Out of the cage

Chapter 1055 Chapter 2243 (below) Walk in the opposite direction and ask.

Chapter 1055 Chapter 22.43 (below) Walk in the opposite direction and ask.

The Tianxian calendar of Leiyun Continent ended in 32 years, and the sudden changes from the heaven and the earth were too great, so many sects in the cultivation world have since designated it as the "Jie Heli".

Most of the border areas on the two sides of the immortal world are still in the earth-shattering energy turbulence and cannot pass through, but passages have been formed in some places,

These aisles, along with the five-color aura of heaven and earth condensed, formed an island chain for practitioners to settle down.

For example, every ten years there will be intermittent storms in the Chaotic Star Sea. Immortal cultivators from the Zhengzhou Continent have a chance to cross the barrier of the storm and come to the Thunder Cloud Continent, which is 30% rich in aura.

Facing such a million-kilometer continent, the cultivators of Zhengzhou would not think too much about it, just like a gnat may not understand a storm, but they would know that after the storm, the air is humid.

Neither the seven orthodox sects nor the dynasties can explain the reason for this phenomenon? After sending monks to travel around the Leiyuan Continent,

Decades later, these traveling monks returned to the sect and passed on the vague information of "transforming gods and monsters, innate Taoism, supernatural powers beyond the sky".

The Nascent Soul stage monks in the two continents were almost the same, but the Confucian monks could not gain the upper hand.

And the monster clan that slaughtered mortals shocked Daxuan's comprehension world.

Daxuan immortal cultivators are afraid of the existence of the legend of transforming gods in the Thunder Cloud Continent, and they are testing the degree of "not allowed" to do things in the Thunder Cloud Continent.

In the 7th year of Jieheli, several Nascent Soul stage monks from the chaotic star sea of ​​Xiuxian Continent in Zhengzhou joined the Human Crusade Army and began to fight and kill demons.

For these monks whose hometowns are in the sea area, their old family members on the big island are weak, and they "do not interfere with the river water" with the major monster clans of the sea clan. Since the Yuanying period, they have become an important force in their own group Weight, you can't break through the unspoken rules of the human race and the monster race, and you have no chance to participate in such a large-scale event.

Now that they can stand on one side openly and slaughter the monster clan, it can be said that those sword repairers are looking for a good opportunity to break through.

Both sides of the cultivation world have the spiritual herbs that the other side needs, and the trade has also begun to flourish

...What is cultivation? If you want to explore a plane, you must know the plight of life in this plane...

In Xinggang, Wei Keng looked at his own condition.

Wei Keng thought for a while, and said to the system: "I don't know what kind of spirit (probably commercial spirit, entertainment spirit) is based on the development of this kind of world in the main world, but we are wisdom and cannot be with beasts. How powerful and miraculous the natural power is! It should not block our heart from observing the essence."

Observe the essence, then nothing is to blame.

Wei Keng made such a sudden statement because he noticed that the main world's exploration of the world of cultivating immortals had gone awry.

The main world has dissected the consciousness and eliminated the sanctity of the consciousness. When the consciousness is damaged, it can be injected into the transformed eagle and the big fish in the sea, and through the process of "Zhuang Zhou's Dream Butterfly", the natural uplift of consciousness can be restored.

But here comes the problem. Although Wei Keng accepts the non-sanctity of "consciousness", he still insists on the "human" line.

The priority is to be a human being, not a beast, and one must also be a human being despite hardships, blood and sweat. Gradually understand yourself, and you don't need to pretend to be "non-human" to reflect on depression and setbacks.

The entire main world is now full of healthy and optimistic people, but Wei Keng feels that restoring his consciousness and avoiding pain and injury in this way seems to have buried the hidden danger of his own soul growth.

Wei Keng also learned from the system information that in the exploration of this kind of "cultivation world", there are many inheritances of divine beasts such as "five-clawed dragon" and "spiritual flame phoenix".

The information in the system always focuses on introducing such things, which represents the demand direction of the main world.

And the "wind direction of demand" represents the tendency of contemporary traversers in the main world on this plane.

This kind of behavior of roaming freely in the world with the help of innate talent. Might be interesting. but~

"It didn't do its job!"

Wei Keng, an ancient time traveler in the twenty-seventh century, hates iron and steel: what did our generation of plane exploration do? Fight against strange monsters under strange physical phenomena, face it bravely despite fear, try to discover the essence, gradually open up the plane pattern, complete the sorting and induction of the overall physical rules, so that "people" can stand there!

What are you today's generation of time-travelers doing? Based on the known theoretical and scientific understanding, as well as rich experience, the "beast" who is integrated here, plays on its stomach here, and unscrupulously releases whatever it wants? It's so weird!

...Later generations have made progress compared with the predecessors, but the descendants have a lower limit of indulgence than the ancients...

At least the people of the pre-Qin period could not have imagined that two thousand years later, there would be people in the moral world who would have parties, and Master Wei could not have imagined that the traversers in the 33rd century would indulge in the plane as a playground.

Wei Keng didn't intend to fly up, and he came up axially. Wei Keng decided to take a good measurement of this world. And go where other traversers don't go.

Wei Keng (axis): When others fly up, I will come and go in the opposite direction. Try the mysteries of the Land of the Dead.

Wei Keng still hasn't forgotten the era of "prosperous science" he came from: those places where spiritual energy has declined, need to re-survey and develop a civilization.

Since those who traveled through the main world for thousands of years, ten thousand years, or one hundred thousand years, their lifespans are like a mayfly! Then you might as well give it a try with a lifespan of only a hundred years, to fight for an unprecedented day and night!

Don't wait tomorrow night, I'm a little tired. Sunday at 5pm

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