and duck is far less carbon-emission than beef, so the increase in the amount of meat eaten in developing regions is imminent.

Now, the casual cultivators in the Vault of Heaven have begun to have "permanent property", can get the spirit stone, and start to settle down on this mountain and river, to practice Taoism and build a temple! It seems that they can't escape the questioning eyes of the famous and decent people.

In the sky, Wei Keng, who often controls the sword light, has many connections with these famous disciples, but he can always feel their arrogance, just like "seeing Qiu Mengfei in Jianye in the early days of the Pandora Plane".

Wei Keng, who was dialing the abacus in the Qiongdi Commercial Firm: In fact, this cultivation of immortals is actually a path between ordinary people after all.

...Every circulating spirit stone has a "fetter" with the cultivator...

Righteous way in the dome; Hengdao Academy, now the sky is full of sunshine, as the "famous family" of this place.

Oh, in the land of the Daliang Dynasty, they are not considered a famous family, they can only be regarded as registered.

The main building of this academy is a building with hundreds of meters high eaves, even a stone step is soaked in the fragrance of books.

Spirit birds stand under the eaves, adorned like flowers.

These spirit birds are all "Wang Xietang Qianyan", which cannot be seen in ordinary people's homes at this time.

Xi Changxing (at the alchemy stage): "There are too many casual cultivators in the sky recently." In his hand floated out the magic weapon that the casual cultivators are passing down at this time. These Confucian Golden Core monks who sat upright began to pass on this magic weapon.

This instrument is a nail. It was common in Wei Keng's original world of cultivating immortals, and it was born out of exploring in secret realms. When the monks enter the unknown cave, they sense the aura, and once the aura changes, they can quickly evacuate.

Just as in ancient times, Luoyang shovels were famous in the tomb robbery industry, but in fact the largest orders were for geological exploration and agricultural departments.

Now Wei Keng has started standardized mass production of this magic weapon, and has set up a wider range of functions. This thing also has an earth escape talisman. Once activated, it will directly drill a hundred meters into the soil. If the person who spread these things has no means, it will take a few sticks of time to find them!

In addition, the communication encryption spirit pattern is set up. There are two spirit patterns, the broadcaster can set one, and the manufacturer can set one.

These artifacts, the spreader and the producer can all be sensed within several kilometers. Oh, this kind of several kilometers is the standard of spiritual consciousness in the foundation building stage. Most of the casual cultivators in the current sky are in this state, and in the alchemy stage, they can sense the spirit nails scattered within hundreds of kilometers.

As for Wei Keng! Far surpassing the magic power of Nascent Soul Dzogchen, the range of consciousness sent out at will reaches 3,000 kilometers, and the sensing distance of this nail is tens of thousands of kilometers, it can be said that the entire sky is covered.

The alchemists passed this humble magic weapon to each other, very speechless.

Cultivator of Alchemy: This kind of magic weapon couldn't be simpler. The spiritual material used is only the rune part, and it's also a small amount of black iron. Most of it is refined iron used by mortals, which is nothing special.

After scrutiny, the alchemists believe that such "uncanny skills and obscenities" are rampant. It is indeed the rise of flashy wind in the realm of comprehension. Then pass the law to the disciples in the sect, don't be obsessed with this way.

...Cultivators often have no structure for things that are not used in personal cultivation...

Anyone with a little bit of industrial knowledge knows that if the material is cut to the extreme, it means that this thing is designed for production, because only if the production is huge, it is meaningful to cut to the slightest.

Here, the Confucian cultivator at the center of the dynasty picked up the magic weapon of the jade seal in his hand and tapped it lightly, and the nail shattered. Obviously, the structure is simple and there is no mystery!

The Confucian scholars are extremely picky, but they are also sure that there is no evil hidden in such a simple magic weapon.

But for this kind of thing, one spirit stone in Qiongdi can buy almost a hundred of them! Comparable to Pin Xixi's style.

Speaking of which, Qi training monks also consume spiritual energy to refine similar earth-escaping nails, and the material is about fifteen for one spirit stone.

If this is a person who specializes in refining weapons, one spirit stone can make hundreds of them! The cheapness of this thing has almost caught up with the magic weapon of mortals. So much so that the current low-level monks of casual practice are even willing to directly buy this as a low-level rune, because it is really cheaper than runes.

These handfuls of nails are hidden in hidden places one hundred meters below. During the foundation building period, it is easy to destroy them, so it will take a lot of effort to find them. It is impossible to pull it out.

A large number of casual cultivators scattered a handful of needles all over the mountains and plains, but they couldn't find them at all. And these nails persist in the ground for at least decades.

By throwing these nails, casual cultivators obtained information on changes in the aura of the earth veins, recorded it in the jade slips, and then passed it to the 'Tu Kang' Fangshi in exchange for spirit stones.

For Wei Keng: It is impossible to falsify this kind of information exchange, because he has built a checkpoint nearby. Once the data is fake, it is like a homework filled out by an idiot, and it can be seen at a glance.

...In the Qiongdi Zhenyuan Temple, imprints are directly implanted on casual cultivators who practice fraud, so that they can no longer accept this kind of work...

In recent years, casual cultivators have gone crazy, and this kind of nails have not only been scattered in humanitarian areas.

Tsk tsk—a casual cultivator directly received the task, ran a thousand kilometers away from the Monster Beast Mountain Range, scattered tens of thousands of nail points, and then came in every other month to record the information of these nail points and send them back. The receipt of a spirit stone really belongs to how bold the person is and how productive the land is. Almost hooked up some big monsters,

Note: These nails were sprinkled on the territory of Yuanying Yaoxiu here, and Wei Keng could also use Lingyuan to scan to obtain information.

Wei Keng's divine sense has been discovered by other big monsters several times, which made them feel very uncomfortable.

The big monsters don't know what these magic nails are, but how can others sleep peacefully on the side of the couch, and it's still such a tricky human magic weapon!

If the monsters can find the nails in the mountains, they will destroy them. But that's just too much, and it's too vast.

Sending little monsters to keep an eye on them all the time? Or deploy lower levels of prohibition to protect their own territory?

If the monsters had this subjective initiative, they wouldn't have to rely on their blood talent to harden their cultivation base with thousands or tens of thousands of years of lifespan.

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