Out of the cage

Chapter 1039 Chapter 2237 (Part 1) Things happen for a reason, but

Chapter 1039 Chapter 22.37 (Part 1) Things happen for a reason, but "good results" and "bad results" can be determined

Hu Menghong was very angry. She didn't like the "chicken" that Wei Keng brought back.

After the fire chick transformed into a long blond, big blue eyes, white skin, high nose bridge, after removing the red feather robe, it has a broad chest, wasp waist, strong hips, gourd-shaped body, the original phoenix's chicken feet (chicken feet) spikes) turned into natural high heels.

In the back mountain of Taihe Mountain, in order to remove the cause and effect caused by the "fire pheasant" staying in the demon nest, Wei Keng first mobilized Lei Ting to help her continue to temper. The tower stands tall, and in the tower building, the thunder element is absorbed from the sky all the time, and it is attracted down, and after the transformation of the tower body, it becomes a pure thunder element.

And under the tower is the burning kite who is diligently refining the ground fire into Lihuo.

In order to cleanse the bird of evil spirits, Wei Keng arranged her at the fire place in the back mountain, mobilized the stars to fall, and simulated the aura environment of the secret realm back then.

Among all the interference phenomena, Huozhiji's own cause and effect are uninterrupted. According to Wei Keng's current calculations, all her affairs on Leiyun Continent are not over yet.

Wei Keng is now using the Thunderbolt to "heal" Ran Yuan, and then wash off her disordered demon power. It's just to let her recognize herself well, so as not to sink deeper and deeper into the mud pit.

As for Wei Keng's point of view, why do you want to fish for burning kites? It is also for its own cause and effect.

The "fruit" of the "cause" can be good or evil. If you let the cause flow, you will not be able to control the blessings and disasters.

Wei Keng: If you don't save her, then the encounter with it in the secret realm will be a bad result.

In the calculation of the causal system: After falling into evil, after rolling in the bottomless abyss, Yanyuan will start to be left with herself under the guidance of the interference of all things (after the day of reunion, because of love and hate), at the bottom of the valley What Huozhiji can remember is not that Wei Keng tuned its spirit, but that it robbed its nest and pulled its tail feathers on its buttocks, which in turn added resistance to Wei Keng's path. But Wei Keng saved her life before she fell into evil, so the meeting was a good result.

Good fruits are much easier to deal with than bad fruits.

Wei Keng: You can't change the "cause" of the past, but you can reverse the effect.

Remarks for system-assisted understanding: It’s like you can’t change your life in the same community with a bad boy, but the bad boy has committed a crime and kicked over your water glass. You kick him while his parents are away, and the next few decades After the bear child becomes young and strong, the "bad fruit" will inevitably let you eat a pot. But if you catch him, make him apologize, and then buy him popsicles, this fruit is a "good fruit".

Of course, "Ranyuan" herself will benefit from the bad results she has borne in the world over the years.

Hu Menghong came to see "Ran Yuan" every time, nothing else, except that Yan Yuan was inside the tower, and she was outside the tower, to show who is the "three".

During the thunderstorm season, when Wei Keng went to Xinggang to adjust the formation, the beautiful figure of Hu Menghong was always in front of the tower, very mischievously guiding the thunder into the ground to ignite the crown feathers on the top of the kite.

Ran Yuan was imprisoned for cultivation, and she was already very irritable, but she was quite resentful when facing the "shell essence" with water vapor in it.

The disciples of Taihezong were very surprised to see that on the top of the back mountain, every time there was thunder in the sky, the fire on the ground would spurt out, which was in direct opposition to the rain clouds in the sky. "The strange and corresponding phenomenon, after observation, can't be calculated no matter what.

It wasn't until Wei Keng knew about his disciples' doubts that he signaled to the Zongmen Kanyu disciples not to worry about this question.

Wei Keng: "This is a disorder in the formation system in the back mountain." Seven days later, Wei Keng announced that the formation had returned to normal, and the ground fire no longer gushed out.

Wei Keng locked Huozhiji and Tiejiabei together for three hours in the back mountain, and taught him a lesson: Today's small gap, tomorrow's big revenge. Do not mistake yourself.

...Wei Keng doesn't like chaotic timing, and he also doesn't like the existence of holding big chips, fighting like a child's play...

In the 15th year of Zhide, Xue Leng came. This monk who had served in the Longxiang Army, saw that Princess Youhengchang had turned into a ghost, and began to kneel on the main hall to beg the "Shangzun" (Wei Keng) to take action. .

Wei Keng was quite moved by this idiot: You really fell into it.

In the main hall, Xue Leng looked at the Supreme Master with his gaze always on himself, just when he was about to plead further.

Wei Keng sighed and asked him to sign a contract with Youheng first.

In the main hall, Li Gui Youheng, who was led out of the gourd, still maintained the pride of his life, and he was dismissive of his former subordinates.

Wei Keng's eyes were fixed, and he immediately used the cover to suppress You Heng.

Wei Keng said to Xue Leng: "Don't use the mentality of being in debt, you are born and don't owe anyone!"

This shout made Xue Leng grasp his own heart in a staggering manner.

Xue Leng was touched by the fact that Youheng was a virtuous corporal, so he spared no expense.

Xue Leng's layers of confusion were stripped away, his eyes were clear, and his affection for Princess Youheng changed to pity. Although his determination to save her has not changed, the reason is no longer the same as before.

Wei Keng's attitude towards the Youheng royal family is to "be responsible for drawing a full stop in history". In the calculation of luck, Xue Leng is the one who can do this.

In the theory of universal interference, in order to reduce resistance, Master Wei not only avoids, but also helps her find the corresponding other half of fate before some existence (You Heng) comes to entangle her, and let them entangle with each other.

Just like under the gravitational force, if the earth is to be prevented from colliding with an asteroid, then a slight push can make it coincide with the orbit of Mars.

Ever since he established the theory of universal interference, Wei Keng has been as slippery as a loach in this world of mortals.

...How can you get the mountain girl from Heyao, and pass it on to Taisang? Concubine Min is a match, and she is a successor...

Seventy-nine days later, Wei Keng looked at Xue Leng in the main hall, and You Heng who had lost his sternness. He asked Xue Leng, "Have you made a decision?"

Xue Leng nodded and said: "Yes, Master, I have already understood."

Wei Keng said to You Heng: "After the reincarnation, most of the memories can still be retained, but the previous life and this life are already two different things."

Youheng clasped his hands together: "Please, the real person will make it happen." Wei Keng nodded, opened the space, and revealed the reincarnation circle deployed on the starry sky.

After Youheng stepped on the reincarnation formation, he suddenly felt something, and looked back at Xue Leng, but Xue Leng avoided his eyes at this time, and Youheng smiled, and slowly disappeared into the reincarnation formation.

As for Xue Leng, he walked down the mountain after being stunned for a stick of incense. At this time, he suddenly grew up, without any worries.

After going through this catastrophe, his original intention has been tempered, and he has the possibility to go further.

Of course, Wei Keng knew that this cause and effect could not be over like this. Under the theory of universal interference, the consciousness of these two people will meet again in the future.

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