Out of the cage

Chapter 104 Chapter 3.25 Leave

Qin Tongli November 13, 2216, 3:23 pm

For Xu Xiaoran, a spokesperson who started from the capital of God, this was an unforgettable experience in his life.

Shenzhou's general in the southwest, after winning a complete victory over Nansai, Shendu is full of inexplicable sense of urgency.

And the general accepted the award from Shendu, which made everyone breathe a sigh of relief: "It seems that Southwest is still willing to accept restraint."

Xu Xiaoran, who got a good position before Wei Keng landed, was left with cerebral ischemia by Wei Keng's short but unthinkable words after Wei Keng landed.


But then, the air fighters roared. Fleets in distant ports flashed red warning lights.

It wasn't a drill, and then the explosions sounded around.

Immediately afterwards, when terrifying sound waves like howling ghosts appeared, a red light appeared on the river alluvial field in the northeast direction.

[In the range of super energy, the sound waves are almost synchronized with the red light in the eyes and ears of the surrounding people. This is different from the scene where the light comes first and the sound comes later when thunder strikes. Because the super-energy wave spreads at supersonic speed, it reaches the outer circle in advance, and the sound shock is transmitted to the human ear, so the follow-up sound waves will continue to come, making people hear the high-pitched scream. ——Although Noizumi just said ‘ah’]

Under the continuous effect of tens of seconds of infrasound waves, most people fell down, but Xu Xiaoran managed to maintain consciousness relying on the strength of his body.

And next, he saw a large number of space vortex fluctuations around Wei Keng in the distance, and fighting machines with Onimusha flags appeared one after another. There is a tendency to encircle the generals of the country on the mountain.

He gritted his teeth, put his bloodshot hand on the shooting equipment, and pointed it forward, wanting to shoot the shameless evidence of the eastern tributary country.

Then next, his eyes widened, and excitement appeared in his expression.

A beam of light descended from the sky, and a steel ronin charging towards the hillside was burned and exploded on the spot. Then, several other steel ronin were cut open.

A few minutes later, the gigantic ghost king tried to charge towards the hillside with rumbling steps, and countless light rains shot from the sky to smash it into pieces. Watching this giant robot disintegrate, Xu Xiaoran breathed a sigh of relief. But then there seemed to be multiple space collapses on the other side of the mountain, and the huge mountain was instantly shattered.

Only then did he realize that on the north side of the hillside, where he couldn't see it from his perspective, there was another ghost king. This ghost king is exuding the power of gravitational twisting, trying to tear the position of the general into pieces, only to see that general, seems to have dodged the lock of multiple space distortion points, and was finally covered by the smoke and dust when the mountain shattered .

"Is the general still alive?" Xu Xiaoran reluctantly got up and carried the camera equipment, ready to raise it a little higher to shoot.

The smoke and dust seemed to be blown away by the explosion. He photographed it. On the other side of the shattered hillside, the half-body ghost king seemed to be still there. Wait, the head seemed to be gone.

Just when he was still surprised, he heard the rubbing and rolling sound of rocks creaking and creaking. He followed the movement and saw that the ghost king's head fell 50 meters away, and due to inertia, it was still rolling towards the ground. , On the fracture surface, a large number of flames did not go out with the rolling.

"Where is the general?"


Wei Keng has left Xu Xiaoran's perspective and entered the other side of the hillside

The one-man combat mecha on his body is now fully powered, and with the alternate bursts of jets from the jets on his back, he is rapidly reaching the northeast direction at a speed of 50 meters per second. There are fewer steel ronin,

Moreover, that power user is still there.

"Hey," Wei Keng spat out the blood that flowed from his nose into his mouth.

As a member of the society, Wei Keng is an honest person when he is sure that the rules and regulations around him are stable and breaking them is not good for him. but! Once the rules are lost, or it is confirmed that no rules are useless at this time. Facing the existence of "trampling everything on me", Master Wei's ferocity was aroused.

As for returning or something, Wei Keng also forgot about it at this time. My mind is full of: I want to kill this guy.


Approaching at a very fast speed to 400 meters away from Yequan, this distance is just on the edge of the super energy wave spreading.

Wei Keng raised the "Qingfeng", aimed at the guy with the braids up high, and started shooting.

And what about Yequan?

The so-called brave wins when meeting on a narrow road, when Wei Keng came towards her like a tiger descending a mountain, she instinctively started to defend, with her arms folded and her waist arched, forming a thick enough energy shield in front of her.

When Wei Keng radiates, the clustered space cracks collide with the nano-shield. The mesons of both sides were colliding with each other, and the super energy structure of the mesons collapsed immediately.

The shock caused by the collapse was transmitted to both sides. Wei Keng felt as if his brain had hit a brick wall, and the angle of view shot up to gold stars, and then it was pitch black.

As for Ye Quan, the orderly super-energy crystal lattice around her was like touching the hair of a static electricity explosion, and a large amount of debris was ejected, while her body was trembling, and her bowed body twitched, but she managed to maintain the super-energy shield in front of her. .

The two sides of the super energy collision are not the same.

However, during the contest, the technologies of the two sides also collided. Wei Keng's sword became a light prism after the space rift spread out, while the rising sun power user's side was a nano-shield.

The scorching heat of the light prism formed a particle fireball 40 meters in front of Yequan's body. The burning sensation caused Yequan severe pain. After a scream, the light prism directly penetrated the left half of Yequan's body. In this contest between the spear and the shield, the spear pierced the shield.

However, just as Wei Keng was confirming the piercing and was about to cut him in half, a warning signal came from around him.

Wei Keng immediately swiped his sword in another direction.


In the other direction, countless radiating lines spread, and Yuriko arrived on the battlefield. Her appearance caused the surrounding flying sand and rocks to spread like a shock wave.

Of course, after encountering Wei Keng's beam of light, the diffusion also fell by the wayside. She unfolded her shield and looked at the half-meter-thick nano-shield, where the beam of light burned and created a 30-centimeter-deep lily. , had to temporarily avoid the edge.

Wei Keng drew back his sword and retreated quickly. This is according to when he came, he scanned the surrounding terrain to know how to retreat. At this time, Wei Keng's vision has not recovered. Can barely see ambient light.

Of course, the feeling of dizziness was very serious, and after a slight improvement, I felt severe pain all over my body. It seems that many muscles have been stretched and broken by external forces.

After the severe pain recovered, the perception also came, Wei Keng forcibly focused his attention on his surroundings, and made sure that when he retreated, the two rising sun power users seemed to gather at one point.

Master Wei Keng raised his sword again, and at this moment there was the sound of electromagnetic armor approaching on both sides.

"Deadly" Wei Keng unconsciously swung the sword into a sword flower, following the sense of approaching the electric field (touching the TV screen that was just turned off, you will feel a thin film, which is the electric field feeling)

The two steel ronin split apart in the air before firing the electrode slash in the air.


Yuriko hugged Noizumi, who was left with only a remnant body wrapped in a super energy field, and wanted to retreat.

Her eyepiece has fallen off.

This eyepiece was designed by Shimada for him. It is used to mark targets. The so-called efficient improvement of combat effectiveness: but in fact, it is to reduce the impact of the bloody scene, so that she can face many targets with the attitude of destroying mobs. The reality of her super energy field killing.

Of course, now, seeing Yequan's horror, the terrible explosion, and the target they were about to knock down, her hands were trembling.

Wei Keng visually checked the distance of the other steel ronin around him, and immediately continued to charge, but when he took a step, his legs went numb and he almost fell down.

At this time, a voice came from the system: "Sergeant Wei Keng, your mission has been completed, please return."

However, Wei Keng didn't listen to this. Charge within ten steps, control your pace and charge again,

Seeing Wei Keng approaching, Baihezi seemed to be awakened after encountering great fear, her eyes flashed with intense light.

A powerful spiritual shock wave hit Wei Keng directly, and Wei Keng also stabbed out the final sword.

The colic, and the loss caused by the forcible erasure of certain concepts in his mind, all kinds of shocks obliterated Wei Keng from the inside out.


As something in my mind grinds away, some inexplicable hotness that has been suppressed in my heart surges up! This kind of burning pain, oh, for a long time, no, not soon~ the burning pain of flames.

In the end, Wei Keng only had one thing left in his mind: "Stab the tmd to death!".


The explosion exploded four meters away from Yuriko, and she rolled seven or eight meters. The gravel rubbed out many cracks in her clothing, and Ye Quan was buried in the ground.

After the catastrophe, Yu Sheng said, "Did I... survive?"

She clearly saw the light beam just now and was about to break through the defense, but it was only an inch away, and the light beam ended.

She raised her head and looked at the gunpowder smoke in front of her. Two hundred meters away, the general wearing a mecha was also leaning against a broken rock. She staggered forward and looked at the general. The general's mecha had been broken. Cracked, steel and flesh are hard to separate.

Twenty meters away, the general slowly raised his head. She was shocked immediately, and a large number of rocks floated in front of her, but the general glanced at her and showed a tragic smile: "Yes, it is indeed time to go, but this world, I really want to die here ah."

Bai Hezi's super power split the earth and engulfed Wei Keng in the ground. Wei Keng failed in the collision of superpowers in this life.


At this time, before Yuriko could report back, a flashing report came from her eyepiece. The signal on Dr. Shimada's side was very unstable, and an alarm flashed in the hall.

Shimada: "Yuriko, where's Yequan?"

Yuriko: "We have completed the task, sister Noizumi was seriously injured."

Shimada saw Yeizumi, who had almost lost half of his body, and frowned: "The mission is successful, evacuate." However, just as he finished speaking, a chandelier fell from the ceiling of the hall above his head, as if he had been bombed.


The Xuanwu Fortress was indeed bombed. After the golden light that fell from the sky locked onto the huge fortress, it kept burning the surface.

After the golden light beam hit the surface of the protective shield, it spread like water from a faucet hitting the lid of a pot.

The thermal shock wave bent the barrel protruding from the wave energy turret on the edge of the Xuanwu Fortress. At this time, the high-speed bombers from Shenzhou also arrived, bombs bombed on the softened steel deck, causing a fire.

Daran has entered the rescue submarine.

Only then did he realize that the Chinese general "actively cooperated" with his assassination, and then set a trap for Sheng Yang.

When Dalang left in the submarine, half of the surface of the Xuanwu Fortress had been evaporated by the divine light, and hot smoke rose into the sky, becoming a mark that could no longer be hidden! Bai Kun's authority in Shenzhou is higher than that of Wei Keng. This powerful super weapon was not available when Wei Keng led the army.

Immediately afterwards, more than 20 "starlights" appeared in the sky. These tungsten alloy heavy warheads that could pierce the Xuanwu floating island would end the battle in the Central South Subcontinent.


On the 15th, three days after the 11.13 Incident in Qiongfu ended.

The battle in the Central South Subcontinent has ended, and General Bai has taken over the entire command. The three Qinglong floating ships are forming a joint force with the sea fleet to land on the fortress of Shengyang Floating Island, which has been burned by most of it. At the same time pursue the remaining forces.

But in Shenzhou,

Guan Yiyan on the No. 1 Qinglong battleship was pacing repeatedly, as if waiting for something, finally, the communication from Qiongzhou came.

The president immediately asked, "Have you found it?"

However, in the high-secret hospital on the interface, all the medical staff were silent, the camera shifted, and the stretcher was covered with a white cloth.

The president stared at this person, and after a while, he asked, "Verification! Verification!"

Bai Kun: "President, General Wei Keng has died for the country."

Guan Yiyan: "Hahaha, you are lying to me, aren't you, Bai Kun, this joke can't be messed up."

Bai Kun: "President, I'm not joking. The news is still blocked, but the members of the Wei clan have come to claim the corpse."

Guan Yiyan fell into a strange silence. He raised his head and asked slowly: "What should we do now? He shines in all directions, so who will be cast in white iron?"

[Three days ago, when Wei Keng gave a speech, he was "spreading nonsense" when the so-called "there is justice today, and how many parties can be treated". In Shenjing, across the screen, Guan Yiyan yelled and sarcastically said, "You are the only one holding the candle today?" He was ready to write an article and refute it in a few days. But half an hour later, after Wei Keng "turned the wax to ashes", the belly draft of his article had not been pulled out, and it was directly stuffed back into his intestines. 】

After a few seconds of silence, Bai Kun seemed unable to avoid it, and replied: "General Wei has both merit and virtue, and should be given a state funeral. The Ministry of Rites of China should~"

Guan Yiyan was a little annoyed, and immediately retorted: "Is this the question I asked? The Ministry of War and the Ministry of Rites just asked him to show his loyalty. To stabilize the national situation, he left at this time, so simply. Look at the behavior outside. What are the boys talking about now! He took down the monstrous cauldron, we all have to carry it together, and you don’t want to escape, what he left for you is not power, but karma. If you are a little careless, It will also be smashed to pieces."

What Guan Yiyan said is right, there are rumors in Shenzhou now, for example, recently, some painter on the Internet changed a "Hundred Scenes of the South of the Yangtze River", which was modeled after the long scroll of Qingming Shanghe Picture, telling the story of the storm pavilion, Officials Zhao raised their glasses in the court hall, leaning against the east window of Qin Daren's mansion and Wang's whispering, outside the main hall, the tycoons of the Jiangnan families no longer need to contribute money to support the army, but they smiled and told each other. In the previous crisis in the north, there were many reports sent by requesting reinforcements. Each one was ashes and worms in the station.

The emperor, the ministers, the rich, these high-ranking adults who claim to be the talents of the heavens, celebrate the death of the idle generals who aroused their prosperity and interest. It seems that the one who wears the sharp stick falls down, and the world will be happy.

Oh, who is the satire of such a painting that does not conform to historical facts? The emperor in the middle of the sky is fasting and retreating for the past two days. None of the cabinet members are willing to come forward and pretend to be dead.

They can hide, but the Ministry of War cannot hide.

Guan Yiyan was hysterical: "Yue Wumu? I think he is Wu Qi!"

[The noble relatives of Chu tried their best to harm Wu Qi. And mourning the death of the king, the clan ministers rebelled and attacked Wu Qi, and the corpse of the king who had left Wu Qi fell down. The attackers shot Wu Qi and killed the king. After the mourning king was buried and the crown prince was established, he ordered Yin to punish the one who shot Wu Qi and killed the king's corpse. Sit up and shoot, and there are more than 70 Yizong dead. 】


In Xijing, the Clothes Tomb has already been made.

The 18-meter broken army gold armor with a white belt hung on it, clearing the way for the pure steel hearse. This guard of honor was approved by Shenjing. The high-tech equipment that the Southern Region Corps could not get a few months ago is now generously given to a regiment. Escort the general's spiritual seat into the Wei family ancestral hall.

The Wei family, which was originally disbanded by Wei Keng, was summoned back by Shenjing through this matter, and it was full of glory.

And inside a Limbo armored vehicle, Wei Qixian, who was wearing silk on his head, froze for a while, looking at himself from another time and space.

When faced with this unbelievable fact, he said: "That is to say, my father and uncle are not dead?"

Wei Qixian (Transcendent): "You can understand it this way."

Wei Qixian in this plane looked at the black and white photo album beside him, wiped away his tears and said, "Fuck, I'm not worried for nothing."

Wei Qixian (Transcendence): "Maybe your worries are right." Wei Qixian on the side was stunned, and the Transcendence (Wei Qixian): "At the last moment, it is a life-threatening."

Wei Qixian (Transcendence): Before the fusion, there is one last thing to do.

He pulled out photos and evidence of the son of the Xu family colluding with foreign enemies.

The Donglin faction is over.

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