Out of the cage

Chapter 1057 Chapter 2302 Break through the sky, bring civilization

Chapter 1057 Chapter 23.02 Breaking through the sky, civilization belt

In the 3544 year of the survey calendar, on the Sifang Continent (Sifang Dingzhong World), there is a 40-mile cauldron-covered telescope. Aligned with the outer area, began to observe the cosmic environment outside Gangfeng.

In the Sifang Continent, human beings have now determined that the planet they are on is special, surrounded by a powerful energy. This energy comes from the sun. What is the outside world like? Scientists in the Sifang Continent have been speculating.

Inside the tripod, the modern civilized people who have been enjoying themselves for hundreds of years in the Sifang Continent are watching the TV popular science channel and start discussing: Are there immortals outside the sky?

According to the standards of the cultivation world, the aura in this four-square continent is very limited, and due to the rules of heaven and earth, the aura cannot be completely condensed into the soul by the living beings.

Wei Keng: That is to say, in the cultivation process of foundation building and alchemy formation, each level is promoted, and the energy on the body is far from reaching the level of smashing thousands of troops with one hand and crushing tanks with one hand. Mana is far from being able to replace it, and civilized industrial machinery is powerful.

According to the standards of time travelers, this place belongs to the low-magic, high-tech world.

Because they are forever locked on the Absolute Soul Belt, the human race here doesn't need a little aura, and the battle between individuals is life and death, and the battle takes place between countries.

Let me introduce Sifang Continental Technology: the physical theory that the technology relies on here is that the "heaven and earth energy field" (reiki) can separate "heavy electricity" and "light electricity".

These two kinds of energy have an important strategic role, and are the power sources of various machinery in the ocean and sky.

After nearly 9,000 years of industrial development in the Sifang Continent, all spiritual veins on the continent have masters, supporting prosperous cities and industries, floating cities in the sea, and floating warships in the sky.

Of course, a grand war was fought here, countless ground mechs, tanks, and atmospheric fighters fought here.

Although human cultivators cannot reach the energy levels of the Golden Core stage and Nascent Soul stage in the outside world, the mechanical civilization developed here allows the energy level displayed by weapons in battle to be no less than the magic power of "Jiedan" and "Yuanying" monks.

In the peaceful age, everyone will be confused, but in the era of war, the mortals in the tripod climbed out of their happy boxes, stayed at the door of the basement and looked up. Will ask the boring question of "what is the meaning of life".

It is unfortunate for ordinary people in the Dingzhong world, because it is often reviewed by the media. In history, super war weapons emit powerful energy rays, which can burn an entire city clean. Of course, this is also lucky, because it is impossible Stupid sleep peacefully.

So after every war, human civilization will rethink, what is the way of heaven, and what is the outside world?

Everyone is locked in a cage, how about going out?

As early as 4,000 years ago, the pioneers of civilization at that time had already calculated the wind in the sky above. At a distance of about 6,000 continents, there was a high-energy barrier, which could not be broken through.

And the scientists of the Sifang Continent found that compared with other detrital continents outside, the wind layer of our own side is particularly thick, almost tens of thousands of times that of the outside world. If the wind layer of other continents outside is just a layer of plastic film, but The wind layer of our own party presents a strange state of a slender bottleneck. The continent is at the bottom of the long-necked bottle, while the wind layer is skyrocketing, extending exaggeratedly to the outer universe. This long neck directly points to the "sun" (quasar)

Scientists of Sifang Continent have also calculated the particularity of their own continent's position in the cosmic stars.

The repeated attempts of civilization in history have failed to break through. Every time a special scientific and technological breakthrough was made to test the extremely high wind layer, the results all failed, and a lot of money was wasted.

After the civilization in the tripod exhausted every initial vigor, it became stale, and had to fight until it collapsed.

In recent years, the international situation on the mainland has begun to change again. Xuanxing Kingdom, as the first industrial power, is now in chaos in domestic politics. Criticize the same party and attack differences. The military was also affected, with confusion and a violent coup d'état.

Thanks to fifteen years ago, a strongman finally came to power, unified the military, and brutally suppressed all parties. However, when this strongman came to power, he also put 60% of the country's gross product on the military.

Obviously this is to transfer the contradiction to the outside.

In the various machinery factories of Xuanxingguo, circles of energy towers are absorbing heavy electric energy. On the production line are dozens of tons of armored steel knights, and batches of flame-powered armor-piercing heavy artillery. , installed on the train. This makes other countries have to start a military race.

The United States of Halo has also begun to polarize in this direction. Started to renovate the (Yuan Shen class) super battleship in the mountains, trying to confront each other. In the army-building base vehicles on the country's land, which are hundreds of feet long and equipped with crawlers, lightning roars, and combat machines are being produced.

...Amidst the rolling world of mortals, two strands of will are still intertwined and fighting...

The capital circle of Xuanxing Kingdom, the 332nd domain, this is the Science City of the capital circle.

The architectural layout of the Science City looks like a huge sundial from the sky, and the iconic Feiqiongyu Pagoda. It is a 100-meter-high suspended building, like a clock, floating on time and on time in the sundial-like area, and docking with factories and operators in various areas for energy, materials, and information.

The people in this area can look up and see the energy light belt linked by Feiqiong Baiyu and the ground

This building was designed by the famous scholar Xin Wangheng three thousand years ago.

It was in this tower back then that the heavy electricity and light electricity in the aura were separated! Bringing Sifang Continent into the second great industrial revolution. However, the Feiqiong Tower was still on the ground back then.

Then in this laboratory again, the scientists applied the "light electric" engine, completed the technological breakthrough of the building protective cover, and built the protection and strike system of the current warship.

Although this great scholar used the most advanced life extension technology, he still died five hundred years ago.

But now the school he founded, Xuanxing Kingdom, still maintains a discourse advantage in the scientific community, and its disciple class has always monopolized the inheritance of upper-level science and technology. As soon as Xin Wangheng died, his disciples erected the tower with levitation technology two hundred years later, forming the appearance it is suspended in the sky today

Because the Feiqiongyu Pagoda is out of the earth, in recent years, there have been unscrupulous people attacking the disciples of the "Xin Wangheng" bachelor to block the scientific community.

This made the public opinion quite laugh: "The technology on the mainland is all invented by Fei Qiong, so what qualifications do the unscrupulous people have to attack the scientific circle."

Before knowing the destiny, most ordinary people only know how to read the label, but they don't understand the essence under the label.

Note: Xin Wangheng is one of Wei Keng's wills, but those disciples and grandchildren of Feiqiong Society are not.

It was a group of people who developed technology back then, and later their names were borrowed, but it was another group of people who solidified the circle.

In the long course of history, the influence of the consciousness of "Qing Qi" is to let those who are firmly in the top position, self-proclaimed successful people, emphasize their role in the world, weaken the influence of the crowd, and hold a civilized stick representing their own superiority , accusing most of them of being useless mobs.

On the square outside the skyscraper of Feiqionghui headquarters, this generation of Wei Keng who was cleaning looked at the newspaper in the corner, and said with a sigh: "When people let down their vigilance, civilization will start to go crazy on a regular basis."

In Feiqiongyu Pagoda, in the aisle, a newly appointed female supervisor, Qionghuaman, looked around critically, and began to stand up today: "I am here today, and I have the final say on some things, so the real thing is true." Forget it, I say no, change what you were used to before!"

The high-pitched voice made this pretty face pile up with harshness.

The so-called Qiongqi: Destroying trust and abandoning loyalty, adoring evil words, calming down and returning, subduing slander and searching for evil, and slandering Shengde.

Looking back at history, every time a country on the Sifang Continent made a breakthrough in science and technology after the Qingming Dynasty, it was because the "earth gang" mixed in the masses gathered all the conditions for technological development.

Wei Keng, who guards the middle school, has always been trying his best to let the "wisdom" and "strength" of the ordinary people in the middle school who were originally rejected by the "arrogant people" sprout into talents and become the pillars of civilization.

But Qiongqi can always jump out and disgust himself when Wei Keng's farming life is getting better and better.

The two sides have been entangled for almost ten thousand years. Qiongqi may be targeting Wei Keng specifically. But Wei Keng really wasn't aiming at it.

Whether it is the plane of Pandora or the plane of Shenzhou, I have encountered similar situations, so every time I encounter it, I will follow the custom of the law and give the due trial to the vicious guy.

In the First World War, the world was greatly destroyed, but the rebuilding after the destruction will expose the hypocrisy.

After several reincarnations, Qiongqi is no longer a man, because if he were a man, he would have died long ago.

Every trial will be very strict, and only by showing a woman's weakness can she escape the trial.

Or when you are about to fail, after attaching to a strong person, you pretend to be weak and avoid accountability. And whenever there is a group of heroes, she can use the "all women, we must be self-improvement", and use the women's part of the great achievements of the heroes to give money to herself through the theory of women's self-improvement.

From male to female, Qiongqi is "evolutionary".

Wei Keng became more and more masculine, suppressing one of the manifestations of this "violent spirit".

It is worth emphasizing that Wei Keng is strong and masculine, and Qiongqi is feminine, and the two parties have never had the slightest marriage relationship in these tens of thousands of years.

It's not that Qiongqi doesn't want to beg for mercy, but that Wei Keng doesn't want to contact him.

…Now the angle of view returns to the Sifang Continent, the reason and hesitation of human beings in this war have reached a critical point…

Ten years later, the last war broke out, and the elites on the mainland began to drive mechanized troops into battle amidst conflicts.

In this war, the breakthrough in science and technology is the quenching god in the medicine of human consciousness-the formula of the great unification of energy.

The aura here is converted from the energy directly projected by the innate spirit treasure, but this continent is essentially in the absolute spirit zone, so the aura's wave band is very short.

In short, the aura is there, but it quickly fades away. Different from the orthodox comprehension world, the energy of aura can last for a long time and is more "activated".

Because the aura is not so active, when the cultivator completes the foundation and golden core, there is a lack of self-awareness and aura integration. This kind of "lack" will also make people find that the "primordial spirit" and spiritual power are not fully integrated and incomplete after returning to the normal "cultivation world".

Therefore, in the world of cultivating immortals outside the Sifang Ding, holding the power of the upper realm of the innate spiritual treasure. Incomplete practitioners who "ascended" in the small world can be easily subdued, hold them,

Immortal cultivators master a loyal servant by controlling their "incompleteness".

For the immortal cultivators who want to control: Oh, after all, they are geniuses who have been around for thousands of years. People who have ascended like this have abilities, but because of the lack of heaven, they have to bow their heads and become "heroes" under the command of the mighty. "Fu Bing", oh, if a female cultivator comes up from the ascension, it will be a different experience. You can enjoy the sense of accomplishment of convincing the empress-like demeanor.

Of course, the inside and outside of this Xiantian Lingbao is Wei Keng, a troublemaker!

Wei Keng: "As wisdom, it is necessary to break the shackles of God."

...In Sifang Ding, it is not the social state that cultivators are familiar with...

In the last millennium, the greatest discovery in the scientific community was the unity of cosmic energy. After continuous searching, 27 kinds of spiritual energy bands were found outside the atmosphere of Tiangang! These bands correspond to 3,687 ways in which continental matter can form.

That is to say, in the entire continent, all energy and matter transformations have been studied clearly, and at that time, the Yanyang Artillery and the Frozen Corps! War technologies such as Iron Curtain Strengthening have been completed.

And in this world, through the large-scale light string capture laboratory, the discovery of thirty-seven kinds of light strings has been completed. These human souls and spiritual consciousness are all composed of such "light strings".

When the world in a bottle realizes this step, the last preparation for breaking through this "box" is about to be completed. And Qiongqi, who usurped the fruit, couldn't wait.

In the high auditorium, Qionghua was dressed in "senior staff" attire, and with her unique allure, many elites of the Xuanxing Empire signed decrees on "concentration of materials" and "personnel control".

It started to go backwards.

…Ding Zhong Wei Keng: All this is very familiar, and I seem to have been waiting for it for a long, long time...

In the 3614th year of the survey calendar, in the 70th year after the war, new industrial forces rose up. This force once again established the basis for the development and survival of the people. Summoned in the Demon Sealing List.

Oh, in the Demon Sealing List, for so many years, not only Qiongqi True Spirit has been continuously sealed, but also Wei Keng himself. After all, the name "Sealing Demons" will also be abused.

It's just that Wei Keng is not afraid of "death with the sun", and it is because Wei Keng can face his own death calmly.

Of course, this last time, it was Qiongqi's last true spirit that was sealed in the Demon Sealing List. It has become her.

...the war is over, the industry unites the hearts of the people, and the feudal tyranny is suppressed...

A new government emerges. Under the bright sunlight, the polyhedral battleship ascended into space. This battleship is eighty-seven kilometers long and adopts the largest super hull in history. An unprecedented energy core formed within the hull. This energy flickers like an oven sun, which consumes a hundred miles of matter and compresses it to the size of a palm.

This energy is critical to the level of breaking through and leaving. According to calculations, this is the energy configuration of the "refinement" level, ready to break through the upper bound at any time.

Just this energy core. It needs 100 billion "super crystal" unit energy (a super crystal is the energy parameter that affects the generation of Ding Wai Jin Dan). Ding Nei Wenming Zhengfu broke through the Gangfeng layer this time to generate a total of eight pieces, which were sealed and stored with a special password.

Regarding this, Ding Zhong Wei Keng said: "I won't take all of it, I will only take half of it. As for the spirits of heaven and earth, I can only take half of it."

This expensive energy fire was sealed in the center of the battleship, supporting an unprecedented shield. This unprecedented battleship broke through the ion cloud (gang wind belt) above the mainland.

During the breakthrough process, one-third of the refined iron on the outer layer of the entire large spaceship evaporated! It was directly burned into the vitality of heaven and earth by this particle flow. It's like burning corpses with the fireball technique in the comprehension world.

But with such a breakthrough, he was finally able to fully observe the universe outside Gangfeng in the mouth of the tripod.

In the eyes of extraterrestrial scientists, the Sifang Continent is just a piece of debris in the star sea, and there are countless such debris in the star sea. The scientists sitting on the spaceship looked at the reality with sighs and sacred expressions.

After tens of thousands of years of unremitting efforts by the people in the Sifang Continent, they can finally see more clearly. This is the beauty of "hearing the Tao". Of course, this beauty should also be passed on to the world. The message was sent to the people on the Sifang Continent who recovered from the war and looked up at the sky.

"Out of the cage" today!

Passed on from one generation to the next, breaking through the sky one after another, not only for what you can do, but what you can do as a life.

…for the first time in this quasar universe, and the opening begins…

Outside the Fangzhou Continent, Yuanying Dzogchen Wei Keng observed the progress of Baoding Zhongnei breaking through the spacecraft, and through comparison, determined the position of the "Sifangding" link in the starry sky!

As previously speculated and calculated, Sifang Continent itself is also special, not to mention that its location is exactly at the junction of the energy absorbing area (spiritual energy area) and the energy releasing area (mysterious energy area).

Wei Keng: "The Dingkou I see here is not the only Dingkou." At this time, holding the Xiantian Lingbao, you can see the blocked Sifang Continent across the space, but only the Xiantian Lingbao can see it. Four continents?

System: "According to calculations, there are two distribution paths in the stellar wind layer above it, one path is the spiritual energy area of ​​cultivating immortals, and the other part is the mysterious energy area."

Wei Keng nodded and said: "Innate spirit treasure is indeed an important resource. This resource does not lie in the fact that the spirit treasure can monopolize a world, but in the frequency band!"

It means that the "Sifang Ding" can also be stored in the mysterious world.

And more importantly, Wei Keng discovered that the "Innate Lingbao" had other disturbances in the orbit of the Supreme Spirit.

The energy emitted by the Xiantian Lingbao from the center of the quasar can be stably gathered in one orbital orientation. This is like a satellite in the 21st century, and the number of satellites in orbit is limited. Now the "innate spirit treasure" is also limited.

…Wei Keng: The true spirits in the inner circle descend to a certain extent, is it equivalent to repairing satellites? …

The Wei Keng group outside the tripod has opened up tens of thousands of lower realms of cultivating immortals, and has drawn the latest model of the entire quasar universe.

Now there is a very narrow ring on this quasar model! This ring is the "lukewarm" zone.

When Wei Keng saw this narrow ring, he couldn't help but think of something, and clicked on the model of the Milky Way! There is theoretically carbon-based life around the Milky Way, and it is also a ring, and the ones close to the silver star will be exploded and destroyed by the uncertain star rays. However, those far away from the cantilever and lacking enough "element table" are difficult to exist carbon-based life.

It is in such a tepid transitional zone that life and civilization can accumulate and develop.

bgm: Betelgeuse~Betelgeuse~

Singer: VILLAX / Amberry

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